NAF World Headquarters

Europe - Swedish Spring Series Open 2517

inforthepain - Jan 12, 2017 - 03:16 AM
Post subject: Swedish Spring Series Open 2517
The Swedish Spring Series Open 2517 is a open Blood Bowl tournament series.
It consists of all Swedish NAF-sanctioned tournaments that will be played in Sweden between January-June 2017. First tournament in the series are the Doubt 8 and AdventureBowl Summer Expedition will be the final tournament in this years series.The participating tournaments are:

DOUBT 8, Umeå, Host Stareater, 7-8/1
AlienBowl, Lidköping (at E-psportcentret), Host inforthepain, 4-5/2
PellevinBowl II, Stockholm (TumbaCon in Tumba), Host Pellevin, 25-26/2
gBBg, Göteborg, Host brocCooLi, 18-19/3
Närkebowl, Örebro, Host duckwing, 1-2/4
MelisqusBowl, Göteborg, Host Melisqus, 27-28/5
DrexxlBowl, Tjörn, Host Drexxl, 17-18/6
AdventureBowl Summer Expedition, Östersund (Persåsen), Host infothepain, 1-2/7

Scoring (All scoring is PER tournament, only 3 top scores will count.)

+10 to +1 points from top 10 placement, on a declining scal. In other words, a 1st-place finish would be worth 10 points, a 2nd-place finish would be worth 9 points, on down to a 10th- place finish being worth 1 point. In a 4 man team tournament, this is replaced by +8 points to each coach in the winning team, +5 points to each coach in the second placed team and +2 points to each coach in the third placed team.

+1 point per 10 places belowthem in the standings. (Examples: A coach finishing 1st in a 32-coach tournament would receive a bonus of +3 because there are 30+ coaches below them. A coach finishing 1st in an 11-coach tournament would receive a bonus of +1 because there are 10 coaches below them. A coach finishing first in a 10-coach tournament would receive no bonus because there are only 9 coaches below them.) In a team tournament, this is replaced by +1 point per three teams below yours in the standings.

+2 points per tournament. Given to all participants.
Organizer bonus: +1 point per 10 coaches in the tournament (only fororganizers who do not play in their own
Tiebreakers: .1 points for each tournament a coach participates in. This score is taken in whole and is not reduced to ”best 3” as with other scores. So someone who participated in 9 tournaments might have a total score of 30.9, beating out someone who only played in 8 tournaments and has 30.8.

Secondary tiebreakers: Most first place finishes, if that is tied most second place finishes etc.

Separate Stunty Scoring (All scoring is PER tournament, only 3 top scores will count. Only Stunty teams will be awarded these points, and they replace the regular placement bonuses for the purpose of determining the winner of the Stunty prize. All Stunty teams also get the regular points in the regular series system.) +5 to + 1 point, on a declining scale. In other words, a 1st-place finish would be worth 5 points, a 2nd-place finish would be worth 4 points, on down to a 5th- place finish being worth 1 point. In the team tournament, this is replaced by +4 points to each Stunty coach in the winning team, +2 points to each Stunty coach in the second placed team and +1 point to each Stunty coach in the third placed team.

Prizes will be awarded for 1st-3rd place finishers in the series, and for the best Stunty coach in the series.

Link to homepage:

Tournament Series Organizer:
inforthepain (NAF #19483)
Jan Andersson
(Tournament Organizer for AlienBowl & AdventureBowl Summer Expedition)
rikrikrik - Feb 17, 2017 - 12:32 PM
Post subject: RE: Swedish Spring Series Open 2517
isnt planning for 500 years time a bit to forward?
Tojurub - Feb 17, 2017 - 01:54 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: Swedish Spring Series Open 2517
      rikrikrik wrote:
isnt planning for 500 years time a bit to forward?

Beginner's Course Blood Bowl:

The BB fluff time line is 500 in the future, but it is still happening in the Olde World Wink
inforthepain - Jun 26, 2017 - 01:16 AM
Post subject:
Swedish Spring Series Open 2517 have been completed!

1:st place: inforthepain 38,6 pts
2:nd place: Skuld 37,6 pts
3:rd place: Lockmund 36,4 pts

Stunty winner: brocCooLi 20,3pts
All times are
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