NAF World Headquarters

Europe - Italian Games Day

Aramil - Nov 24, 2003 - 11:55 AM
Post subject: Italian Games Day
Saturday December the 6th there will be the Italian BloodBowl Championship in Milan...

Sadly I cannot partecipate, but Stefano (GriffOberwald69), Massimo (Roller), Gianluca (Farina) and probably Margot and Giuseppe (Beppe) will take part.

If somebody of the abroad NAF players is interested, I write down here the rules:

1.100.000 golden crown
Fan Factor maximum 2
Living Rulebook 2.0
No Star Player
Max 1 big guy per team (2 per Goblin & Halfling)
No Illegal Weapons, Allies or Freebooters
You gain experience during the tournament
The team is healed after every match

Tournament structure
Every team will play 3 matches (Swiss Style)
After the 3 matches the best 4 teams will play the finals.

The chosen teams will play a fourth match, and the winner of the tournament will be chosed between the two winning teams followin the same criteria used during the Swiss style 3 matches
1) W-T-L
2) BBTM points [at the moment I have no idea how they works... I will post here them when I discover]
3) Touchedowns difference
4) Total casualties

Not a NAF tournament at the moment

Dave - Nov 24, 2003 - 12:03 PM
Post subject:
max FF 2 ?? that'll make sure you need ass coaches and cheerleaders.

Sometimes it's pretty hard to make it 2 ...
Indigo - Nov 25, 2003 - 01:19 AM
Post subject:
Interesting that they are making it FF 2 - might and a new element about what to take in terms of coaches & cheerleaders.
emilio68it - Nov 27, 2003 - 09:17 AM
Post subject:
Ehi Aramil me too for Milan

And i'm so sorry for Amsterdam!!! Sad
Aramil - Nov 27, 2003 - 12:22 PM
Post subject:
I'm happy to know that you too will be there... Sadly we cannot meet you there... but we're thinking about organizing a city clash in the future.. maybe there Smile
emilio68it - Nov 28, 2003 - 05:47 AM
Post subject:
I'm looking forward to meet you, great idea the city clash, maybe a "champions league" with the best teams from BolognaBowl, Miragliano BloodBowl and, i hope, Ticinum Bowl (that i'm tryng to organize in Pavia)

See You

Glorian_Underhill - Dec 08, 2003 - 06:04 AM
Post subject:

What where the results of this tourny, and how many Coaches have showed up this time?

I´m still sad I haven´t made it. Must make more money to play Blood Bowl abroad. Maybe we need some real sponsors for Blood Bowl professionals. I think I will contact Cola right now! Smile
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