NAF World Headquarters

North America - Reading, PA/ Berks County PA blood bowl league

SteelThunder - Dec 27, 2003 - 11:58 AM
Post subject: Reading, PA/ Berks County PA blood bowl league
Hello there all!

We are going to be starting up a new Blood Bowl league in the Reading, PA area, hoping to launch in February. We are currently recruiting members and players from around the area, and have several locations lined up for official "game nights".

Currently our website is being revamped, and once finished, we'll be posting the information with the URL and such.

Anyone interested in joining can contact us and we'll send them a format on how we are setting up and what house rules we've adopted and such.

Reading is between Harrisburgh and Philly and our members are spread out all over the county. Local game shops in Reading and Pottstown will also possibly be involved in hosting some of our events.

Feel free to contact me at my email, available through the NAF site.

Mike B
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