NAF World Headquarters

North America - Challenge of Q'ermitt (Toronto tourney)

Spazzfist - Sep 05, 2004 - 10:34 AM
Post subject: Challenge of Q'ermitt (Toronto tourney)
I am very excited to announce that I plan on running a Blood Bowl tournament in Toronto in March of 2005.

This is the first Annual Challenge of Q'ermit, hosted by Hammers of the North.

In this tournament participating teams will have an opportunity to span the globe, as they are transported via the portals of the Old Ones, to play in Blood Bowl pitches all over the world to determine who is truly the mightiest.

Players will have the chance to play on eight of nine specially constucted boards which represent different geographical locations (e.g. desert, ice, goblin swamp stadium). Each pitch will have their own special rules (for weather, etc.) which will be included in the tournament package. The two players who advance to the finals will be playing in the temple of the mighty Slann, Q'ermitt, who (for reasons known only to him) is set to determine who is the mightiest Blood Bowl team in the world and bestow them with the mystical Plaque of Q'ermitt.

The "nitty gritty" can be found on the "Tourney" link on the NAF toolbar.
My goal is to make this a very exciting, unique, and above all, fun tournament for all players!

The Schedule:



9:00-10:00 ??? Registration
9:30 ??? 11:30 - Game 1
11:30 ??? 1:00 - Lunch
1:00 - 3:00 - Game 2
3:00 ??? 4:00 - Break
4:00 ??? 6: 00 - Game 3

6:30 ??? 10:30 ??? Stunty Cup


9:30-11:30 ??? Game 4
11:30 ??? 12:30- Lunch
12:30 - 2:30 - Game 5
2:30 ??? 3:30 - Break
3:30 ??? 5: 30 - Game 6
5:30 ??? 6:00 - Clean up
6:00 - Awards Ceremony

Please be on time for registration as the store is doing us a favour by opening up early! Everyone must be ready to play by 10:00 ??? no later! The time table is very tight so please make sure that you play at a brisk pace. The four minute turn rule is in effect, and it is up to you to remind your opponent if they are taking too long.

Those committed to attending:
Karl Lagerbottom (+Stunty - race?)
Ben (+Stunty - skinks)
Anthony TBBF
Eric Harmer
James Smith
Clan-Skaven (+Stunty - skinks)
Six Foot Dwarf
Honeycomb Kid
Ian Dundas
Melifaxis - Sep 05, 2004 - 12:29 PM
Post subject:
Sounds very cool to me!
Zombie - Sep 05, 2004 - 05:29 PM
Post subject:
I don't think Toronto is a good place to start a new tournament right now. There are already many tournaments there so the scene is pretty much saturated. The TBBF gang even decided to drop a tournament this year because they thought that 3 would be too much.

I wish you good luck anyway.
Spazzfist - Sep 05, 2004 - 08:12 PM
Post subject:
Thanks for the heads up, Zombie, but I have invested too much into this to back out now!

While I can appreciate what you are saying, I think that when looking at a market that it is saturated, you need to consider what is being offered. Now I will be the first to admit that I have not been an active particpant in the Blood Bowl tournament circuit, but I have been doing some research and talked to some people who are more in the know (e.g. Anthony Watts of the TBBF), and the message I am getting is that something different is needed if you want to draw a crowd.

I mean no disrespect to the TBBF, and say this having no knowledge of how they run their tournaments, but if you keep doing the same things, then your existing participants will start to lose interest, and it will be hard to generate a fresh audience. Perhaps that is why the Toronto scene is waning.

What I am offering will be something very different than anything that I have ever heard about, and provided that the interest is maintained, then it will be a growing project for years to come.

My hook is that I am constructing nine special Blood Bowl boards and my goal is to make at least one more every year so that the entire tournament is no longer played on the cardboard Blood Bowl pitches which we are all so familiar with, but rather on special pitches which represent and are characteristic of the different races in the Warhammer world, and the corresponding geographical locations. Not only will this be more interesting to play on aesthetically, but it will challenge the coaches to use their team in different ways as dictated by the stadium's weather and special "quirks".

But this is my first tournament, and of course I want this to be a success (duh!) so I am willing to listen and accept the advice of anyone who might be able to tell me how they have promoted their own tournament, or made it the penultimate BB tournament that could not be missed!

