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Rules Questions - Elven passers

Rash - Mar 22, 2004 - 08:39 PM
Post subject: Elven passers
Perhaps this has been asked and answered many times but... I wasn't around. Smile

Why does the High Elf passer cost 10K less than his Dark counterpart, for the identical statline?

-The Rash
majortusk - Mar 22, 2004 - 09:56 PM
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Evil is 10k
Tim - Mar 23, 2004 - 02:01 AM
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ROFL ...
jaylazer - Mar 23, 2004 - 07:03 AM
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I believe it has to do with overall team balance. The prices for players is first based off the actual stat line but then it's tweaked once the whole team is put together.
mtn_bike - Mar 23, 2004 - 07:23 AM
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Yep, Khemri and Undad mummies are 10K difference as well. As stated above it's team balance. The DE's get a witch elf that has a bunch of skills vs. the HE's who have all players starting with one skill. The only difference I can think for the Khemri mummy vs the Undead mummy is the Khemri team has a player with the access to Passing skills and the Undead does not.
Tim - Mar 23, 2004 - 07:51 AM
Post subject:
      mtn_bike wrote:
The only difference I can think for the Khemri mummy vs the Undead mummy is the Khemri team has a player with the access to Passing skills and the Undead does not.

Undead have access to AG skills, much better than the passing skills on a AG2 player.

The real reason for the higher price tag on the Khemri team is that Khemri get 4 Mummies, while undead only get 2 ...
GColeman76 - Mar 23, 2004 - 12:23 PM
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Surely it is to encourage Dark Elves to play a running game as per the background! They do in effect have 6 Blitzers and no catchers!
GColeman76 - Mar 23, 2004 - 12:27 PM
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Khemri are an unbalanced side anyway I have seen it stated in print, they are classed in the middle group between the balanced sides and the small guys teams, they are in a group with the ogre and vampire teams.

They are not meant to be easy to play hence the price increase.
Zombie - Mar 24, 2004 - 10:00 PM
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There's also a fluff factor. Surely it's easier to find a high elf thrower (all high elves want to be quarterbacks) and much harder to find a dark elf one. It's basic offer and demand. Same reason why human throwers are better value than orc throwers or dwarf runners.
GColeman76 - Mar 25, 2004 - 02:02 PM
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absolutely agree with you Zombie.
Mordredd - Mar 26, 2004 - 06:58 AM
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Whilst I do think that the fluff as presented by Zombie is accurate I personally doubt it had any impact on player cost. The differences between the typical aspirations of High and Dark Elves is represented in the number of blitzers and catcher on each team rather than their cost.

I also doubt that making the Khemri team harder to play had anything to do with the increased cost of the Mummies. Having 4 players with AG 1 and the rest with AG 2, and all but 6 player with only AV 7 and MA 5 is what make Khemri a difficult team. Tim had the true reason for the Mummies price increase; you can escape from 2 Mummies but from 4 is much harder.
Zombie - Mar 26, 2004 - 10:40 AM
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That and the fact that mummies should have been 110k or even 120k in the first place. They've always been the most underpriced player in the whole game.
Mordredd - Mar 26, 2004 - 11:21 AM
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And if increasing the price of players made a team harder to play then there wouldn't be any difficulties in balancing the Ogre or Vampire teams.
Rash - Apr 03, 2004 - 12:29 AM
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All "fluff" aside, if we are looking at team balance, wouldn't the High Elf cost more as he has a better core of eligible receivers to throw to?
Doubleskulls - Apr 05, 2004 - 02:40 AM
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      Mordredd wrote:
And if increasing the price of players made a team harder to play then there wouldn't be any difficulties in balancing the Ogre or Vampire teams.

Its a good point. In the long run money is plentiful, so getting all the expensive players is quite feasible.
SCELF - Apr 14, 2004 - 10:31 AM
Post subject:
      Rash wrote:
All "fluff" aside, if we are looking at team balance, wouldn't the High Elf cost more as he has a better core of eligible receivers to throw to?

Depends on how you are using the term Balance. Balance in Mid Season/ Start/ or Late Season.

Early Season:
DE Blitzers are more than adequate catchers especially if they take Catch as their first skill, and at least 1 Blitzer should have 6 spp by the end of game 2.

Mid to Late Seasons depends as much on your FF and luck as anything, but you can easily overcome the price difference

SiC Elf
Doubleskulls - Apr 14, 2004 - 10:40 AM
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I don't care about Catch on Lion Warriors (although its nice I'd much rather start with dodge).

Its the MA8 that really sets them apart and gives the HE the better passing game.
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