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Rules Questions - Scattered Ball/Turn Over Question

KarlLagerbottom - Aug 28, 2004 - 05:26 PM
Post subject: Scattered Ball/Turn Over Question
I'm pretty sure that I have the answer to this, but I want to get some feedback on something that happened in a game that I played today.

I blitzed the opponent's ball carrier, and knocked the ball loose. Pow So far so plan was then to have my catcher pick-up the ball and run for pay dirt.

Problem is that the ball scattered right back to the Blitzer...and he failed to grab it. It further scattered to an empty square and stopped there.

Is this a turn-over, or can my catcher then attempt to grab the ball on his way to glory? Furthermore...if this is not a TO...can the blitzer continue his move and possibly make another attempt at the ball if I decided to have him try that?

Grettel - Aug 28, 2004 - 05:55 PM
Post subject:
It's not a turnover. Both your catcher and blitzer ( or anyone else for that matter) can make a grab for the ball.
snew - Aug 28, 2004 - 06:28 PM
Post subject:
Failure to catch a scattered or bouncing ball is not a turnover. Grettel is right, if you still have movement left on the Blitzer, you can move him into the square with the ball and attempt to pick it up.
SBG - Sep 02, 2004 - 01:08 PM
Post subject:
Though, if your Blitzer tries to pick up the ball during the rest of his move and fail, it is then a turnover.

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