NAF World Headquarters

Painting - Pitch

WHITEHAWK633 - Mar 23, 2004 - 01:45 AM
Post subject: Pitch
Can anyone help, I am painting the 2ed pitch and what I want is the colour of sandstone e.g khemri desert sort of thing , does anyone know the GW colours to use starting with base coat and highlight colours and any washes . Or are there any links that may help. Thanks
Melifaxis - Mar 23, 2004 - 06:02 AM
Post subject:
Just don't spray a 2e pitch Very Happy

Could you glue sand onto it?
Mordredd - Mar 23, 2004 - 08:35 AM
Post subject:
My brother and I sprayed my 2Ed. pitch with car spray paint. All that happened was that the paint beaded up, ran into the cracks and never dried. Mad

As for the sandstone colour, try starting with a light brown such as Vermin or Leprous and then dry brush up with Bleached Bone and perhaps a Bleached Bone/Skull White mix. A watered down Brown or Flesh wash at some stage might help. Find something to experiment on until you get a look you like.
Prince - Apr 01, 2004 - 04:33 AM
Post subject:
They released a new colour which is exactly the khemri sand colour, called dester yellow.
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