NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - pass ruler

Angeblich - Sep 28, 2008 - 09:05 AM
Post subject: pass ruler
To declare interceptions, does the whole plastic-ruler have to touch the square, or just the painted part?
Apocrypha - Sep 28, 2008 - 10:32 AM
Post subject:
As per the rulebook:

"have the plastic ruler pass over at least part of the square that the intercepting player is standing in" (p. 22)

As the passing ruler is wider than the squares on the field only part of the ruler has to touch the square as stated in the rule. And this refers to ANY PART of the ruler.
arturin - Sep 29, 2008 - 12:27 AM
Post subject:
There is a passing chart in the official web ( which is very helpful to avoid useless discussions during a game.
Angeblich - Sep 29, 2008 - 05:40 AM
Post subject:
know this aid, and it's cool (btw, it's on gw-uk), but it does not help with interceptions...
arturin - Sep 29, 2008 - 02:02 PM
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We figured out the maths behind the ruler check for interception (distance from a point to a line, and bla, bla, bla), key it in a programmable calculator and use it when in doubt Rolling Eyes . I know it's tedious, but as our board has squares with sides of 40mm (approx.), it's the best way to keep everyone happy.
Subhedgehog - Sep 29, 2008 - 02:12 PM
Post subject:
You could always cut your own pass marker from the diagram in the passing chart. 2 squares wide, 13 long, half-square in for the 'head pin', etc etc.

For 40mm boards, the Thunder Bowl crew in Vancouver BC has had some pass markers made up for use in our league. Some might be left over/available for purchase by other interested folks. PM me (or brettness37 - I think he had something to do with arranging packaging and shipping?) if you want a hookup in that regard.
arturin - Sep 30, 2008 - 12:26 AM
Post subject:
      Subhedgehog wrote:
For 40mm boards, the Thunder Bowl crew in Vancouver BC has had some pass markers made up for use in our league.

I really appreciate your offering, but the problem is that my board is not exactly 40mm wide. I cut the board, evenly distributed the lines, and end up with rectangles instead of squares... Embarassed .

I will try again someday now that I have some improvements to include.

However, I made a ruler with the guidelines you suggest, and it is enough in most cases.
Angeblich - Sep 30, 2008 - 04:29 AM
Post subject:
just out of curiousity, not that it matters in my friendly league, my german pass-ruler is slightly bigger than 2 squares wide, like 2 or 3 millimeters. is that the case with every ruler? just to be prepared, should i enter any official tournament...

how is the overall atmosphere at official tournaments anyway? i myself would rather let someone intercept my pass than try to argue over millimeters, especially when it's hard to center the throwing square...
Subhedgehog - Oct 03, 2008 - 11:32 AM
Post subject:
Arturin: Uh, wow. You have a pitch "blessed" by the winds of Chaos it seems, where space has been warped and players run faster when facing "the true direction". Wink Good luck with that.

Angeblich: I'm with you, I don't think it matters too much to get into fiddly arguments over, but I've never participated in a tournament. However, when the Thunder Bowl guys ran the Spike! tournament, they provided the boards and pass markers to match them. Not sure if it is usual to have the tournament organizers do that...?

For anyone with a square 40-mm board that wants a pass ruler, there are some available for purchase from Thunder Bowl.
The price of the 40mm Throwing Meter is $15 CDN + shipping. Send requests to:

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