NAF World Headquarters

Converting - Need ideas for highelf apothecary models...

xxbevisxx - Apr 21, 2004 - 01:42 PM
Post subject: Need ideas for highelf apothecary models...
got any ideas?
Khaine - Sep 17, 2005 - 02:59 PM
Post subject:
Try the Shadowforge nurse elf from the fantasy charachters line. It has a nice prancy elf feeling to it, and a nice basket of flowers.
Spazzfist - Sep 17, 2005 - 03:18 PM
Post subject:
I would look to the plastic sprues. See what you can do with them, as they are nice models, and plastic is so much easier to convert. Maybe you could just have a regular guy on the side with a white helmet and a red cross on it.
Cookie - May 25, 2006 - 09:11 AM
Post subject:
I'm in the process of making an elf apothecary,

I've used a plastic archer in the kneeling pose and just positioned some arms (I think I salvaged these from a spare HE spearman) so that he's holding a (magic elf) sponge and bucket made from green stuff and angled the head down so looks like he's treating a player
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