NAF World Headquarters

North America - Borderlands in Greenville SC on July 17th. Huge tournament!!

Sugarwookie - Apr 28, 2004 - 10:17 AM
Post subject: Borderlands in Greenville SC on July 17th. Huge tournament!!
I'm wanting to get the word out, we ran a very large league last fall and have decided to run a one day tournament on the 17th of July. It'll be swiss style and we'll be using the "Ressurection" style system, so everyone wil get to play 4 rounds.
We aren't putting a limit on the number of teams that can enter. This is not NAF sanctioned, but I can promise you the prizes that will be awarded will be unique and beat anything GW has ever given out Orc
If anyone is interested in getting on this, or have any other questions, please drop me an e-mail at

Take care,

David Skull
JeffB - Apr 28, 2004 - 09:11 PM
Post subject:
Cap? Star players? Skill advancement? etc.

Sugarwookie - May 03, 2004 - 07:49 PM
Post subject:
Just an update on the tourney coming up. The "ressurection" rules will be used for the play in determining the winners for the Cup. All teams are allowed that are official as this is written. The day will consist of 4 games total and we expect around 20 teams or more to play. Please make yourself a part of this event, you won't regret it!


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