Zombie, thanks for the advice, but this is where I am, so this is where it's got to be. I think that when there are a lot of people doing the same thing, you just have to be creative and offer something different. When I get my web site up check it out and you will see that I am doing just that!

Hope to see you there in March!

Zombie - Sep 05, 2004 - 08:51 PM
Post subject:
Actually, the Toronto scene is certainly not waning. It's increasing in size at an alarming rate! The Canadian open got a lot more players this year than anything held prior to that, and the Spike! should at least double that amount.

Also, i don't think that offering constancy turns people off in the long run, on the contrary. If they see something they like, they'll be back for more! And they'll certainly be back to see again all the new people they've met.

I'm not trying to discourage you or anything. Just be warned that you might be disappointed by the turnout. You're also holding the tournament at a date that's pretty close to next year's Canadian Open, which could hurt you.

But i'm always glad to see new blood injected in the tournament scene. Again, good luck!
KarlLagerbottom - Sep 06, 2004 - 01:02 AM
Post subject:
I don't think that I'll be able to attend, but one item off of your list that is new to me and an interesting twist, is that players who die come back without their skill(s).

It may change the way people play with certain stars and it may even force people to change from their tried-and-true skills progression for their team. (Especially if more than one player goes down in this way. Very Happy )

I know that during the Boston Brouhaha someone put a bounty on one of the Halfling Team's treeman. (I almost collected...but he apothed the SI'd Treeman.) Anyway, you might see alot more of that type of thing in your tourney, and more interaction between players is always a good thing.

Good Luck. -Rob
Clan_Skaven - Sep 06, 2004 - 02:10 AM
Post subject: .
Any chance of sneak previews of these custom pitches? Possible you could post some pics?

Sounds cool!
Spazzfist - Sep 06, 2004 - 08:39 AM
Post subject:
A friend of mine is going to help me set up a web site and then pics (and other info) will be posted there. I will also be posting "work in progress" pics of what has been done at the Spike! tourney.

As I said we are building nine pitches, which are as follows:
-goblin swamp stadium (built on rafts)
-halfling stadium with lush turf and overzealous Mcmurty burger vendors
-Rh'ugbi pitch (Blood bowl on a boat)
-desert pitch
-Norse snow and ice field
-Sylvanian graveyard pitch
-Astrogranite field
-dungeonbowl (?) - I have heard that some people are not crazy about this one and may change it for streetbowl or something else.

-Temple of Q'ermitt - Lizardman step pyramid pitch overseen by the mighty Q'ermitt himself

Other ideas are already floating around for other pitch conceptions, but as I said, I would like to do more every year - so suggestions are very welcome!

Currently my team and I are working on the boat, goblin and lizardman pitches as these will be the most difficult and time consuming (not to mention probably the most attractive!) Pics when we have them!

Clan_Skaven - Sep 06, 2004 - 02:03 PM
Post subject: ..
Sounds great...

Wait no Skaven pitch???

Sewer-Bowl! Laughing
Spazzfist - Sep 06, 2004 - 02:12 PM
Post subject: Re: ..
      Clan-Skaven wrote:

Wait no Skaven pitch???

Sewer-Bowl! Laughing

A project for a future year to be sure!!
Da_Scum - Sep 09, 2004 - 01:48 PM
Post subject:
A Goblins pitch eh? Wonder if Da Maggot scum will gain home-field advantage there as well? Very Happy Mind you they LIKE already having their own home stadium as it comes with all the luxeries of a Goblin Stadium! If they don't have a weapon's rack in their dugout it can't possibly be their home-field! Laughing
Spazzfist - Sep 10, 2004 - 06:25 AM
Post subject:
There are now some pics of the early stages and conceptual designs for the lizardman temple stadium. These can be found at:

This is my friend Mike's website and I plan to get my own site up soon too, but until then I will see if I can get the pics of the other boards there too. Currently I am working on the goblin swamp raft pitch (which is more than half done now) and the Blood Bowl Boat is nearing completion.

Ben - Sep 10, 2004 - 07:55 AM
Post subject:
Let me know if theres anyway i can help, being the NAF Rep for Canada and all.

