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Europe - Squad markings for the BB tourne in may

DivingCatch100 - Mar 10, 2004 - 01:52 PM
Post subject: Squad markings for the BB tourne in may
Does anyone know if the squad markings for the players have to be on the figure or does the base count as well.
I only ask cos it seems stupid to me to ruin a good paint job by sticking a big number 10, or whatever over it where there is no obvious place for a number
Slinky78 - Mar 11, 2004 - 02:22 AM
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I was wondering something similar.
Personally when I'm marking the opponent's figures, I'll be happy if they have a number on them somewhere (figure or base). Some models just don't suit having a number painted on, or a big team logo. If they look like a team (colour theme) and they're easily identifiable (as individuals, not just positions), I'd think that should suffice.
Indigo - Mar 11, 2004 - 02:24 AM
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I'm putting them on the bases. I'm going to write some reason why in the fluff or something.
howlinggriffon - Mar 11, 2004 - 03:49 AM
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I don't think you guys need to worry - I'm sure that the rules were just a cut and paste of the 40K rules...

As long as the team number is somewhere on the model/base/wherever, I doubt there will be any problems...
TiMuN - Mar 11, 2004 - 04:01 AM
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I'm with Griffon here .. it is a cut&paste from other type of tourneys.
I have all my numbers in the bases, but the are that old stickers that went with old music tapes, and i think i would have to cover those with flock, and put some more proper numbers at the front and back ...
But i really don't care. I'm just going to have fun there, no matter what my team looks like to the comishes ... lol
howlinggriffon - Mar 11, 2004 - 05:47 AM
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That's the spirit!

People take tourneys far too seriously - we Blood Bowl players need to show them how to be competitive yet still have a laugh...

The final person I played at my last 40K tourney was a miserable little git. He didn't say a word through the whole game then packed up his models and walked off without shaking hands. What a tart... and he won which made it even worse!
Teambloodyhorns - Mar 11, 2004 - 07:25 AM
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i run into a lot of 40k players that are that way . preety much why i quit playing 40k for a bit
DivingCatch100 - Mar 11, 2004 - 08:39 AM
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Yeah I've had a lot of friends run into similar people at 40k tornements, strangley not so much at Warhammer. Must just be a friendlier bunch, not been to a BB tournement myself yet but looking forward to it from all the posts I've read Smile
Kernspalt - Mar 11, 2004 - 09:14 AM
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How about putting a big base-filling number on the whole base with slightly darker or brighter green than the rest? Should be nicely visible from above, and not standing out too much.

The last resort in our friendly plays is to paint the number under the bottom of the base - Not too convenient, but as long as you can claerly identify them when in doubt...
Doubleskulls - Mar 11, 2004 - 10:07 AM
Post subject:
IIRC You are scored by every opponent and get the average of those scores. So its difficult to give hard and fast answers.

I'd expect the majority of BB players to be unconcerned about team numbers so long as they are visible.
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