NAF World Headquarters

House Rules - Special Play Cards

WHITEHAWK633 - Mar 18, 2004 - 05:26 AM
Post subject: Special Play Cards
Downloaded the LRB and boy were we playing it wrong or what!!!
However after reviewing the rules we still would like to keep the SPCs.

Does any one out there still use them with the handicap table in the rules or just on there own.

I have read a thread about the pros and cons of SPCs but I guess it just appeals to us to use them.
We will also be using the random events in between matches that I found on a chart somewhere, cant remember where though?
Has anyone else used these random events , if so what impact do they have.
Deathwing - Mar 18, 2004 - 05:40 AM
Post subject:
I'd consider removing the random events that accelerate team growth, they're at even more of a disparity than before with the revised winnings tables. Stuff like Will, Demo Game, Merchandising, That Boy's Got Talent, No#1 With a Bullet, etc. I'd also ignore part 2 of Extra Training.

LRB is a 'poorer' environment than 3e due to the revised winnings table and FF rule changes, making gaining money/players/TRR at normal cost even more unbalancing than before. They won't really work with LRB IMO.

Ideally try and keep the fun/unpredictability of the on-pitch events and bin anything that impacts long term team growth.
WHITEHAWK633 - Mar 18, 2004 - 05:48 AM
Post subject:
Hadnt realised that the winnings table and FF rules were changed from 3ed to LRB have not got the rules to hand.
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