Old_Man_Monkey - Sep 10, 2004 - 08:01 AM
Post subject:
Go get 'em, Ben old bean! Very Happy
Spazzfist - Sep 10, 2004 - 09:58 AM
Post subject:
My buddy Mike is graciously allowing me to post the pics of my goblin raft stadium (as it stands now) on his website. I forwarded these to him, and they should be up by the end of the day. More pics by the end of the weekend for sure!

Also, for any who are coming to the Spike! tourney, I will be there, and will be posting any pics and info that we have at that time.

<Ben, I posted you a PM, so just get back to me on that....>

Ben - Sep 10, 2004 - 02:06 PM
Post subject:
I have not received any PM's?
Spazzfist - Sep 10, 2004 - 02:47 PM
Post subject:
More pics are up!

Ben, I tried the PM thing again.....LMK if you get it!
Valen - Sep 13, 2004 - 07:58 AM
Post subject:
I might be interested in this, it is my birthday the week later so I may be able to swing this as an early present from the missus. I will try my best, I wanted to attend a torni abroad next year and this sounds very interesting.
Spazzfist - Sep 15, 2004 - 06:33 AM
Post subject:
Work is progressing at a good pace, and the goblin pitch should hopefully be done by this weekend! Pics of the boat board should also be up on the website before too long.

Look for posters and flyers for the "Challenge of Q'ermitt" at the Spike! I will be there with my Savage Orc team, so if you have any questions or suggestions for my tourney, be sure to seek me out!

Spazzfist - Sep 16, 2004 - 09:47 AM
Post subject:
I am trying my hand at starting my own web site. All of this is new to me, so it is still pretty rough, but thought that I would share anyways.

Here are some new URLs to look up (the previous one with Mike'sminimart is still available too).

More pics will be going up soon! Look for more info at the Spike! tourney.

Zombie - Sep 16, 2004 - 10:22 AM
Post subject:
Looks pretty good!
Spazzfist - Sep 16, 2004 - 10:48 AM
Post subject:
      Zombie wrote:
Looks pretty good!

Well coming from you Zombie, I will take that as high praise! Razz
Melifaxis - Sep 16, 2004 - 11:34 AM
Post subject:
How about this....You're insane!!!

But who on here isn't Wink

Great job thus far.
Valen - Sep 16, 2004 - 01:13 PM
Post subject:
Looking very good, and the missus is saying it is probably ok for me to come, so put me down as a 95% certain, is there a prize for most travelled? Very Happy
twist - Sep 16, 2004 - 02:09 PM
Post subject:
Awesome! Very Happy
Spazzfist - Sep 16, 2004 - 02:39 PM
Post subject:
      Valen-S wrote:
is there a prize for most travelled? Very Happy

Wel.... as you can well imagine the cost of making these boards (especially this current board with all the resin) is quite a bit. On top of that I would like the regular prizes, etc. I guess what it all comes down to is how many people are going to be coming? I want to keep the cost low, and the host site can hold about 40 people. So if I could get the full 40 (dreaming, I know) then sure - "most travelled is in!

Thanks for the positive feeback one and all. I plan to make this the "must attend tournament of the season"! Keep watching for more info.

Valen - Sep 16, 2004 - 04:09 PM
Post subject:
I was actually only joking about the most travelled due to the fact I am coming from the UK, but from what I have seen it is on its way to being the must attend torni of the year, I already have 2 or 3 mates thinking about attending aswell.
Valen - Sep 16, 2004 - 04:36 PM
Post subject:
Are you going to post this up on TBB to get a little more interest from there?
Spazzfist - Sep 16, 2004 - 07:49 PM
Post subject:

By TBB, do you mean the TBBF? (Toronto Blood Bowl Federation?) I do indeed plan to inform them, use and abuse them in whatever way I can to make this tournament the bestest ever! And if there are any other websites, organizations, clubs that people can out me in touch with to promote this thing, that would be greatly appreciated!

As for journeying prizes for you and your mates, I was thinking about buying the first round of pints, but then there I could see if I could get a group discount on the official NAF thong! Laughing Shocked Laughing

One other thing. I was planning on keeping this one back for next year.... I was going to run this tournament with all the boards that me and my crew have constructed (9). In following years I was thinking about offering deep discounts (or free admission) to people who brought their own custom made boards to the tourney to be played on. Then we could also have a judging for best board. If people are game for it this year, there is still a lot of time! Build your board, and we can talk about getting you in for cheap! My vision is to eventually have this as well attended tournament (duh) and a tournament where every board is a custom built one!

