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Converting - Nurgle Rotter conversions

oldschoolgamer - Feb 22, 2013 - 07:50 PM
Post subject: Nurgle Rotter conversions
Hey guys,

Just wanted to share a few conversions I did, first off a few Warriors. These are far from my best but needed them for my league so knocked them out quick. Some may cringe as these are out of print old chaos models, but had no need for them in that form, so after a few clips and a little filing, I added them to the team:

Think they fit in with the style of the two that come in the set.

Now my next problem was Pestigors. Was in a desperate need for on for my team and tried to order for my team, but alas they are no longer available except for in the set itself. Not wanting to spend that much for 2 models I made my own. I took this sculpt:

Cut off the weapon and arms at the elbows and found some gloved chaos arms in my bits box and just cut the gloves off and attached:

Did some quick putty work:

Then painted it up, and presto, a Pestigor 'Thrower'! Not really in the same style as the other two, but since he's a 'thrower' the can stand to look a bit different. Hell, I almost like him better:

C&C welcome!
Kilowoggy - Feb 22, 2013 - 09:36 PM
Post subject: RE: Nurgle Rotter conversions
Wow... really good work.
I love the rotters. I prefer a more "infected and clothed" look to "guts falling out" look. Differentiates them from zombies.
the_solitaire - Feb 25, 2013 - 06:25 AM
Post subject: RE: Nurgle Rotter conversions
Those are nice! I like them more then the original rotters.
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