NAF World Headquarters

North America - Few Questions about the "Death Bowl"

Clan_Skaven - Jul 02, 2004 - 01:16 PM
Post subject: Few Questions about the "Death Bowl"
1) How many Death Bowl boards do you have made?

2) Is there a max. size in attendance allowed? Cause if you have lets say have 5 Death Bowl boards made, then there could only be 20 players at a max in the tourney. (unless of coarse not everyone gets a Death Bowl final match). If everyone does get one final Death Bowl style game, how will you manage with not enough speacial boards?

3) In other tourneys, you have a tourney organiser ready to sit or play depending on if you have an odd or even amount in attendance. What happens in the Death Bowl if you get lets say 18 perople? 18/4=4.5
Do you try & make the attendance to the nearest "4th" (4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,ect ect...)?

4) Finally, would the owner of those awsome Death Bowl boards be willing to sell one? Or make one as an order request?

Thanks in advance.
Zombie - Jul 04, 2004 - 07:48 PM
Post subject:
There are a lot of actual boards, and some more that are just printed. There is sure to be enough.

Last year, Andy Hall and the last place guy didn't play in the final.

Brian mentioned to me the price that he'd be willing to sell them for. I don't think you can afford it!
CyberHare - Jul 05, 2004 - 04:08 AM
Post subject: Re: Few Questions about the "Death Bowl"
Since we're into July I'l going to have to start geting the firm info out about this tourney. I've been very busy working on the Axe (which still isn't finished, sorry Zombie:( ) and other props for the event. For the moment I'll just answer the questions.

      Clan-Skaven wrote:
1) How many Death Bowl boards do you have made?

9 foam boards and carved wood board. So enough for 40 coaches.

      Clan-Skaven wrote:
2) Is there a max. size in attendance allowed?

Last year there was no maximum number of players. That became problematic in organizing things as I never knew how many people would be there. This year I'm setting a loose ceiling of 40 coaches. Loose being that if 45 or 50 show up they won't be turned away. Eveyone gets to play a final round of Death Bowl.

      Clan-Skaven wrote:
3) In other tourneys, you have a tourney organiser ready to sit or play depending on if you have an odd or even amount in attendance. What happens in the Death Bowl if you get lets say 18 perople? 18/4=4.5
Do you try & make the attendance to the nearest "4th" (4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,ect ect...)?

A lot of the people attending the event are my good friends from my local league who don't mind sitting out for the final round. Unless of course they're in the running Smile It all works itself out on the fly.

      Clan-Skaven wrote:
4) Finally, would the owner of those awsome Death Bowl boards be willing to sell one? Or make one as an order request?

I own the boards but I'm not willing to part with any of them, sorry. I wouldn't sell the foam ones, they're too cheap and the wood board took me too much time and it's the only one I have. If there's interest I may have some printed copies of the board for sale at the tourney. That was only an idea at the back of my mind though and I'm really not sure if I'll have time to sort that out with all the other prep work I have to do.

I hope you'll be at the DB this year.
CyberHare - Jul 05, 2004 - 04:12 AM
Post subject:
      Zombie wrote:
Last year, Andy Hall and the last place guy didn't play in the final

Actually the other gent who sat out wasn't in last place . He's just a good friend who wasn't in the running for anything and didn't mind sittiing out. The last place guy, Billy Zavos, needed to play the final round as he was in the running for the wooden spoon Razz Besides, the last round was the only round he won Laughing
Clan_Skaven - Jul 05, 2004 - 06:33 AM
Post subject:
      Zombie wrote:

Brian mentioned to me the price that he'd be willing to sell them for. I don't think you can afford it!

Not to sound argumentive, but how would you know what I can & can't afford? Not knowing where I work & what I get paid, you really have no idea what I can afford. Rolling Eyes

Besides by not telling me what he'd be willing to sell them for, I can't say if I could or could not afford one.
Zombie - Jul 05, 2004 - 08:16 AM
Post subject:
Actually, i'm sure you could afford it, but i don't think you'd want to at that price! You can talk to him about it in person if you come. Everything is for sale if you offer enough!
CyberHare - Jul 05, 2004 - 09:28 AM
Post subject:
Now now boys play nice. I don't remember what price I quoted to Zombie but I was a crazy amount. In reality the wood board is not for sale for any amount anyone would be willing to pay for it. It's not that it's valuable, simply that it's valuable to me Smile You may or may not be able to afford to buy it CS but I think Zombie's point is that it just wouldn't be worth the money Smile
Clan_Skaven - Jul 05, 2004 - 10:42 AM
Post subject: ok
Like I said, I wasn't trying to be argumentive, sorry if I sounded like I was.

Ok no problem CyberHare. I understand your wood Board is not for sale. I also understand you are extreamly busy. But I'll still offer a proposition to ya....

If at the Death Bowl 2004 I paid you in advance to make a new Wood board that I'd not pick up untill the Death Bowl 2005, would you consider that? at the 2004 Death Bowl you could give me a price I'd let you know that weekend if I'm cool with it, if I am, I'd pay you right there, & pick it up a full year later. Heck I'll even paint it myself! (you could say it would be just as easy if I were to make my own, but I'm like Charlie Brown when it comes to tools Confused , serriously I almost failed shop in high school!)

There thats my final offer. Don't decide right now, you have enough on your plate at the moment, but think it over & let me know in Montreal in October 2004... Yes I will be there (I'm already off that weekend, I'm also off the weekend of the Spike!, I'm in the midst of trying to book off time to attend the Gen Con as well)

So hopefully by the end of the year I'll have 3 more tournies under my belt, (& hopefully my first win(s) vs. other NAF members!)

Thanks in advance for your time.
CyberHare - Jul 05, 2004 - 08:38 PM
Post subject:
Ok we can talk it over. Next year I was going to be making a new board for myself anyway so maybe we can work something out.

I'm glad to hear you'll be there. I'm going to get the details hammered out ASAP and start advertising this.
Clan_Skaven - Jul 05, 2004 - 09:01 PM
Post subject: Warpstone!
At the Canadian Open, there was no Warpstone in my Dugout (an obvious deliberate tactic used against my team!) Can we please ensure that there will be indeed a rich supply of it available for me at the DEATH BOWL, waiting in my Dugouts before my matches, please & thankyou!

"Warpstone is a very important part of a Skaven's healthy diet"
Clan_Skaven - Jul 05, 2004 - 09:01 PM
Post subject: ty
      CyberHare wrote:
Ok we can talk it over. Next year I was going to be making a new board for myself anyway so maybe we can work something out.

I'm glad to hear you'll be there. I'm going to get the details hammered out ASAP and start advertising this.

Thanks very much!
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