NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Unicorns, bretonnians, etc...

mosalva - Mar 10, 2004 - 11:12 AM
Post subject: Unicorns, bretonnians, etc...
What is the current status of the unicorn player? Is it experimental, official, is it as figured in BB mag#1.

Likewise with the the BB mag #10 roster the good one?
Zombie - Mar 10, 2004 - 11:16 AM
Post subject:
Bretonnians and unicorns right now don't exist in the Blood Bowl universe and are considered as never having existed, as they were part of the now defunct 4th edition.

Edit: "now" defunct, not "new" defunct. Doh!
mikeyc222 - Mar 10, 2004 - 11:39 AM
Post subject:
though you can still buy old "Lucky Luc"
i think it would have been cooler if they would have come up with better rules for the unicorn like he can't carry the ball instead of dropping it altogether and saying, "hey, you can still buy the mini tough!"
but, that's just me.
Darkson - Mar 10, 2004 - 02:05 PM
Post subject: Re: Unicorns, bretonnians, etc...
      mosalva wrote:
Likewise with the the BB mag #10 roster the good one?

What Brettonian roster in BB Mag #10?
Narkotic - Mar 11, 2004 - 05:06 AM
Post subject:
I think there is a Brettonian roster in BBMag#2, but 'Im not sure, I never look at the 4th ed. rules Wink
mikeyc222 - Mar 11, 2004 - 07:28 AM
Post subject:
there is one in BBMag #2. never actually read it though, heard it was way broke.
Doubleskulls - Mar 11, 2004 - 08:37 AM
Post subject:
BB Mags #1 & #2 never existed. Right?
mikeyc222 - Mar 11, 2004 - 01:03 PM
Post subject:
oops, forgot about that Smile
mosalva - Mar 12, 2004 - 03:47 PM
Post subject:

BB Mags #1 & #2 never existed. Right?

Well, I have a copy of BB mag #1 here (not #10 as I wrote earlier) has the rosters for Bretonnians, Snotlings and Daemons. Plus the old Khemri roster. Though, as Zombie said, 4th edition is dead. So I suppose I shouldn't bother too much about that now...Bummer.
++++ a candle shines in the dark for the victims of terrorism++++
Zombie - Mar 12, 2004 - 06:08 PM
Post subject:
What's that candle thing all about?
Darkson - Mar 13, 2004 - 08:51 AM
Post subject:
Mosalva, watch out! You've admitted owning heretical material in #1 and 2. The GW Inquisitors will be around to have a few words!

Be afraid, be very afraid!
mosalva - Mar 13, 2004 - 11:07 AM
Post subject:

What's that candle thing all about?

200 dead in terrorist attacks in Madrid

Mosalva, watch out! You've admitted owning heretical material in #1 and 2. The GW Inquisitors will be around to have a few words!

Sometimes it can be sooo difficult to follow with what's going on ruleswise...specially since i am the commish in our league and therefore responsible for the rules Wink

Now, my question then is: what about the allies and the mixed-race teams in BB mag #2 and #3? Is that also scraped?
Zombie - Mar 13, 2004 - 11:23 AM
Post subject:
Listen, nothing in BB mag #1 and #2 is even recognized as having existed anymore. As for all the other BB mags after that, none of it is official and little if any of it is balanced.
Xtreme - Mar 14, 2004 - 10:34 AM
Post subject:
LRB plus Rules review is all you need right now. Once teh LRB 3.0 is complete that is all you will need.
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