Ah to dream.....

Da_Scum - Sep 16, 2004 - 08:01 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:

One other thing. I was planning on keeping this one back for next year.... I was going to run this tournament with all the boards that me and my crew have constructed (9). In following years I was thinking about offering deep discounts (or free admission) to people who brought their own custom made boards to the tourney to be played on. Then we could also have a judging for best board. If people are game for it this year, there is still a lot of time! Build your board, and we can talk about getting you in for cheap! My vision is to eventually have this as well attended tournament (duh) and a tournament where every board is a custom built one!

Ah to dream.....


Da Maggot Scum always come with THEIR home-field advantage! Laughing

So that would make TWO Goblins stadiums...amazingly there might even be two Goblins teams...okay my team and a group of wannabes.... Rolling Eyes
Spazzfist - Sep 16, 2004 - 08:49 PM
Post subject:
Hey Scum,

Do you have the Maggots pitch built yet? Da No Good Broozers will take on any comers, especially those who aren't bigger than they are!

Having built this pitch has inspired me to re-do my first ever Blood Bowl team - DA No Good Broozers. The roughest, toughest band of no good, underhanded gobbos to ever take the pitch. my original models are the 1980's versions BB goblins, but now I want to do them with current range plastics. And yes, they will have a home field advantage on my board!
Da_Scum - Sep 16, 2004 - 10:34 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Hey Scum,

Do you have the Maggots pitch built yet? Da No Good Broozers will take on any comers, especially those who aren't bigger than they are!

Having built this pitch has inspired me to re-do my first ever Blood Bowl team - DA No Good Broozers. The roughest, toughest band of no good, underhanded gobbos to ever take the pitch. my original models are the 1980's versions BB goblins, but now I want to do them with current range plastics. And yes, they will have a home field advantage on my board!

ROFL! Do I have it built yet he asks? Rolling Eyes Won Best Pitch at Gencon, and has made many appearances at Gencon, Underworld Cup and the Canadian Open. Next appearance is Spike!, as that Home-field advantage is too good to pass up! Check the picture links on the TalkBloodBowl boards for Gencon of this year or last year and there should be a few recent pictures of Ivor Biggin stadium, Home of the #1 ranked Goblin team world-wide, Da Maggot Scum! Sponcered by Guinness, as all good Goblin teams are. (Which several say is the whole point... Laughing )

Otherwise I can direct e-mail them to you somewhere...wonders of Goblin tech these days... Mr. Green
Valen - Sep 17, 2004 - 01:48 AM
Post subject:
By TBB I meant Talk Blood Bowl, you may get a some interest from other europeans due to the novelty of custom made pitches, and different weather conditions, thats what attracted me.
Spazzfist - Sep 17, 2004 - 06:29 AM
Post subject:
      Valen-S wrote:
By TBB I meant Talk Blood Bowl, you may get a some interest from other europeans due to the novelty of custom made pitches, and different weather conditions, thats what attracted me.

Thanks for the heads up on that - I will check it out.
Spazzfist - Sep 17, 2004 - 06:43 AM
Post subject:
Here is a new link for the updates to the goblin pitch:

More pics!
Spazzfist - Sep 21, 2004 - 06:44 AM
Post subject:
Thanks for all those who came by to talk to me at the Spike! and express the enthusiasm for the work that is being done for this tournament. For those who did see it, the goblin swamp stadium is almost dry now which will mean that the rafts will be going on and the board will be playable very soon.

But until it is completely dry, I do not want to lose my steam and am going to start work on my second (our 4th) board for the tournament, which will be the Sylvanian Vampire board, complete with graveyard right on the pitch! Playtesting will be in order, but the catch is that there will be a few gravestones blocking the way, however they can be removed by making a successful block against them (just don't use yer 'ead)!

If you are in the GTA, and would like a sneak preview of the tourney boards, then PM me and we can arrange something (as the boards are ready). Because of the unique nature of the boards, each one is going to have special kick of tables and weather result, as well as some minor considerations during play (e.g. the goblin stadium will see players falling ona 1 or 2 when sprinting, as they rafts and land are so slippery). In doing this I want to be sure of some semblance of game balance, and so will require some playetsting to be sure.

