NAF World Headquarters

North America - Billets for GenCon

Clan_Skaven - Jul 12, 2004 - 02:49 PM
Post subject: Billets for GenCon
Hey I'm not trying to impose on anyone, but if you dont ask you may never know!

Does anyone that lives near the GenCon have room for out of towners to crash?

I'd return the favour if there was a tourney close to me some day.
majortusk - Jul 13, 2004 - 02:10 PM
Post subject:
I am staying at one of the hotels, I am sure if you dont mind the floor and gamers, we could possibly hook you up Smile
Xtreme - Jul 14, 2004 - 02:09 AM
Post subject:
I wish I had room I would put some people up, but unfortunaly I'm looking to move out of my little apartment as it is.
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