NAF World Headquarters

House Rules - coaches and cherrleaders

DivingCatch100 - Mar 07, 2004 - 07:12 AM
Post subject: coaches and cherrleaders
Hay i haven't really worked this out yet so the points values are all arbitary if you wanted to try this u'd have to sort those out for urselfs. How about mixing coaches+rerolls together and cheerleaders+fanfactor. To take the first of these, it seems a shame that assistent coaches are hardly ever bought when in reality it would be the hard work of these individuals which would create a more disiplined team and hence more rerolls.
It could work like this when you first buy your assistent coach you do this for a set amount then buy add ons for him, such as increases to his coaching skills (rerolls), shouting at the reff skills (arguing calls increases) or winning over the crowd skills (better chances at winning the rolls on the kick off table pertaining to him. this would replace the original systems. Then later in leagues he would also get star player points for the things he does, so for example if he succcesfully argues a call in a game he gets a set amount of Spp's. This results in a roll on a skills chart just as for players, where you could recieve extra team rerolls, better abilities at shouting at the ref ect.... So your couch would actually develop as your team does, while still giving you a little flexability at the beginning.
Similar things could be done with the cheerleaders and FF.
This would allow a more active roll for coaches and team leaders in the game and might also be a bit more fun
Melifaxis - Mar 07, 2004 - 11:09 AM
Post subject:
Interesting House Rule options...
Colin - Mar 07, 2004 - 12:22 PM
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Sure, there's lots of things you could do to make BB a bit more "realistic", but the trend seems to be to go toward simplifiying the game. Simple isn't always better, just simplier. It would be nice to see something done with coaching staff and cheerleaders to make them a little more worth buying, but I doubt it will ever happen. There are quite a few people out there who don't like anything added to the game that have off-pitch stuff influencing the outcome of the game. Anyway, try it out as house rules and see how it goes, can't hurt anything to try it out.
DivingCatch100 - Mar 07, 2004 - 12:45 PM
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I think in effect this would be making the game simpler, as for as game mechanics go its exactly what happens to players as they mature and gain skills
Zombie - Mar 07, 2004 - 01:52 PM
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I agree that this wouldn't be good for the game if added in officially, but it makes for a good house rule, and i guess that's why it was posted in the house rules forum!
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