NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Bouncing Balls ???

Ronnie - Sep 02, 2004 - 09:48 AM
Post subject: Bouncing Balls ???
I get Confused with this rule but when a pass action is failed its scatters 3 times and then it bounces once

therefore you have to scatter it four times in failed passed action?
dwarfcoach - Sep 02, 2004 - 10:20 AM
Post subject:

The ball scatters 3 times whilst still in the air and then if it lands in an un-occupied square it bounces once.
SuM - Sep 02, 2004 - 07:17 PM
Post subject:
Yes, yes this is true...
But in the LRB, if on the 3 scatter or the last bounce, it land in one of spaces your team is in, you can attempt to catch the ball. If you catch it successifully, it is not a Turn-Over...
Just the Thower doesn't get any SPP for the completion.
Zombie - Sep 02, 2004 - 07:41 PM
Post subject:
You don't get an attempt to catch it on any of the first two scatters.
Inaspin - Sep 08, 2004 - 07:07 AM
Post subject:
Only says 3 times in the rules, but I understand if this is superceeded by the bounce for landing in an empty square rule....just wish it said Rolling Eyes
jaylazer - Sep 08, 2004 - 10:28 AM
Post subject:
Actually, it does say this in the rules.

In the "Throwing the Ball" section, the first 3 scatters are handled in the Throwing sub-section. If you look on the next page there is a "Bouncing Balls" section.

This is where the "4th Scatter" is handled. Here is the first sentence of the section:
If the football is not caught, or the square where it lands
is unoccupied (or is occupied by a prone player) then it
will bounce.

Xtreme - Sep 08, 2004 - 09:34 PM
Post subject:
Never really think about it as 4 scatters rather 3 scatters and a bounce.
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