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Strategy and Tactics - skills and niggles

Hangus - Jan 15, 2004 - 05:53 AM
Post subject: skills and niggles
i have just gained a skill on a norse lineman who has a niggle and has guard I was looking to get rid of him when i had the money and then he clocked up enough spp's to take him to the next level. He is the only niggler in my team of 15

Considering i am playing chaos dwarfs twice, vampire, necro and chaos (all once) and give away 20tr to each of them do i give him a skill (and if so which one) or get rid of him and lower my rating.

I don't know if i'll be carrying the team over to next season yet

all advice welcome

Doubleskulls - Jan 15, 2004 - 06:12 AM
Post subject:
A lot depends on whether you want to keep him or not. If not I'd give him something like Dirty Player that will attract opposition attention. If he gets killed then its less of a loss than losing one of your other linemen.

I would say kick otherwise, on defence he doesn't need to go on LOS (and keeping him free of TZ means you put him where you want) and its a good skill to get.

If you want him on the LOS then tackle is probably the best choice. Pass Block is also worth considering too, but none of the teams you'll be up against (apart from the vamps) will pass much.

I'd not sack him though. Having only 1 guard on the team makes him too valuable to throw away.
Darkson - Jan 16, 2004 - 02:15 PM
Post subject:
Definetly don't retire him. A single niggles not that bad, especially as Guard is such an important skill to Norse. I agree with DS. Depends on wheter you normally put him on the LOS. If you do, go Tackle. If you don't go Kick or DP (I'd go Kick personally).
Zombie - Jan 19, 2004 - 03:37 PM
Post subject:
Keep him and put him on the line of scrimmage on defense. If he dies, no biggie, at least it wasn't one of your other players. That's the basic plan with any lineman who has a niggling injury, but since he already has guard, he's even more perfect for the job!
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