NAF World Headquarters

House Rules - Piling on suggestion

Mordredd - Aug 01, 2003 - 04:35 AM
Post subject: Piling on suggestion
How about making PO an alternative Dirty Player? I figured there are several skills that effect armour rolls on blocks, so why not have more variety for fouling?

I.e. players sees opponent on the deck, runs up, does a massive elbow drop WWF style in the groin (gets spotted by the Ref. and sent off Laughing ).

In technical terms:
When the player declares a foul you may declare you are using this skill before rolling the dice. Place the player prone in the square he was standing in and role to beat the armour adding the players ST and +1/-1 for each offensive/defensive assist.

Alternatives may include ignoring all assists either way, offensive or defensive, and banning PO being combined with Dirty Player.

So what do think? Is this a good idea, or really dumb?
McDeth - Aug 01, 2003 - 06:09 AM
Post subject:
I would prefer to see it, firstly still as part of the result of the block dice, but used before AV roll and yes i like the idea of it having a chance of the player being sent of on a 1 in 6 chance , but not related to IGMEOU

There is definitely too much piling on in the game at the mo, and it needs revamping
Tutenkharnage - Aug 01, 2003 - 06:58 AM
Post subject: Re: Piling on suggestion
      Mordredd wrote:
How about making PO an alternative Dirty Player? I figured there are several skills that effect armour rolls on blocks, so why not have more variety for fouling?

I.e. players sees opponent on the deck, runs up, does a massive elbow drop WWF style in the groin (gets spotted by the Ref. and sent off Laughing ).

In technical terms:
When the player declares a foul you may declare you are using this skill before rolling the dice. Place the player prone in the square he was standing in and role to beat the armour adding the players ST and +1/-1 for each offensive/defensive assist.

Alternatives may include ignoring all assists either way, offensive or defensive, and banning PO being combined with Dirty Player.

So what do think? Is this a good idea, or really dumb?

It's not "really dumb." But it's a reconstitution of Dirty Player, which does much the same thing with set numbers. As such, it's a stylistic duplicate of an idea that's already in the game.

I think Piling On needs to be a block-oriented skill. I agree with McDeth that there's definitely too much of it in the game, although I attribute that in part to the improvement of the skill since 3E and in part to the denigration of the chief deterrent (i.e., DP).

Mordredd - Aug 04, 2003 - 04:57 AM
Post subject:
Well, it's similar to DP but with a flavourful difference. Stylistically Mighty Blow, Razor Sharp Fangs, Claw (and PO as it is currently) are the same. Too much of one thing perhaps?

I agree that there is too much PO. Who doesn't? The big question is what to do about it. I'm not convinced that moving the decision to use the skill to before the armour roll does enough. It remains the skill of choice for high S players in our league despite that change (especially the mutable big guys). My suggestion was based on some peoples idea that there should be a penalty roll on its use. (I personally don't think that it's reasonable not to link this to IGMEOU.)
noodle1978uk - Aug 04, 2003 - 05:20 AM
Post subject:
Not too much piling on, so far, in the Albion league...

I think its the fact that your player ends up prone that puts people off...
As long as you have to decide before rolling I don't think PO is too bad...

Then again a certain two players are going all out piling on this season, with mummies and ogres.. We'll see what happens.
Mordredd - Aug 04, 2003 - 08:52 AM
Post subject:
This wouldn't be a certain infamous pair of brothers would it?

You : "So you expect me to give you the ball?"
Byers : "No Mr (insert name here), I expect you to die!!"

Well, you can't say you weren't warned!
noodle1978uk - Aug 04, 2003 - 10:52 AM
Post subject:

No actually it is Phil (who you don't know) and John - with the return of Galloping Nobrot...

Since John has become Joe Byers the return anyway (good, AND insanely lucky!) its fitting...

Ah - I remember 3rd ed. No-one cared about piling on then cos everyone would die after about 3 games anyway...
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