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Rules Questions - Rules Update

Gamethyme - Nov 26, 2003 - 10:51 AM
Post subject: Rules Update
Okay -- the Rules Update is up at

(Or, more accurately )

And we have two questions already:

1: If the armour roll has failed the player may decide to ???pile on' to the victim. If so then you may re-roll the armour roll : if the original armour check had mighty blow applied to it, does the re-roll?

2: you declare any action other than Block with a Wild Animal, roll a D6 : didnt they mean any action other than a Block OR Blitz??
zeuzism - Nov 26, 2003 - 11:12 AM
Post subject:
there is a discussion about this topic on the General forum. covering everything related to the new rules. I think you better post it there.

Question 1 is new I think, I didn't see it there.

jmccubbin - Nov 26, 2003 - 12:10 PM
Post subject:
1. If you fail to break armor in the first roll and mighty blow would not help, why even sy you used the skill. It's not used unless you say it is used.
Gallowin1 - Nov 29, 2003 - 08:03 AM
Post subject:
Apply the same discussion to Diving Tackle. You apply a -2 to someone's dodge so that they fail and have to re-roll it. Does the -2 still apply on the re-roll?

IMO you're using the skill on the same action but because of their skill or experience (re-rolls) they get a 2nd shot at it with the same modifiers as the first.
GalakStarscraper - Nov 29, 2003 - 03:49 PM
Post subject: Re: Rules Update
      Gamethyme wrote:
1: If the armour roll has failed the player may decide to ???pile on' to the victim. If so then you may re-roll the armour roll : if the original armour check had mighty blow applied to it, does the re-roll?

Just like Diving Tackle on a rerolled dodge, the modifiers apply to the second roll as well as the first.

2: you declare any action other than Block with a Wild Animal, roll a D6 : didnt they mean any action other than a Block OR Blitz??

No they did not mean Block OR Blitz. Blitz needs a 4+ to be done ... Block does not.

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