NAF World Headquarters

House Rules - Chaos Marauder Teams

LordHelmawr - May 20, 2015 - 08:59 PM
Post subject: Chaos Marauder Teams
Could have sworn I posted this back in 05, but here it is again.

So back in 2004 , the Warhammer Fantasy world was being rocked by the "Storm of Chaos".

GW decided that the Warhammer 40K 13th Black Crusade went so well and got so much attention, that they were going to do the same thing in the Warhammer Fantasy world.

They made a campaign, a bunch of new models, and staged a huge online event where players could report their match results to influence the outcome of the future of Warhammer Fantasy.

As part of all of this, they released the Chaos Marauder box set. They're like Norse, except evil, Chaos worshipping, warpstone tainted, cannibals that live further north in the Chaos Wastes. Some of you are probably Warhammer players and are familiar with all of this already.

I was playing Blood Bowl in Milwaukee at the time and all of this gave me an idea for a new team, or set of teams really. I thought that it would be a great idea for Blood Bowl teams from the Chaos Wastes NFL (Northern Football League) to take this opportunity to travel south and finally compete in the Majors against the puny southern teams. They would seize their ancient trophies and carry them back to the wastes as prizes.

These teams aren't just like any other Chaos team that crawl their way out of the Drakwald forest. These teams are dedicated to, and sponsored by, one of the 4 major powers of Chaos.

The team consists of 0-16 Chaos Marauders (Norse Linemen), 0-4 Beastmen, 0-4 Chosen (Chaos Warriors each with a starting skill up based on which God they worship and a higher price), and 0-1 Chaos Troll (Orc Troll without the skills related to throwing a team mate).

Rerolls are the same cost as a normal chaos team, as well as their Star Players available for inducement.

Chaos Marauder Teams

I've only gotten to play the roster once, back in my 2005 league. I played a Tzeentch team and they did all right. Some of the coaches were worried that they were going to be overpowered and unbalanced, but it turned out that they weren't any worse than Norse, Chaos, or Orcs in the long run.

LordHelmawr - May 25, 2015 - 08:39 AM
Post subject: RE: Chaos Marauder Teams
A 5th version for those who wanted it.

Undivided Marauder Teams
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