However, it should be noted that sometmes the "fairness balance" may not be all on one board. While some boards may favour some teams - the halfling stadium with it's "lush turf" will make it harder to punch through armour - a bonus for all AV 7 players! But then the payback will be when the players go onto the astrogranite field and find that their bones aren't as hard as they thought!

But work progresses, and as I said, the responses were very encouraging. Thanks all, and I look forward to giving everyone a tournament to remember!

Da_Scum - Sep 21, 2004 - 09:39 AM
Post subject:
Da Maggot Scum have made their contribution to this Noble effort of DOUBLING the Goblin stadiums by sending their "sponcer" list to one of the many slaves you have working on the stadium construction process. Laughing

A few more bribes like that should guarantee that my referees during the tournament shall be "Firm but Fair" Wink
Spazzfist - Sep 22, 2004 - 01:50 PM
Post subject:
W.r.t. the vampire/graveyard board, I wanted to get some feedback from the players who are following this thread (and are therefore most likely to actually attend the event)!

In planning the construction of this graveyard pitch, I am wondering
how to deal with the issue of the gravestones on the pitch:

Option number one would have the players placing the gravestones. There will of course be certain limitations on where they can be placed (i.e. not on the front line) and also within a certain proximity (not all side by side in a row).

Option two would have the gravestones pre-placed and then the players just have to deal with them where they are. A cunning coach be able to use them to his/her/it's advantage! This option will also allow me to make more use of those little magnets so that I can pop the gravestones on and off easily.

I would REALLY appreciate any feedback on this. After all, it is the other memers that I am aiming to please!

twist - Sep 22, 2004 - 01:58 PM
Post subject:
One option would be for coaches to place them.

Another would be to have them permanent, but make the tops removable once blocked... maybe add a puzzle like connection so you can remove the top and it looks broken?

Or a third, more normal game, put them on the lines of each square so they dont interfere with play, but it would still look like a graveyard.

All three are fine with me, though these sorts of games would make more fun than competitive play.
Spazzfist - Sep 22, 2004 - 07:48 PM
Post subject:
      twist wrote:
One option would be for coaches to place them.

Yeah, I mentioned that one, it would give the coaches some more strategy, but it also allows for some beardy rules bending that I may not forsee!

      twist wrote:
Another would be to have them permanent, but make the tops removable once blocked... maybe add a puzzle like connection so you can remove the top and it looks broken?

Nah, once the gravestone is successfully blocked, I think it should just be outta there!

      twist wrote:
Or a third, more normal game, put them on the lines of each square so they dont interfere with play, but it would still look like a graveyard.

I am not sure what you mean - the graves would be on the pitch, right? Well they would have to block traffice one way or the other. If they are vertical (parallel to the sidelines), then they would interfere with the left right traffic through the square that they are in, no?

      twist wrote:
All three are fine with me, though these sorts of games would make more fun than competitive play.

Well as was said in a different thread, if you choose to be involved in this tournament you have to be prepared for a slight twist on your regular game of Blood Bowl! Perhaps you are right, these boards may be more suited for fun than competitive play. But to be honest, I would rather that people had fun Very Happy at my tournament than be competitive. Mad
Spazzfist - Sep 23, 2004 - 12:13 PM
Post subject:
I was finding the web page that I was using a bit user-unfriendly, and have started to make the switch over to a group-based page. This will make the transition between photo albums easier and also allow other people the freedom to add pics of their own stadiums (that's your cue Scum!) to the photo album.

There is not only pics of what I am working on but what I have found in my research of other stadiums out there. Peruse and enjoy!

Spazzfist - Sep 23, 2004 - 12:15 PM
Post subject:
I suppose it would help if I put the URl..... Embarassed
CyberHare - Oct 01, 2004 - 04:28 AM
Post subject:
All right ladies and gents we're getting inside of the two week mark. Time to start making your travel arrangements, booking motel rooms, and saving up those small bills for the after party Twisted Evil

If anyone is flying into Montreal let me know and I'll see if I can pick you up at the airport. If anyone wants my phone number so they can contact me when they get here, in case you are lost or just want to hook up, PM me and I'll pass it along.

For anyone who is still on the fence if they are comming or not what can I say. I'll stand by my reputation from last year and say that the best thing to do would be to ask someone who was there last year if you should go or not. The chance to play on my glass field alone is worth the trip Smile
Melifaxis - Oct 01, 2004 - 08:51 AM
Post subject:
As someone who went last year I can support that by saying you should definitely go!

