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Converting - Sculpting

Grasshopper - Feb 17, 2004 - 02:52 PM
Post subject: Sculpting
Ok so this is kind of about converting but not really, and no other forum seemed to fit, so here's my ? again:

If there's another thread out there that touches on this I apologize, but I did do a search and had to give up after the first 25 that jsut had the word sculpt in it. SO the question is...

Does anyone have any info (websites, books, etc.) on sculpting and casting minis? I kind of want to give it a shot and see how they might turn out.

Thx in advance.
mikeyc222 - Feb 17, 2004 - 02:57 PM
Post subject:
try googling it. search for sculpting and minis. i have found several good sites out there that way(have them book marked at home or i would provide links for you now)
OdoGoodgrubb - Feb 27, 2004 - 02:46 PM
Post subject:
Try the Yahoo Group "1ListScultping" or something like that. Lots of resources gathered there, specifically concerning sculpting and casting of gaming miniatures.
Thom - Mar 08, 2004 - 10:22 PM
Post subject:
These two groups have everything you want or need to learn sculpting and casting. . .

They have both been helpful to me.
Thom - Mar 10, 2004 - 04:47 PM
Post subject:
Here are some other useful urls, the first two are dedicated to sculpting, the last one sells everything you need to sculpt, make the mold and cast.
Thom - Mar 21, 2004 - 05:38 PM
Post subject:
Just found a new sculpting site:

and a source for additional scupting items like premade armaturer:

The later also sells Greenstuff & Neadatite in a variety of packages. .

Here is a casting service/source for those who want to go pro. . .

Fun stuff! I hope someday to grow beyond small run home casting!
OdoGoodgrubb - Mar 26, 2004 - 03:15 PM
Post subject:
Some great links there! Reaper Miniatures also sells armatures for human-like miniatures.
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