NAF World Headquarters

Europe - Rendez-Vous BloodBowl 2

Longshot - Apr 07, 2004 - 12:24 PM
Post subject: Rendez-Vous BloodBowl 2
first subscription have been made during the Lutece Bowl and Already 9 places took and some others soon:

The First Week-end of July. (3rd July/4th July )

Relai Nature, Ferme du Manet, 61 Avenue du Manet à Montigny le bretonneux (Saint quentin en yvelines) Yvelines(7. About 20 km from Paris.
By Train from Paris : RER C (Station Saint Quentin en yvelines), By Road : A86 ou A13 (puis N10) Follow Versailles and then : Montigny le bretonneux

40 euros non NaF members/35 euros NaF members (80 places)
Subscription NaF included in the non-naf subscription price.(everybody will be NaF.(check ). You will have access to the World Ranking System, Black Dices!???
The 2 half day meals are included in the cost of the subscription to the tournament
A lot of bedrooms are upstairs (47 beds in different size of rooms - 2/3/5/7..) 17 euros/person/night. Tell me if you want to rent some. Foreigners and people having a long travel to come will be privilegied.

Cold and Hot Drinks will be available during the Week-end for free.

For information: There will be a lot of French Coaches, are you afraid?

Visit our website :
For any informations or subscriptions, send me a mail to : et

You Love Bloodbowl ?
So, You have a Rendez vous !
Let us know the way you love Bloodbowl!

the first who give the money are the first to have the places.
i will be at Bloodbowl 43 for all of you who want to subscribe...

c ya soon, 3 dices you choose : Pow Pow Pow
Old_Man_Monkey - Sep 10, 2004 - 03:35 PM
Post subject:
Hmmm... I thought everyone who registered for the tourney was going to be inscribed into NAF membership... however the results I have only include 3 games... Longshot, what's up?

Deathwing - Sep 11, 2004 - 11:49 AM
Post subject:
Jim, check the other thread. Do you happen to know if the new sign-ups got entered? They are certainly not showing in the database under the nicks given on the RD-V results page. I'm away from home til tom night, when I get home I'll chase this up.
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