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Strategy and Tactics - A Few Ideas for Flings

BenArd - May 26, 2004 - 09:20 AM
Post subject: A Few Ideas for Flings
For some strange reason our league is going to play a Mickey Mouse cup knock out tournament. All the teams have been drawn at random so people with moer than one team didn't get to choose which wuold play. Unfortunately for me this has resuted in my Halfling team (Halflington Catering Assistants) with a TR of 118 being stumped up against the Orcland Raiders (TR 309).

I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas how I can avoid getting whooped (apart from the standard dodge everyone out the way and leg it tactics which I shall be employing) and maybe even steal a win Shocked

ps. he only has a couple of payers with niggles so virus won't be too much help either. But I will be chucking a good 100k along with the master chef to bring down his re-rolls Cool
Doubleskulls - May 26, 2004 - 10:10 AM
Post subject:
The only way you can win is to change his dice into ones that only roll SKULLs.
BenArd - May 27, 2004 - 01:42 AM
Post subject:
I'll let him use the black ones then Laughing
Ryan - May 27, 2004 - 11:38 AM
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Have you got the obligatory 2 Treemen?

if so then PRAY to win the Kick off and then use them from the Sides and work there way into the middle
BenArd - Nov 19, 2004 - 03:18 PM
Post subject:
Finally got round to playing this match, a didn't really do too badly. Only lost 2-0 and 5-2 on cas'.

I got a few useful handicaps (halved his FF for the game, mickey finned his apoth) and picked In the bag to give me the best chance. Unfortunately though I never really managed to do anything with the ball and my treemen fumbled the couple of TTM's i went for.

Wasn't too disappointed though as i managed to niggle his AG4 goblin (although the player was promptly cut in half by his chainsaw in the very next go). And halfway through the second half it got even better when a Rookie fling threw an unassisted block against a Orc Blitzer with 59SPP's rolled a Pow Pushback/Pow and then Killed him Worship . The plucky fella even managed to survive being fouled 5 times before the end of the match only getting stunned 5 times.
redjack - Jan 23, 2005 - 11:49 AM
Post subject:
      BenArd wrote:

...halfway through the second half it got even better when a Rookie fling threw an unassisted block against a Orc Blitzer with 59SPP's rolled a Pow Pushback/Pow and then Killed him Worship . The plucky fella even managed to survive being fouled 5 times before the end of the match only getting stunned 5 times.

THAT made me smile, even while I struggle to get through my boring work day...

Thanks for that (from an Orc player, to boot! Mr. Green )
BenArd - Jan 25, 2005 - 12:00 PM
Post subject:
It was worth it purely for the look of shock on my opponents face. His team is really counting the cost in this little tourney. It's a nothing cup and all the teams were picked at random, he has played two new and easily beatable teams but has still managed to have 2 players killed (with 59 and 51 Spp's respectively), his AG4 goblin niggled and his ball and chain guy died from exhaustion.
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