NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - New NAF Member, some old questions...

leon1976 - May 24, 2013 - 04:46 AM
Post subject: New NAF Member, some old questions...
Hi there

1.) Inducement & Petty Cash: If the team with the lower team value deceides to use petty cash, does this reduce the amount of inducement it gets or does it add to it?

2.) Bombardier: What happens if a Bombardier does not fumble because he has the safe throw skill?

3.) Multiple Block: Can this skill be used during a blitz action?

4.) Ball & Chain:
a) How does Mighty Blow affect prone targets?
b) Can this skill be combined with multiple block? How?
sann0638 - May 24, 2013 - 05:57 AM
Post subject: RE: New NAF Member, some old questions...
Hi, thanks for joining up!

1. Reduce it. Say you are the 100k underdog, if you spend up to 100k you get no benefit at all. If you spend more than 100k you get however much you spent, and the oppo gets the difference e.g. you spend 120, he gets 20.

2. Never seen an answer to this one. Nothing, I guess!

3. No, but don't have rulebook on me.

a) I think it applies as normal.
b) No, but don't have rulebook on me.
Grumbledook - May 24, 2013 - 06:16 AM
Post subject: RE: New NAF Member, some old questions...
multiple block says at the start of a block action, so not can't use it on a blitz

ball and chain players can only take move actions so you can't make a block to use multiple block

safe throw only applies when throwing the ball not a bomb or team mate when it comes to fumbles
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