NAF World Headquarters

North America - Announcing New York City BBL on OBBLM!

guy_in_suit - Dec 11, 2015 - 02:59 PM
Post subject: Announcing New York City BBL on OBBLM!
In an attempt to grow our tabletop league and combine player groups around the city, we are starting a new OBBLM site (graciously hosted by the NAF).

Our NAF league site is here:

This new site will feature a 'Farm League' for TV1000 teams to get up and running, and players are free to join at any time - even if you are just passing through town!

We will schedule periodic tournaments and scheduled seasons in the major leagues, but the core goal of the league is to maintain accessibility for anyone looking to play.

We use Facebook to coordinate games - please join our group here:

(Fake accounts are fine, just let us know Nuffle sent you so we don't think you are a spammer.)
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