NAF World Headquarters

Strategy and Tactics - Halfling Hot Pot...

blkdymnd - Feb 25, 2003 - 04:23 PM
Post subject: Halfling Hot Pot...
Wasn't there rules for this waaaayyy back in the day? I think we need to bring it into play? Maybe chuck a halfling with rules like a blunderbuss? Or maybe use it as a missle object at opponents? Give it like a penalty roll of 7+ to balance it out? Just a thought...
GalakStarscraper - Apr 29, 2003 - 05:27 AM
Post subject:
Missed this post when it first appeared. Here are the rules for the Halfling Hot Pot. The 5 leagues using the MBBL2 rules allow this secret weapon:


Secret Weapons:
Halfling teams may have a Hot Player secret weapon player. Secret weapon players do not get star player points for casualties caused by their secret weapons.

HOT POT - 30,000 gold - Penalty Roll 9+

This weapon may on be used if the Hot Pot secret weapon player is in uninjured Reserves and normally needs two uninjured teammates to assist him fire it (but can still fire the Hot Pot if there is at least one uninjured teammate to help him). Once per half, during his turn the Hot Pot player may fire the Hot Pot onto the field using rules for a Hail Mary Pass with a -1 modifier if there is only one teammate helping. If a modifed 1 or less is rolled then the Hot Pot has slipped and spills all over the players trying to fire it. Make an armour roll for each of the three (or two) players firing the Hot Pot. Anyone in the square it lands in is automatically knocked down and those in adjacent squares are knocked down on a 4+. Roll for armour and injury normally. Note: Referees are onto this Halfling trick, so penalty rolls are made for the Hot Pot player at the end of any drive that he stayed in the Reserves (rather than the normal rule of his being on the pitch).

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