NAF World Headquarters

House Rules - Painting and House Rules

BloodBowlCommish - Feb 11, 2004 - 12:53 PM
Post subject: Painting and House Rules
I started this thread on another site and was wonderign what you here thought about it...

Ok, so I know a lot of leagues use House Rules and require painting. I am curious what you consider a painted team. My league has a bunch of painted and unpainted teams, so to encourage painting, we allow a team that is fully painted to use 1 'free' (aka not effecting team rating) re-roll in a match, but not to exceed a total of 8 per the normal rules. It cannot be stole, taken, or lost, you just simply get it.

Here is what we consider a painted team:
- Painted is defined as a minimum of (3) distinct colors and based uniformly
- All players are painted in the team's colors
- All players are accurately depictign what they are, example - a lineman model is a lineman, not blitzer...i think you all get what i mean by this
- All players are distinctly numbered or are unique. example - no need to number a big guy, you only get one
- All coaching staff is represented in some way and painted. They do not need to be painted in the team colors, but still need to be painted.

What do you all think?
Thanks in advance for your opinions...

Rules for the poll question...please vote for the option that best fits the league you run or league you play in. If you play/run more than one league, feel free to vote once per league you are in, if you can vote more than once that is...I edited out the proxy info, do not really care about that Mr. Green
Zombie - Feb 11, 2004 - 12:55 PM
Post subject:
I can't vote because none of the options corresponds to my league. It's no painting, and proxies accepted. Hell, most people don't even own a team.
mtn_bike - Feb 11, 2004 - 01:27 PM
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I voted elseware about this. You know how I feel about the whole paint thing. I won't play my team unpainted but for others I can take it or leave it as long as I know who's who on the other team. The league I'm in is run from a GW shop so all figs need to be GW and represented. (Not FF) Not all teams were painted and that ticked off some of the employees. Those coaches were asked not to sign up for the next season till their team are painted. After buying all WHFB stuff this one kid saw us playing BB. He was a bit upset cause his mother won't buy him anymore GW stuff for awhile. I guess he used up his allowence. Me and another coach gave him some extra ork bits and he printed up the LRB. We are allowing him to proxie some players with his WHFB.

BTW, another coach and myself have offered to paint the mini's of the guys who didn't have painted teams. Only 2 of 5 said yes. It's free but nowhere near as good as some of the stuff I see on this site.
Darkson - Feb 11, 2004 - 02:04 PM
Post subject:
      Zombie wrote:
I can't vote because none of the options corresponds to my league. It's no painting, and proxies accepted. Hell, most people don't even own a team.

Ditto here.
BloodBowlCommish - Feb 11, 2004 - 03:05 PM
Post subject:
Hey Darkson and Zombie...I edited the post but can't edit the, what I mean by proxies is that you can use paint jars or dice or soemthign instead of models. And no, I am not a GW Freak and mean you have to use only GW figs, they are awesoem, but there are occassionally better or differnet models out there...feel like voting now? Very Happy
Darkson - Feb 11, 2004 - 03:29 PM
Post subject:
We prefer to use figures (but not necessarily BB ones), but have resorted to using Lego men/bases/bits of scenry (pillers iirc) before. Normally though we play with whatever race is needed, but it might be a range of (unconverted) WRB or 40k figs. However, 1 or 2 of the club will go the whole hog and convert a team completely from plastics and/or metal.

P.S. The polls disappeared. php forums don't seem to like people ediiting them.
Zombie - Feb 11, 2004 - 03:35 PM
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The gaming club in Sherbrooke bought two game sets and most people just use plastic humans and orcs to represent whatever race they might be playing, unless i lend them one of my teams (i have multiple copies of all the races). I've once used a plastic tree to represent a treeman before i could get my hands on one on eBay.
Doubleskulls - Feb 12, 2004 - 02:13 AM
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The ECBBL official states that unpainted minatures can't use any extra skills etc that they have gained. In practice this isn't enforced.
Zombie - Feb 12, 2004 - 03:09 AM
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The poll doesn't work. I voted for the last option and it recorded my vote as the one above it.

phpBB really doesn't like editing polls...
Tojurub - Feb 12, 2004 - 02:00 PM
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dto. (Zombie)
Darkson - Feb 12, 2004 - 02:04 PM
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Same here. BBC, if you're really interested I suggest you ask a mod to lock this thread, and start a new one, with the poll as you wanted.
Buckle - Mar 12, 2004 - 02:06 PM
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The guys I play with don't care at all. When I run a league I usually give some kind of bonus for the people who have taken the time to paint their team. That way they get something for their efforts but we don't reqiure teams to be painted.
titus196 - Mar 13, 2004 - 12:41 AM
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A painted team is an absolute in my league, and by enforcing it we now have almost every team in print painted by one member or another. Looks great.
Comodo - Aug 17, 2004 - 04:36 AM
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Our league does not require painting but its rewarded.
A fully painted team accuires 1+ FanFactor.
If you use cheerleaders and have models for ALL of them 1+ on cheer rolls.
And if they are ALL painted another 1+ on cheer rolls.
Assisting coaches get a 1+ on coach rolls for painted figures. But not for modell since its som much easier to find a coach looking modell.
So this meens that if you get ONE painted cheerleader she awards 3+ on cheer roll. And if you add an unpainted change since you loose 1+ for ALL models painted. This House rule makes people paint their extras very fast.
Zombie - Aug 17, 2004 - 05:24 AM
Post subject:
Actually, it ensures that people put a single cheerleader model on the sideline instead of a bunch of them.

Normally, it's best to not buy cheerleaders at all. People who like the figs can still put them on the sideline if they like to, painted or not, but shouldn't actually buy them on the roster (at least, not if they want to win).

With your house rule, the optimal move goes from having zero cheerleader to having one. The first one is worth +3 and all others after that are worth +1 and therefore not worth it. So people then need to buy and paint a single cheerleader and can't display anymore next to her at the risk of losing points. So like i said, the best move is then to have a single lonely cheerleader looking sadely upon the field.

Much better to have no rule at all about them, then people might actually display more of them.
Doubleskulls - Aug 17, 2004 - 09:06 AM
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I use my cheerleaders as reroll markers, the head coach for a score marker etc
coach_McGinty - Aug 23, 2004 - 11:46 PM
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I don't require teams in my league to be painted for a few reasons. Firstly I didn't worry about putting it in the league rules to begin with. Secondly most of my current coaches are brand new to the game and are still learning. But mostly because I'd rather let them become enthusiastic about the team and building them on their own. Fortunately for me most of them are far keener than me when it comes to painting figures so have already got teams half built/painted or more. I have 2 coaches already building their own pitches and planing their next teams.
Ethrylain - Oct 01, 2004 - 05:17 AM
Post subject:
I think it's unfair to exclude someone just because his team isn't painted
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