NAF World Headquarters

Converting - Cool converted chaos team

TomB - May 06, 2004 - 01:41 PM
Post subject: Cool converted chaos team
Wow well i suppose its normal for all the hardcore players out there but i thought i would mention my seriously cool team in the making (no shots yet) that i am creating out of a beasts of chaos regiment boxed set.

The players are fairly straight forwards - modelled shoulder pads and changing the poses, but the best bits are the cheerleaders. I have had so much fun modelling pom poms, hair, ad not to mention breasts. A special note must go to my apothecary in sexy nurse outfit. I cant wait to et pics. Very Happy

I have had so much fun using green stuff i suggest everyone who is considering doing it to do it.

I just dont know which team i want to create next . . . . .

ps. ungors make pretty good female gors
Melifaxis - May 06, 2004 - 02:37 PM
Post subject:
Sounds cool! Can't wait to see the pics Very Happy

Greenstuff is a blast!
TomB - May 07, 2004 - 05:47 PM
Post subject: i got the pics uploaded
these arent brilliant photos (hey, i had to borrow a camera and take the photos whilst my girlfriend was winging at me) but you get the just of it.

Bunny my assitant coach (with the whip) i think is worth a mention

also i thnk they might take a while to load so it may be good advice to to open them in a new window.

[img] [/img]

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any comments i appreciate and if you want to know how i did anything send me an e-mail i dont mind
Melifaxis - May 08, 2004 - 04:11 AM
Post subject:
Looks pretty cool. Does the camera have a macro mode? That will help out with the quality of the pictures.

Are you going to do the bases?
TomB - May 08, 2004 - 07:49 AM
Post subject:
yeah well im going to wait till the whole team is finished till i do the bases (still havent decided on the style or what im going to use) and i am still yet to buy anything to do them with.
WoodenBullfrog - May 21, 2004 - 02:17 AM
Post subject:
Those look okay but quite grainy pics though...
an amazing idea, i ahd the same one about 5 weeks back.
But kudos to you sir
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