I must sadly report that I am going to miss the Death Bowl this year, but I'm not at all happy about it Sad
Spazzfist - Oct 07, 2004 - 06:19 AM
Post subject:
I have just uploaded some rules (which have yet to be playtested) on my website for the special stadiums that will be used at the tournament.

They can be found at:

My goal with the special stadiums is to have each pitch with it's own distinct flavour (mmmm.. tastes like chicken!) no - not like that. I want each one to be more distinct due to it's geographical location and also due to the race that is hosting it. This will be achieved through modified kick off tables, but also through conditions on the pitch (e.g. the halfling stadium wiill have lush turf which will mean that all armour rolls are at -1).

My goal is to add an interesting twist onto the regular game of Blood Bowl without changing the game too much. As I understand it BB7's, Dungeonbowl are popular variations of Blood Bowl that are played all over the world, but I probably want to avoid being that extreme. The one exception is that I may include a "Streetbowl" board, but I would like some audience response to that. (I will include a link to rules for that later).

But the work is progressing, and more pics will be up soon! If you have any thoughts or suggestions, ideas or comments, please send them forward. Zombie, I expect your scrutiny on this one! (Just be nice when you give me your report!) Razz

Thanks all,

Torpor - Oct 07, 2004 - 06:38 AM
Post subject:
Question regarding the Graveyard Pitch - Will there be open graves (pit traps) on it?

It shouldn't really matter about placement of the headstones as you can always have them placed beforehand and then toss a coin to see who gets which end of the pitch.

Looking forward to seeing more photos of your pitches. Always good to see how other people do things as it gives me ideas. It is tempting me to make a ruined temple/swamp pitch for a Lizardman Team now...

Spazzfist - Oct 07, 2004 - 06:51 AM
Post subject:
The open graves might not be a bad idea! Smile I hadn't planned on that one, but it is definitely worth some consideration. Maybe it would be a clean pitch (no open graves to begin with - but one of the kick off results would have a zombie rise from the ground to attack the players. This woul dhave the dual effect of a mangy zombie on the loose and an open grave from whence he came. Hmmmm....

But funny you should mention the placement of the gravestones. I just received a copy of the BB Annual 2002 last night (had bought it on ebay) in there they have rules for a jungle pitch with trees, and how to place them on the field. Basically you have X number of trees and then each opponent places them on the opponents half of the pitch and then scatters them d6 squares with one roll on the scatter template. I am, thinking that that might be the way that I would like to go.

I am borrowing a good camera this weekend and when I have taken a few more snaps, then I will post them right away.

Spazzfist - Oct 07, 2004 - 08:07 PM
Post subject:
The way my time and schedule is right now I have very little time to sit down and paint thigns or work on a board. So I have been stealing the moments here and there to come up with the rules for the different stadiums.

I have just uploaded rules for the graveyard pitch and I welcome all to have a look and tell me what you think!


P.s. The Halfling pitch rules will be up next - just fer you Lagerbottom!
Spazzfist - Oct 08, 2004 - 01:49 PM
Post subject:
Experimental rules for the halfling stadium are now up.
KarlLagerbottom - Oct 08, 2004 - 04:56 PM
Post subject:
I haven't looked at them yet, but I guess this means that the BellyBusters will be making another trip. (Unless they win the which case they might be changed to the Belly Boasters. Very Happy)

I'll tell you what though...I am planning a Philadelphia Tourney for April 2005. If I make it up to Ontario for your's I better see you in the States pal!!!

Spazzfist - Oct 08, 2004 - 05:47 PM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
I'll tell you what though...I am planning a Philadelphia Tourney for April 2005. If I make it up to Ontario for your's I better see you in the States pal!!!

Well my girlfriend and I are in negotiations as to how many tourneys I can do in a year, but if you are holding one (and Philly is do-able) then for sure I will be there! (To make a sweep of all the prizes!) King Trophy King

Valen - Oct 09, 2004 - 03:22 AM
Post subject:
All tyhe stadium Rules are posted on TBB for analysis over htere aswell.
Spazzfist - Nov 01, 2004 - 05:57 AM
Post subject:
As I spread the word of this tournament to people I am bumping into at the local GW, and the tournaments I have attended, I am getting a lot of positive feedback and people's promises to attend. Couple that with the people whom I have never met, but have told me of their intention through the forum and I am starting to get a sense that I will have a very good attendance at this event!

