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Converting - Orc Apothecary

Tutenkharnage - Jul 07, 2003 - 03:00 PM
Post subject: Orc Apothecary
This isn't much of a "conversion," it's really more like picking the right pieces to mix together, but here goes. These are all 40K pieces:

* Mekboy with Wrench (Code: 040300501)
* Mekboy Backpack 1 (Code: 040300503)
* Ork Mad Doc Right Arm with Bone Saw (Code: 040303004)

You can also use the Mekboy with Mallet (Code: 040305002). I'm not using it because the wrench looks less like a weapon, but it would be another cool twist on this idea.

Ok, it's not much of a "conversion," but I'm going to count it as one anyway, seeing as how it would clearly be a "conversion" if you actually had to cut any of the pieces! Fortunately, you don't have to do so to cobble together a really cool Orc Apothecary.


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