NAF World Headquarters

Europe - Dragon Chalice Cup - Open Tourney

OrtharRrith - Nov 27, 2003 - 03:25 PM
Post subject: Dragon Chalice Cup - Open Tourney
I'm planning a weekend tourney to be held mid-april next year. The location will be in North Devon in the UK. Anyone intrested?
Also I'm quite happy to allow currently "experimental" teams such as Vampires to partake, as long as everyone used the same set of rules (specified in the tourney pack I'll distribute to all players) would that prove a problem?
Indigo - Nov 28, 2003 - 01:07 AM
Post subject:
If you want it to be NAF sanctioned you'll have to follow the rules described in the FAQ - i.e. no experimental teams. Also, it might be worth waiting to make sure the site has been updated to handle the new official teams before the tournament (although I expect it will be)
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