My only concern with this is that the space I have booked may not be big enough.

I am wondering if people can start telling me whether or not they plan on attending. Even "maybes" would be helpful to allow me to project and plan. Once I have some rough numbers, then I will start selling tickets with an early bird discount.

A listing of all attendees will be put at the front of this thread.



P.S. More pics of the goblin swamp stadium are up on the group site.
Ben - Nov 01, 2004 - 07:35 AM
Post subject:
You can count me in. I wouldn't want to miss playing on all these awesome and unique looking boards.

AnthonyTBBF - Nov 01, 2004 - 07:41 AM
Post subject:
I am pretty sure I'll be there.
Spazzfist - Nov 02, 2004 - 07:08 PM
Post subject:
I am going to make some inquiries, but as a back-up plan I am going to look at booking the Oakville Battle Bunker for this tournament (where the Spike!) tournament was held.

If all goes well, I think we might have a larger capacity that would fit into my originally planned space!

The person to speak to is away until Thursday, more when I know more.

Bikerbob - Nov 06, 2004 - 06:17 AM
Post subject: I am there.. one way or the other!
As I told you last night before your frick'n bunny blitzers injured both my Stormvermin on the first turn of the game! Evil or Very Mad Pow Shocked

I will be there for sure Craig, and as you know, just so others know, I am available for help in construction, painting, planning, organizing, and quite frankly if you need help with the tournament days I am willing to do that instead of playing.

Being part of a successfully run tournament is just as satisfying as playing in it, in my book, and there will be a lot in 2005 for me to play in. I would think this one will need at least a few people in an organizing commitee to pull of.Mr. Green

KarlLagerbottom - Nov 10, 2004 - 04:55 PM
Post subject:
I don't know if you have this posted on your site, but what are the actual dates in March 2005 for your tourney? I'd like to make your and OMMs in Florida...if possible.

Please let me know when you get a moment.

Thanks. -Rob

P.S. Oh yeah...the Flings are out! Don't plan on seeing me play them at your tourney...I may never play them again. I have tried and tried to make something out of this team...but what can you do with a 'Fling team that can't dodge?

I think I must somehow be getting all of the Halfling players that other Fling coaches cut after they get niggled. They are too dumb to know that they are hurt, but when they try to move ::BANG:: the knee goes out. Neutral

Like 1s and 2s? Play'll get your share...and then some. Smile
Hoshi_Komi - Nov 10, 2004 - 05:09 PM
Post subject:
lol! gotta get Deeproot son! he makes flings Take root is changing so they'll be a tad more competitive now.
Spazzfist - Nov 10, 2004 - 07:47 PM
Post subject:

The tournament will be on the 19th and 20th of March which will be the weekend after OMM's "Three Kingdoms Challenge"

For obvious reasons I will not be making that one!

Sorry to hear about the wee potbellies, I thought they might have been fun. But then maybe you should bring something more competitive - 'cause there will be a lot of the TBBF coming out for sure, and you know how nasty they are! Twisted Evil

KarlLagerbottom - Nov 10, 2004 - 08:33 PM
Post subject:
Ogres should be legal by then, but from what I understand...they may be even less competitive. At least with them I won't be so upset if I fail a dodge. Smile

Clan_Skaven - Nov 11, 2004 - 12:41 AM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
Ogres should be legal by then, but from what I understand...they may be even less competitive. At least with them I won't be so upset if I fail a dodge. Smile


You should be more concerned if whether or not your Passport Dodges from your pocket on your travles to the tourney! Wink

(Sorry man I couldn't resist)
Spazzfist - Nov 11, 2004 - 06:03 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
You should be more concerned if whether or not your Passport Dodges from your pocket on your travles to the tourney! Wink

(Sorry man I couldn't resist)

Laughing Laughing

But if he's playing ogres, then maybe he will fail his "bonehead" roll and forget it again!

