NAF World Headquarters

House Rules - Blood Bowl Version X

TurfDog - Feb 24, 2004 - 12:51 PM
Post subject: Blood Bowl Version X
I was wondering if anyone would be interested in an alternative version of Blood Bowl, including new team rosters, a new injury chart, SPP Chart, and SPP Upgrade Chart. I wanted to check interest before I went through the effort.

My friends and I just finished our third, consecutive season of Blood Bowl. As we reflected, we all had ideas about what we would like to change.

1) We wanted Teams to be more easily customized to fit individual style, as you can with: armies from the new Imperial Guard Codex with doctrins and Necromunda Gangs.

2) Speed up player skill advancement and thereby speeding team development, as most of our tournaments only go six to 8 rounds.

3) Give each team more of an equal starting postion by toneing down starting stats for players and creating more balance between the lists.

4) Change things like nigiling injuries and SPP conversions that give teams higher team ratings than what can actually be put on the field. Team Rating should equal actual potential.

So who's interested?

-Turf Dog Skull
Tutenkharnage - Feb 24, 2004 - 01:14 PM
Post subject:
It sounds to me as if your friends and I already have an interested party: your gaming group! You certainly don't need approval from anyone here to redirect the game in the way you see fit. If you want to change things...go right ahead!

Apedog - Feb 26, 2004 - 05:41 AM
Post subject:
I'd be interested to hear your final decisions even if my group plays a more vanilla version of the rules.

I had been thinking a while back about a few tweaks to provide an 'accelerated' blood bowl as our leagues tend to reset quite quickly but I never came up with anything much.
TurfDog - Feb 26, 2004 - 11:09 AM
Post subject:

Both Down Tutenkharnage - My group has playtested these rules. And yes, I realize that I do not need others aproval, this was an invitation to others to give them a try.

Skull Apedog - I realy must not have been clear in my post...have the rules already done and playtested. I can send you a copy visa e-mail, it's currently saved as a Word file.

Take Care,
Pow Turf Dog
Apedog - Feb 27, 2004 - 10:39 AM
Post subject:
Whoops, didn't realise that.

I'll PM you
KLK - Mar 01, 2004 - 05:33 PM
Post subject:
Just do it!

the CBBL is a Blood Bowl X league, and we have lots of fun!
bigallium - Mar 15, 2004 - 04:45 AM
Post subject: Re: Blood Bowl Version X

2) Speed up player skill advancement and thereby speeding team development, as most of our tournaments only go six to 8 rounds.

we too were running short touraments and a good way to speed up player advancement we found was awarding 1spp for 'game completed'.

so a player can play 6 games, not score any touchdowns etc but the experience of surviving 6 bloodbowl matches means he learns a skill.

when you have only 11 players this is easy to keep track of as its anyone who's still on the field at the end (presuming they haven't spend any time hiding behind the coaches skirt in the dougout!).

when you have more than 11 then you have to decide how your going to judge it.
e.g player on field for whole game (no k'od or subbed)

basically each player earns on average 1-2 spps every 3 games so over a six games they only have to perform one spp action to gain a skill so will result in another 4 to 6 skills being generated on a team we found

hope this helps or gives ideas
TurfDog - Apr 20, 2004 - 10:11 AM
Post subject:
Dear Friends,

Graduate School has nearly wrapped up. My crew and I have just finished playtesting, again as there had been some concerns about some teams being week. I apologise to everyone for the delay. To receive a copy either join the Yahoo egroup NIBBLE_League or e-mail me at and I will send you a copy. You will need to have Word to read the file. Thanks. Feed Back Welcome

Turf Dog
TurfDog - Apr 20, 2004 - 12:21 PM
Post subject:
Does anyone know another way I can pass out these rules?

Turf Dog
Zombie - Apr 21, 2004 - 03:39 AM
Post subject:
You could create an FTP server, or put them up on a website, or send them through instant messaging (ICQ, etc), or send them through email, or ...

Well, the possibilities are nearly endless.
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