NAF World Headquarters

Painting - Halfling Team Staff

Zorcon - May 06, 2004 - 12:38 AM
Post subject: Halfling Team Staff

The coach is an obvious choice, and has no mods. But, the assistant on the left (the old head coach) is raising The Halfling Cup. A trophy this team won, as they were the only team to show up!! Laughing

I should have curled the fingers around the clipboard on the assistant on the right.

Non-GW Appoth, sorry.

The Flying Pigs w/ non-GW chick.

KLK - May 06, 2004 - 09:44 PM
Post subject:
the figures look very good but let me ask about the pitch:

is great! what kind of field is? did you made it?
ewan - May 07, 2004 - 05:23 AM
Post subject:
it looks like the first astro-granite polysytrene pitch painted.nice work on the 'flings too!
cool Cool
Zorcon - May 07, 2004 - 03:02 PM
Post subject:
Yes, it is a 2ed BB pitch. I am is the process of crafting a new pitch to look similar, but be at the current scale/size. When you don't play any more, it's hard to get the motovation up to finish. Wink

I painted my buddy's pitch too, so when we played mega-bowl, it looked sweet!
ewan - May 07, 2004 - 04:07 PM
Post subject:
why no play anymore?
KLK - May 08, 2004 - 01:05 PM
Post subject:
yes, why?
Zorcon - May 08, 2004 - 03:40 PM
Post subject:
Well, even though my buds and I have gotten together almost every Saturday for the past 15 years, there are a few major reasons why I have been unable to get a game of BB going:

1. Generally, the Saturday Night Game is really the only time we hook up to play games. Even though I do my best to alternate themes every other Saturday, I have to balance the game of the night with the particular group of guys that is coming. (I am the only BB fanatic, and there are only 3 others in my group that like to play - about half the group)

2. At the end of 2000, after D&D3.0 came out, we decided to end our almost 10 year RPG hiatus, and try out the new version. We are still playing, basically every other week. The off week game needs to be a more flexible, one-night only game since there are different numbers and interests showing up each week. (Everyone that would be interested in BB is also playing D&D, so I have 2-3 friends that don't play D&D that would be completely on the outs if I alternated D&D & BB).

3. Most recently (9 months ago), and most importantly, my wife discovered she had breast cancer (only 2 months after our first child was born). Everything will be fine, and she is slowly on the mend. She has one more Chemo treatment, and then 6-8 weeks of radiation after that. This ended our Saturday Night Game sessions, up until just 2 weeks ago. (I appreciate condolences and such, but I don't want the topic to be about this)

Even though I desperately want to play BB, I am not interested in a one off game. Most of the thrill I get is from advancing my team. So, even on those rare occasions that I(we) can play a different game, there are so many others to choose from (Necromunda, Mordheim, WHFB, WH40K, BFG, one of dozens of AH bookshelf games, one of dozens of card game, etc).

Now don???t get me wrong, I did manage about 25 games when BB3 edition came out, another 5 when Gold edition hit the scenes, and 1 game with LRB1. I do intend to get at least a half dozed games in by end of summer ??? even if I have to go to a game store and find a coach there!!

You know, the simple answer should have been too many games to play, not enough days to play them in. Very Happy
Zorcon - May 08, 2004 - 03:41 PM
Post subject:
BTW, what does the background of the pics I posted look like to you?
TomB - May 09, 2004 - 06:10 AM
Post subject:
cool pics, i just want to ask, how do you get your photos to look that good quality?
Zorcon - May 10, 2004 - 02:47 AM
Post subject:
3 megapixel nikon camera shot 10" from subject, set for close subjects.
No flash, but 2 incandecant spots.
Camera set to filter incandecant light, mounted on a tripod.
Slow shutter speed to let in as much light as possible.
Cropped image to 900 x 525 pixels at 72 dpi
Boosted saturation by about 5%
SBG - May 10, 2004 - 09:22 PM
Post subject:
Where are you from Zorcon ? I doubt it, but if you're in the Montreal area, we could hook up!

Zorcon - May 10, 2004 - 10:13 PM
Post subject:
North West USA (Oregon)
SBG - May 10, 2004 - 10:29 PM
Post subject:
Humm... A bit far !
redjack - May 23, 2004 - 03:29 PM
Post subject:
The flings look great!

As for the background... I'd have to say... a sunset... on acid... behind a pink floyd album cover cut out. Shocked

Very Happy
Khaine - May 24, 2004 - 02:54 PM
Post subject:
Wish you were closer as we have the same issue with getting games going. I've tried several years in a row now to get a league going and with only 50 miles seperating me and the next big blood bowl city I can only manage about 3-5 players interested at any one time in playing BB every week and not varying it up with D&D <which I personally can't stand under the new rule set> And other games that are less fun to me then bloodbowl. Seems like there is a resurgance of D&D fanaticism and it's getting in the way of crushing people on the pitch dangit.
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