NAF World Headquarters

Converting - Building a stadium - logistics and size?

chaplainrobb - Jun 20, 2010 - 07:19 PM
Post subject: Building a stadium - logistics and size?
Alright, so I'm taking my first vacation in three years (aside from deaths, illness, and bullshit with the kids, which I certainly don't consider relaxing) and it's a week long. I've got a bottle of scotch, a quarter barrel of good beer, and a mind full of wondrous modelling ideas. What I need to know is certain standard measurements.
I have come to understand that 29mm squares are the closest to the official pitch. I think I have a way to make the board in general. I need to know the standard sizes of the dugouts/sidelines.
I was looking at 3x3 size for the Injured, KO'd, and Reserve rooms, with an additional 3x9 length in front for markers/counters, coach, cheerleaders, etc.
But the rooms seem a tad small, especially because I want to add some scenic elements. Any suggestions from the gurus out there? I'd appreciate any suggestions, advice, or criticism. However, I will likely be unhappy with criticism, so let's try to stick to advice Wink .
burgun824 - Jun 21, 2010 - 07:08 AM
Post subject: RE: Building a stadium - logistics and size?
When I did my stadium I decided on using 1 inch squares. It's an easier measurement to work with (at least in the U.S. as I don't know where you're located). The two issues with this are 1- the 40mm bases for Big Guys don't fit so well into them...not really any different of a problem then you would have normally though and 2- you have to recalculate the the size of your throw template...which is easy enough if you use this graph

On that link you'll also see the standard size of the pitch, which is 26 squares long (including the end zones) and 15 squares wide (4 wide zone + 7 L.O.S. + 4 wide zone = 15).

As far as building the pitch...I've found the pink rigid isulation board you can buy at any large hardware store (i.e. - Lowe's or Home Depot) is by far the easiest to work with.

If you want to add extra details to your dugouts then I woud recommend 4 in x 4 in minimum. 3x3 doesn't allow you much extra room to fit goodies into with the models that will need to be int there as well. I actually made my reserves box 6x4 for bigger teams and then 4x4 for each of the KO and Dead and Injured.
Spazzfist - Jun 21, 2010 - 08:55 PM
Post subject: RE: Building a stadium - logistics and size?
I found through trial and error that the best board size is 24" x 32" this allows you to cut up a standard 4' x 8' sheet into three equal pieces with no waste, and it also means that the board will fit onto a standard table without too much trouble, and should not be hanging over the edge too terribly.
MikeyB - Jul 14, 2010 - 05:08 PM
Post subject:
I used pink foam board for the base. I glued one inch squares of thin cardboard within the 1"1/8 size that the game board uses. That way you can use the standard passing template and allows you to see the individual squares clearly. I made the dugouts with any foam i could get my hands on. Mostly the beaded foam.
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