NAF World Headquarters

Tournament Series Discussion - Doubts with the organizer bonus

Mur - Jan 21, 2015 - 09:22 AM
Post subject: Doubts with the organizer bonus
Organizer bonus: +1 point per 10 coaches in the tournament
(only for
organizers who
do not play in their own event).

(Note that this is unlikely to be of much use in a
Structured Series, but offers some consolation for organizers who miss out on playing in
their own events in Open Series.

I don't understand the explanation between brackets in the highlighted box.

As an organizer I never play my own tournaments. And I'm actually running two attached to a Structured Series.

The question is:

Why is unlikely to use? Because is expected that I play?
Darkson - Jan 21, 2015 - 10:51 AM
Post subject: RE: Doubts with the organizer bonus
Many organisers play, most have themselves down as the "spare" coach in case of odd numbers or drop-outs.
I don't think it's a written in stone rule though - I know the SWTC doesn't use it.
Gaixo - Jan 21, 2015 - 02:09 PM
Post subject: RE: Doubts with the organizer bonus
No, it's unlikely to be used because Structured Series are limited to only several top scores. So a bonus of fewer than 10 points (and in most cases more like 1-4 points) is unlikely to qualify that tournament for inclusion in most people's list of top scores.

So it's really designed to keep organizers competitive in Open Series, in which every tournament score counts. It still probably doesn't do much for frequent organizers, but at least it gives them something.
Tojurub - Jan 21, 2015 - 03:51 PM
Post subject: RE: Doubts with the organizer bonus
Another reason of these points are unlikely to appear in structured series is the fact that most of the series will require a 2nd race to be used for the best x of y tourneys. Towards what race will these points count?

on a similar page, the points for each tournament day only makes sense if you have 2-day and 1-day tourneys within your series, otherwise, if all tourneys last two days, ALL participants would get 6 points automatcally. These bonus points were mentioned to have the longer tourneys be more "valuable" than shorter tourneys..... but there are other means to do that as well, e.g the SWTC divides the points for 1-day tourney in half.
Mur - Jan 22, 2015 - 12:18 AM
Post subject:
Ok, I missed the point that Open Series does not count the best 3/4 tournaments.

Now it makes more sense to me... Razz

Thanks for your answers!
Verrinho - Feb 10, 2015 - 04:16 AM
Post subject:
I have another question regarding the Organizer bonus:

why is it not giving the bonus of 0,1 cumulative points of attendance? let's say that I have organized a tournament and I finished my season with the best results as 42 points and played every tournament except my own one. another player made the same 42 points out of every tournament in the series, so he will be ahead of me in the standings just because I took care to be an organizer in a tournament and not played it. hopefully this will be changed in the future as I find id highly disadvantageous to be an organizer!
Tojurub - Feb 10, 2015 - 06:06 AM
Post subject:
Please note that this is just a recommendation. Every Series may set their own rules regarding to this. Please read the rules once more and see the difference between the Must-Have rules and the recommendations. Nobody is forced to use the organizer bonus.

so in your example, the organizer gets points for every 10 coaches attending his tourney, so if 20 coaches show up, he will get 2 points: 42+2=44 and he wins the series Smile
Darkson - Feb 10, 2015 - 08:08 AM
Post subject:
      Tojurub wrote:
Please note that this is just a recommendation. Every Series may set their own rules regarding to this. Please read the rules once more and see the difference between the Must-Have rules and the recommendations. Nobody is forced to use the organizer bonus.

This. If there had been a rigid "you must score this way" rule-set handed down then the SWTC would have been ineligible straight away, and I don't think we'd have wanted to take part.
Verrinho - Aug 26, 2015 - 07:38 AM
Post subject:
thanks for the answers Smile
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