NAF World Headquarters

Strategy and Tactics - 100k halfling team

miloquaser - Jun 14, 2004 - 11:30 AM
Post subject: 100k halfling team
In a 100k tournament i'll be fielding halflings,

what about my roster?

2 treeman (220)
14 halflings (420)

0 RR
9 FF (90)
1 APO (50)
4 (40)
3 ingredients (180, wizards are at 3x value)

and what skill would you give them?, my thoughts:
treeman: block
halfling: diving catch, sprint.
(to compensate the lack of movement, and the non-ability to toss the ball)

greetings, Peter Meijer
Banelord - Jun 14, 2004 - 11:58 AM
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No RR but FF are you sure?
Darkson - Jun 14, 2004 - 12:35 PM
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What sort of tounament rules?
Dave - Jun 14, 2004 - 12:47 PM
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I'd swap 2 flings and the Ass coaches for RR .. steal the other RR from your opponent ..
miloquaser - Jun 14, 2004 - 01:38 PM
Post subject:

i figured i don't need any RR,

because the master chef will cook them for me.
that's 3 ingredients and one master chef, makes 4 times a 2+.
my opponents will lose up to 4 RR and i will gain them.

with the FF 9 and 4 ass. coaches i'll most likely win the
cheering fans and briljant coaching on the kick off, that's even more RR.
and the high FF has some other plusses on the kick off aswell.

i could switch 2 flings for a RR or ingredient, but i'm afraid i'll be short
on players before the match is over.

what about skills?
it's 1 notmal skill on a player your choise after each match,
it will be 7 or 8 matches.
Zombie - Jun 14, 2004 - 01:47 PM
Post subject:
Get the star treeman, get at least 1 RR (you'll need it in case your opponent doesn't have a lot to steal from), and you don't need any ass. coaches, cheerleaders and FF (apart from the mandatory 1 FF).
miloquaser - Jun 14, 2004 - 02:00 PM
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no star players alowed
Doubleskulls - Jun 15, 2004 - 03:01 AM
Post subject:
      Zombie wrote:
Get the star treeman, get at least 1 RR (you'll need it in case your opponent doesn't have a lot to steal from), and you don't need any ass. coaches, cheerleaders and FF (apart from the mandatory 1 FF).

That doesn't apply any more. The current master chef will add RR's even if your opponent has none. So taking the 5/6 chance of a RR for 60k is worth it IMO.

I'm not convinced about the coaches, but RR deprivation can be an effective tournament strategy.
Zombie - Jun 15, 2004 - 03:33 AM
Post subject:
Ok, i didn't know that.

Then i might want to drop 3 FF and 3 asistant coaches for one more ingredient! With 6 FF and 1 assistant coach, you'll still probably win all kickoff events. And that's one more reroll stolen!

As for skills, definitely block on both treemen first. Then you might want one halfling with catch for hand offs, and one with sure feet to get him the ball. After that, it depends what the other races are at the tournament. If you're allowed two skills on a single player, get both treemen guard right after block.
Roller - Jun 15, 2004 - 07:33 AM
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If your opponent has Halfling too, who steals RR?
Doubleskulls - Jun 15, 2004 - 10:12 AM
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IMO You both do! But you can't steal "Chef" rerolls - only ones the team starts with. So two halfling teams up against each other the one that starts without any RRs has a distinct advantage.
miloquaser - Jun 15, 2004 - 11:51 AM
Post subject:
I like my FF 9, flings ain't the best team, but while playing them you want the pitch invasion and the get the ref in your favour. That could be match winning kick off results.
and with 100k most other teams will keep their players and reduce costs
by cutting down on RR and FF. That's about the only point at which the flings are better, so i like to exploid that.
I could change 1 fling and 3 ass co. for 1 ingredient,
but with the high casualtie rate under the halflings playing with a full roaster doesn't sound that bad. (and i probably end up with at least 3 RR)

it's max. 1 skill on a player, so block on the treeman.
i like the catch and sure feet idea, creates options on ball handling.
what about side step?
Zombie - Jun 15, 2004 - 01:02 PM
Post subject:
Side step is really annoying. Give it to two of your players to cover your sidelines.

What i'm trying to say with the FF is that your opponents should all have a FF of 1 or 2 (typical for tournaments), so a 6 FF should be enough to beat them on all FF related kick off events.
Xtreme - Jun 15, 2004 - 09:41 PM
Post subject:
I've been debating tournament skills for my goblins. Can't decide if Sidestep or diving tackle would be better.
Doubleskulls - Jun 16, 2004 - 02:21 AM
Post subject:
      Zombie wrote:
What i'm trying to say with the FF is that your opponents should all have a FF of 1 or 2 (typical for tournaments), so a 6 FF should be enough to beat them on all FF related kick off events.

At the BarnaBowl (TR100) I played two skaven teams both with FF6. They new what they were about too.

IMO Taking 9 ought to guarantee beating everyone, while 6 guarantees winning about 80%.
Sputnik - Jun 16, 2004 - 05:30 AM
Post subject:
How would you propose the rules for the new masterchef in a six round tournament?

Especiaccly with the "money" to pay for the extra rolls (somehow per game)....what price for an extra roll, for example.

Zombie - Jun 16, 2004 - 07:06 AM
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Well, it's supposed to cost 20k per game, so i guess make it 120k!
Doubleskulls - Jun 17, 2004 - 01:48 AM
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IIRC Galak used 60k or 80k for Gen Con. I think somewhere between 80-120k is about right. IMO it has to cost significantly more than a halfling reroll, otherwise its a bit of a no-brainer.
miloquaser - Jun 23, 2004 - 11:20 AM
Post subject:
in this case its wizards at 3x their value,
so thats 60k for an ingredient and 150k for a wizard or rune smith.
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