NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Frenzy/GFI

Thadrin - Feb 15, 2003 - 07:58 AM
Post subject: Frenzy/GFI
I Know this has been covered on TBB before - but seeing as its not the most reliable site at the moment I thought I'd add this one here:

I had this ruling come up in a recent game: my Trollslayer declares a blitz, moves 5 squares and rolls a GFI to throws the block. Push. he follows up automatically. My commish ruled I HAD to throw another block and roll the associated GFI.
I disagree. He still has to follow up, but shouldn't have to GFI for the second block.
Imagine the same situation with the block being thrown on a Second GFI.
This happened. My opponent (slightly strangely considering his player was going in the crowd if he was right) claimed I should rolla THIRD GFI and throw the second frenzy block.
I told him not be foolish. You get two GFIs and thats it.

Was I right? what do people think?
neoliminal - Feb 15, 2003 - 08:36 AM
Post subject:
Only two GFI's, and that's it. He's out of movement at that point.
Melifaxis - Feb 15, 2003 - 09:51 AM
Post subject:
"If the frenzied player is taking a blitz action and runs out of normal movement, he can stop attacking (ie, he does not have to throw an additional block), although he can go for it to throw the block if you want him to - assuming he still has go for it sqaures left of course."

-BB Handbook
Longshot - Feb 15, 2003 - 10:56 PM
Post subject:
you dont Have to GFI, but you may if you want.
smeborg - Feb 18, 2003 - 07:49 PM
Post subject:
I agree with the interpretation - i.e. you have the option of GFI or not.

However, I would favour a rules change which forces Frenzied players to GFI (because otherwise the coach can be beardy and do a Blitz on his last point of MA, then decide what to do next - not Frenzied behavious IMHO).


Smeborg the Fleshless
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