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Rules Questions - multiblock and dauntless

destro - Mar 23, 2003 - 01:44 AM
Post subject: multiblock and dauntless
I have always played that a player could not use dauntless to give himself the strength of more than one opponent in a multiblock. is there an official ruling on this since the book doesn't say you cant. I just figured you coud only get the strength of one player with dauntless, not multiple players but in multiblock it says you add their strength together to get one strength and some of my players believe it is then only one opponent, thus dauntless works. I wouldn't think this would work, what does everyone else think/know?

thanks for the help
Cervidal - Mar 23, 2003 - 06:49 AM
Post subject:
Dauntless combines with Multi-Block. If player A is blocking B and C, A's Dauntless will test against the combined might of B and C.
Doubleskulls - Mar 24, 2003 - 03:30 AM
Post subject:
Its not that big a problem - the chances of failing the dauntless roll go up dramatically so your opponent will often end up burning TRR or making 1/2 dice blocks.
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