NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Two quick questions!

GColeman76 - May 10, 2004 - 10:57 AM
Post subject: Two quick questions!
Question 1,

Can you use strong Arm in conjuction with dump off? I say no!

Question 2,

If a ball is caught after a bounce(after it has hit the ground) whether inaccurate or accurate does your go continue or is it a turnover?
Doubleskulls - May 10, 2004 - 11:45 AM
Post subject:
1) No, its in the rules review
2) When you pass or hand off the ball it is only a turnover if you fumble, your opponent has the ball or the ball is lying on the ground after it has finally come to rest.
GalakStarscraper - May 10, 2004 - 11:59 AM
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Download the LRB 3.0 ... I think you'll find both of these questions are now directly answered in the document.

DivingCatch100 - May 10, 2004 - 02:07 PM
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Somthing on a similar topic though thats confusing me, your player tries to pick up the ball off the floor, and fails the ball bounces on to another of your players who is stood in an adjacent square but he manages to pick it up does it still count as a turnover because you failed to pick up the ball or is it like a catch caught by someone other than the intended target and play continues?
Apedog - May 10, 2004 - 04:04 PM
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It's still a turnover.
DarkDancer17 - May 11, 2004 - 12:31 AM
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Er, it's not a turnover....That's in the new LRB.
Zombie - May 11, 2004 - 03:00 AM
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It IS a turnover. Always has been and still is.
Doubleskulls - May 11, 2004 - 04:08 AM
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A failed pickup is always a turnover. A failed catch is not, although it often results in one.
Madzit - May 11, 2004 - 04:38 AM
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Unless you're pushed onto the ball. (I think?)
Zombie - May 11, 2004 - 07:35 AM
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That statement doesn't make sense since you don't even get to make a pick up roll when you're pushed onto the ball.
Mordredd - May 11, 2004 - 08:07 AM
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True you don't get to make a pick up roll, but you might get to make a failed catch (and lose the ball) as a result of pushing a player onto the ball. Mad_Zit1 is correct, if that is what he meant, as this never results in a turn over.
Madzit - May 11, 2004 - 09:47 AM
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Apologies and thanks to Zombie and Mordredd. I was barking up completely the wrong tree and it'll be humble pie for dinner.
GColeman76 - May 11, 2004 - 10:54 AM
Post subject:
Thanks guys, we might house rule question 2, we have played for 10 years that once it hits the ground that is it, turnover, regardless of where it bounces.

Question is from something I read on another website the other day cheers again.
Zombie - May 11, 2004 - 07:43 PM
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You should have asked us 10 years ago, we would have told you!
Inaspin - Sep 08, 2004 - 07:16 AM
Post subject:
Always seems strange when a player is 'miles' from anyone and he just can't pick up that ball...embarassing Embarassed
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