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Converting - My first converted BB Saurus player...

dwarfcoach - Jan 24, 2004 - 03:35 PM
Post subject: My first converted BB Saurus player...
Well he's finished!!

I'm not very happy with the paint job, but my next one will be alot smoother. Wink

So I don't think the current plastics give over the general:

'I'm strength 4, AG1 and armour 9 mate, watch out! I'm slow but hit hard!!'

Hence the bigger belly and 'belly armour'.

I think this converted Lizardman looks alot less agile, and bulkier.

fuzzy_spiral - Jan 24, 2004 - 07:24 PM
Post subject:
Hmm He's not that bad. In fact he's alright.

Inspired me to try a head swap with my spare BB saurus though, and use a plastic one instead.

If it works I'll post it.
Darkson - Jan 25, 2004 - 12:42 PM
Post subject:
Personally, I don't like the belly armour, makes them look fat. But if that's the look you want, then it's a nice figure.

I look forward to seeing the rest of the team. What are you planning on doing for the Krox?
dwarfcoach - Jan 25, 2004 - 01:32 PM
Post subject:
      Darkson wrote:
Personally, I don't like the belly armour, makes them look fat. But if that's the look you want, then it's a nice figure.

I look forward to seeing the rest of the team. What are you planning on doing for the Krox?

Yep, wanted them to look chunky!! Smile Otherwise the new plastic Saurus models simply do not look like AG1 or ST4. They look too lithe and supple. To be honest it's hard to justify armour 9 with just shoulder pads as well and thus the larger torso.....

As for Krox, I don't think I'm going to have one Shocked . I just can't see the reason for buying one. As a team they already have six ST4 players, why bother with a boneheaded ST5 one????? Question Exclamation
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