NAF World Headquarters

North America - Date for East Lansing, MI Tournament

Cervidal - Nov 28, 2003 - 02:03 AM
Post subject: Date for East Lansing, MI Tournament
I didn't get to go back to the Underworld Cup for its second day to discuss potential dates with folks, so here I am trying to do so again.

I'd like to hold a NAF tournament sometime in February/March, and I'm looking to get as large of a turnout as possible in order to make it worth running both on my part and on the part of the local hobby shop owner, Eric. To do so, I need to make sure I get at least sixteen people at $15US a pop. So here's what I need to determine:

1) Amount of interest

If I can assure myself of eight to ten people locally, can I get eight to ten out-of-towners to show up?

2) Price/prize ratio

How big of a prize are folks looking for? If something big and/or prizes for second, third, and best painted are offered, is a price increase viable?

3) Length of tournament

Is a two day tournament more or less likely to attract more people to come to the tournament?

4) Dates of the tournament

East Lansing is a college town and it'll hurt my chanecs of a successful tournament if its run at the same time as a major sporting event, most likely basketball.

So... I'm throwing this out there. Input, please?
hoxworth - Nov 30, 2003 - 09:20 AM
Post subject:
1 - Keep it near MSU. There were a bunch of guys who played Blood Bowl at Fortress a year ago, as well as a group of guys I got playing in Mason Hall. MSU seems to have a good Games Workshop following, so the closer you keep it to campus, the more likely you'll have a good turnout from those who live in the dorms. I personally might be able to come, but since I live in Maryland now, it could be difficult. Would have to know a definite date.

2 - I doubt too many people are that interested in large prizes. If the price of the prizes raises the price of admission a lot, people will just bail out.

3 - I don't know, but probably, especially for out-of-town'ers. Normally I only commit multiple days for a large convention, not for a single tournament.

4 - Run it in late March, to avoid the basketball season. MSU will probably have fallen apart by then, anyway.

Go State!
Cervidal - Nov 30, 2003 - 12:12 PM
Post subject:
I heard about the Mason Hall group. I was bummed that I heard abou y'all after the fact. There's a large group playing at the Fortress once again, using the OBL's website.

The tournament is being held at the Fortress, that's about the only constant in all of this.
AnthonyTBBF - Nov 30, 2003 - 03:03 PM
Post subject:
The Canadian Open is in late February, you might want to steer clear of that weekend.
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