NAF World Headquarters

Europe - The Swedish Spring Series 2515

pellevin - Jan 07, 2015 - 08:09 AM
Post subject: The Swedish Spring Series 2515
The Swedish Spring Series 2515 is a structured tournament series that consists of five NAF-sanctioned tournaments that will be played in Sweden in January-April 2015.
The participating tournaments are:
DOUBT VI, Umeå, 10-11/1
Banquet Bowl, Uppsala, 7-8/2
NärkeBowl, Örebro, 7-8/3
GothBowl, Gothenburg, 3-5/4
StockBowl Team Cup, Stockholm, 18-19/4, (4-coach teams)

Scoring (All scoring is PER tournament, only 3 top scores will count.)
• +10 to +1 points for top 10 placement, on a declining scale. In other words, a 1st-place finish would be worth 10 points, a 2nd-place finish would be worth 9 points, on down to a 10th- place finish being worth 1 point. In the team tournament, this is replaced by +8 points to each coach in the winning team, +5 points to each coach in the second placed team and +2 points to each coach in the third placed team.
• +1 point per 10 places below them in the standings. (Examples: A coach finishing 1st in a 32-coach tournament would receive a bonus of +3 because there are 30+ coaches below them. A coach finishing 1st in an 11-coach tournament would receive a bonus of +1 because there are 10 coaches below them. A coach finishing first in a 10-coach tournament would receive no bonus because there are only 9 coaches below them.) In the team tournament, this is replaced by +1 point per three teams below yours in the standings.
• +2 points per tournament. Given to all participants.
• Organizer bonus: +1 point per 10 coaches in the tournament (only for organizers who do not play in their own event).
• Tiebreakers: .1 points for each tournament a coach participates in. This score is taken in whole and is not reduced to "best 3" as with other scores. So someone who participated in 9 tournaments might have a total score of 30.9, beating out someone who only played in 8 tournaments and has 30.8.
• Secondary tiebreakers: Most first place finishes, if that is tied most second place finishes etc.

Prizes will be awarded for 1st-3rd place finishers in the series, and for the best Stunty coach in the series.

Tournament Series Organizer:
Pellevin (NAF #19271)
Erik Leander
(Tournament organizer for StockBowl Team Cup)
inforthepain - Jun 21, 2015 - 02:00 AM
Post subject: RE: The Swedish Spring Series 2515
The Swedish Spring Series 2515 have come to an end, here is the result (noticed that the homepage were not included in Pellevins post):
All times are
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