NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Freebooting Star Players

Clan_Skaven - Jan 22, 2004 - 08:22 PM
Post subject: Freebooting Star Players
(1)If my Skaven team has a Rat Ogre on it, can I freeboot Headslitter (the Rat Ogre Star Player) for one game? It says that unless gobo, or halflings your only allowed 1 Big Guy. Well does that apply to Headsplitter?

(2)Chaos Dwarves are only alowed 2 Bull Centaurs, could they freeboot that Bull Centaur Star Player (I forget its name)?

(3)If a Goblin or Halfling team has already 2 Big Guys, could they freeboot a Star Player Troll/Treeman, to effectively give them 3 Big Guys?

Any help would be greatly appriciated.

(I do understand that these players would only be there for one game & so this would not happen often, but it could)

Thanks in advance.................

yarrick1imperial - Jan 23, 2004 - 12:26 AM
Post subject:
Yes to all three questions above as they are starplayers that you are free booting, the star players are not called big guys, they are star players and also don't suffer and negitives on there skills becasue they are exceptional players, better than average so to speak.
Melifaxis - Jan 23, 2004 - 05:45 AM
Post subject:
Yes, as long as you have an open spot on your roster for them.
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