NAF World Headquarters

Magic Box Blood Bowl - Fumbbl automatic classification document

Manuel - May 24, 2014 - 06:56 AM
Post subject: Fumbbl automatic classification document
Hi there!

I play in two fumbbl leagues where we like to use a classification system different from the one fumbbl offers by default. We make it this way:

- 13 pts for a 2+ TD victory.
- 11 pts for a 1 TD victory.
- 8 pts for a draw.
- 5 pts for a 1 TD loss.
- 3 pts for a 2 TD loss.

We had a normal excel table where the group managers had to update the chart every time a match was playing... but that led to a considerable loss of time and frequent errors.
So I thought it whould be great to automatize the process, and I came up with this document.

It may seem a little tricky at the beginning, but it really is not. The only think you have to modify is the DATA sheet. And only the colums from A to E. Just that.
Every time a team or tournament is created in fumbbl, it has a certain Identification Number associated. You can see it in the URL when you load the tournament or team website. You have to fill the associated cells in my document, and the rest will be filled and ordered by itself.

This document has place for 10 teams, but it could be very easily expanded for whatever number needed. You have to be specially careful with the concessions... but in that example there's a team that has already abandoned the league, so you can see yourself how that is handled.

Anyway, if someone does use this, and wants to ask me something, feel free to write it here. I can also create space for more teams, if that is what you need.

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