NAF World Headquarters

General - Yet another new idea for assistant coaches

Thadrin - Feb 22, 2003 - 03:51 AM
Post subject: Yet another new idea for assistant coaches
Amazing what rolls through your mind in the shower....normally I'd post this at TBB but seeing as its down AGAIN....

Roll a D6 at the end of each game, in the purchase phase, for each assistant coach you have (note - you don't have to roll for ALL your coaches).
For each 6 you roll you may deduct 10000 gc from the cost of a new reroll, though the cost may never be reduced to less than the cost for a starting team (eg Humans could never reduce the cost of a reroll below 50k, Dwarfs below 40k, Chaos below 70k etc.).
For each 1 you roll the assistant coach quits the team, and must be erased from your roster.

People will probably hate it, but it makes ACs a little more worthwhile.
Apedog - Feb 22, 2003 - 04:45 AM
Post subject:
I wouldn't ever buy one with this rule, but then i don't anyway Smile

It would make the one's that you gain from player retirement worth a little more maybe, although sod's law guarantees you'll get the discount as you save for a re-roll, then he'll leave before you actually can afford it Rolling Eyes
KarlLindemann - Feb 26, 2003 - 06:49 PM
Post subject:
You are correct, I hate it. Stupi stuff! Nuts to assistant coaches! Very Happy
Indigo - Feb 27, 2003 - 04:36 AM
Post subject:
I don't think it's too bad actually, it's giving value to this underused aspect of the game. Why bother including them at all if it only affects one result on the kick off table?

For coaches who just like playing games, then feel free to ignore assistant coaches altogether. Stick with your quest for ever more SPPs.

For people who want to get involved in long term leagues with more depth than is currently offered (like me - I enjoy the little details of my team!!), then I think any expanded rules for league play are welcome. I think the game is more than just a quest for the best players, and like my leagues to have character
fe2mike - Feb 27, 2003 - 11:40 AM
Post subject:

Roll a D6 at the end of each game, in the purchase phase, for each assistant coach you have (note - you don't have to roll for ALL your coaches).

If it was an optional roll at the end of each game, I would like it, but I would hate to have to roll when there is still no chance of buying a reroll and then losing my assistants, or one each game. Promissing idea though, however most all people in my league play w/o any house rules whatsoever.
spindex - Feb 27, 2003 - 06:26 PM
Post subject:
nice idea I'd like to make th rolls an option risk vs reward. Also make it so you can "save" your discount. It's only for that purchase day. (reduced rates don't last long) I think not being able to save you more out to roll em all and go for the all or nothing angle. Also I must put in if you use the ref rules in BB#4 there are more uses for the assissant coaches. Shocked
Indigo - Feb 28, 2003 - 04:22 AM
Post subject:
I think the idea of saving your discount would be too hard to keep track of. Far better to simply use them as and when you want to try for a re-roll discount.

However, it would kind of enforce a maximum limit on the number of ass. coaches people would get (ass coach Laughing)

What about this idea - tried it once or twice..

After every match, if the coach wishes to try, add the number of players to the number of re-rolls a team has. For every assistant coach a team has, you can roll a d6. If you roll GREATER than the combined total of players & re-rolls you may purchase a new re-roll at the cost shown on the roster (i.e. not double as normal).

However, for every 1 you roll after the first, you lose an assistant coach due to overwork/retirement etc.

e.g. You have 3 re-rolls and 12 players, with 5 assistant coaches.

You choose to roll 5d6 and get 1,6,5,4,1

This is a total of 17 compared to the 15 from players & RR. You can now buy a re-roll at $50k. However, because you rolled two 1s you lose an ass. coach.

Had you rolled 1,1,6,6,1 you would NOT be able to buy a cheaper RR and would lose 2 ass. coaches (two 1's after the first)
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