Sorry Rob, but CS started it.... Wink
KarlLagerbottom - Nov 11, 2004 - 07:38 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
Ogres should be legal by then, but from what I understand...they may be even less competitive. At least with them I won't be so upset if I fail a dodge. Smile


You should be more concerned if whether or not your Passport Dodges from your pocket on your travles to the tourney! Wink

(Sorry man I couldn't resist)

Thats true...but since I was taking 'Flings to the Death Bowl you'd think that I'd be able to sneak through with my "Stunty" skill. See...more evidence that the 'Flings are unreliable!! Smile

I guess it is a give and take, cause I sure did have a great meal that night. (I ran into that Hot Dog vendor and that's where I stayed for the rest of the tourney.) YUMM!!! Laughing
KarlLagerbottom - Nov 11, 2004 - 07:42 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
You should be more concerned if whether or not your Passport Dodges from your pocket on your travles to the tourney! Wink

(Sorry man I couldn't resist)

Laughing Laughing

But if he's playing ogres, then maybe he will fail his "bonehead" roll and forget it again!

Sorry Rob, but CS started it.... Wink

Hey man...sticks and stones. Smile

Besides...this is coming from someone with a Troll on his team. Smile
I guess there was no grot nearby when you were addressing that package. Wink Smile

Spazzfist - Nov 16, 2004 - 09:16 PM
Post subject:
For anybody who plans to be in the area of the Oakville Battle bunker this Friday (Nov19th) then come and check out the Graveyard pitch's first playtest game!

The board is still going to have more details added to it (Like statues and masoleums for the line markers) but the board is ready, along with the special gravestone markers, and I am really excited to get a game in on it!

Full rules for this pitch are available on the Q'ermitt website (see my sig.)

Hope to see you there!

Spazzfist - Nov 20, 2004 - 08:35 AM
Post subject:
Announcement -

This tournament's venue has now been changed to the Oakville Battle Bunker. I got the green light for it, and it seems the better place to hold it.

AnthonyTBBF - Nov 20, 2004 - 10:41 AM
Post subject:
Clan_Skaven - Nov 20, 2004 - 10:47 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Announcement -

This tournament's venue has now been changed to the Oakville Battle Bunker. I got the green light for it, and it seems the better place to hold it.


Got excited there for a minute! Thought the date was being changed as well! Any other weekend & I could attend... Crying or Very sad
Spazzfist - Nov 20, 2004 - 04:51 PM
Post subject:
Sorry CS,

The date is set in stone. I think you just need to get your priorities straight! Wink
Bikerbob - Nov 30, 2004 - 06:52 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
For anybody who plans to be in the area of the Oakville Battle bunker this Friday (Nov19th) then come and check out the Graveyard pitch's first playtest game!

Well I was out to test, and it is very playable,

Interesting! Enough flavor without being too intrusive as to how the game is played.

It can plug up the pitch with the gravestones, which can slow a fast team down.. or give them more cover to speed around..

Kick off results were fun... Weather table fun.

Personally I would like to see the gravestones be more in play... IE I knock you into a gravestone you take an automatic stun.. or chance of a zombie appearing.. etc..

Anyway.. my comments on the board.

Spazzfist - Dec 01, 2004 - 11:03 AM
Post subject:
Torpor has generously offered to build a Blood Bowl dugout out of Lego as one of the prizes for this tournament! (Torpor is also the man who came up with all those cool Lego Blood Bowl boards and Lego teams).

Many thanks to him! Worship

Pics of this fine prize will be up on the website when I have them.

KarlLagerbottom - Dec 21, 2004 - 09:20 PM
Post subject:
Do you have the tourney rules posted somewhere? I know the site has the special rules for the specific pitches...but I was wondering about the overall tourney rules. I am specifically wondering about the use of Secret Weapons...will the green-skins have access to them?

Thanks. -Rob
Spazzfist - Dec 22, 2004 - 10:29 AM
Post subject:

If you look on the "Tourneys" link at the top toolbar you will find the info for the tourney as it stands now. I had put down that wizards and start players will not be allowed for this one. If I find that people do prefer having access to these, then I may change it for next year, but first I need to get a tourney under my belt!

KarlLagerbottom - Dec 22, 2004 - 02:02 PM
Post subject:
Ahh...I see it now. Smile

The lost upgrades on deaths is a cool twist, but that more or less eliminates the 'Flings from attending. Smile No Deeproot AND disposable skills means the 'Flings will be working the concessions for this one. Smile

HotDogs!!!Hot Dogs here!!! