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Strategy and Tactics - Skaven team for Vault Rules v1.4 League

ChrisLS - Jun 23, 2004 - 10:37 AM
Post subject: Skaven team for Vault Rules v1.4 League
I've only played a few games of BB, and am finally trying to get back into it with a new league starting at my local store. One thing that I think is REALLY cool is that it will be run using the Vault rules for team creation and the league. Some of the key points:

- All teams start with 5 FF for free, no additional FF may be purchased
- Apoths now allow only a reroll on the serious injury table instead of eliminating the injury... So now that Niggling can end up DEAD instead.
- MVP is selected by the coach, not random!
- Winnings: Each team receives the gate rounded up to the nearest 10K + 10K for winner and 10K for most casualties inflicted.
- Team rating is gone. Instead, team value is the handicap determiner, with advances each worth between 20K and 50K. The handicap is a use-it-or-lose-it pot of gold that is the difference between the team values for freebooters and other stuff. This is my favorite part, since I seem to play poorly enough that I ended up playing all of my games shorthanded due to deaths and injuries.

So with that in mind, here is my proposed roster:

2x Storm Vermin
2x Gutter Runners
1x Rat Ogre
7x Linerats
3x TRR

Exactly 1MM gold. I may get an Apoth after the first game, but will mostly be trying to save up for two more GRs.

Who should I try to upgrade first? My gut instinct is to give any linerat that can get a point MVP then Kick. I was also thinking about the suggestions I've seen elsewhere - going for defensive and offensive GRs, though I'd also like to get blodge for the GRs and SVs. Or, since I'm starting with the RO, should I immediately get to work on upgrading him?

Thanks for the input!
Turnip - Jun 23, 2004 - 03:00 PM
Post subject:
not too sure about that MVP rule! or the apothacary for that matter... but still, it depends what happens in the game really. if you can get both GR's up in the game by using the mvp then do it, but remember to distribute the mvp's evenly through the team. try and think which players you think would most benefit from the extra spp's, this will get easier the more games you play (supposedly)
personally i think that RO's are'nt too bad when bought new, so i'd only consider giving it an mvp in about 3rd or 4th game (if he lasts that long) or earlier if he's close to going up
hope that helps (knowing my explanitory skills it wont... but still)
Doubleskulls - Jun 24, 2004 - 02:18 AM
Post subject:
MVP must go to the Rat Ogre or Storm Vermin. Getting them all the 1st skill is a bit of a priority. Other than that if a linerat picks up a casualty or something then I may be tempted to give him kick.

The lineup looks good to me. I'd still take the apoth before an extra player - you'll get enough deaths to make it worth while.
Banelord - Jun 24, 2004 - 08:26 AM
Post subject:
First MVP to the Rat Ogre he needs Block, then MVPs to the Strom Vermins - Claws/Guard.
ChrisLS - Jun 24, 2004 - 09:43 AM
Post subject:
One thing about the Vault rules - Big Guys have lost access to General Skills, so I'd have to roll doubles on the ROs to get him block.

For the Storm Vermin - If I managed to get doubles, would Claws be the way to go, or Dodge? Plenty of people out here think that Blodge is the best combo you can have in the game.
slup - Jun 24, 2004 - 12:37 PM
Post subject:
      ChrisLS wrote:
One thing about the Vault rules - Big Guys have lost access to General Skills, so I'd have to roll doubles on the ROs to get him block.

For the Storm Vermin - If I managed to get doubles, would Claws be the way to go, or Dodge? Plenty of people out here think that Blodge is the best combo you can have in the game.

Blodge is a good thing, but mostly on players with regular access to both general and agilityskills like elves and gutterrunners.
On a double for a stormvermin i would look towards stand firm, frenzy, dauntless or claw(s)
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