NAF World Headquarters

Europe - Friday Night is DeathBowl night

Geno - Feb 27, 2003 - 02:04 AM
Post subject: Friday Night is DeathBowl night
Hi guys,

I'll be brining 2 DeathBowl boards up with me to Bugmans for the weekend. There will be games running in Bugmans if anyone is interested on the Friday night.

I'm trying to convince everyone to take a Stunty team for the games as it has a lot more comedic value

There will be enough for 8 players so come one, come all!
Indigo - Feb 27, 2003 - 04:09 AM
Post subject:
arrghh! can we still have a game on saturday night? I can't make it until saturday morning!!
Geno - Feb 27, 2003 - 02:30 PM
Post subject:
I'm sure we will find the time Saturday as well Smile
Indigo - Feb 28, 2003 - 03:36 AM
Post subject:
is it ok if I use humans, cos I don't own any stunties yet Sad
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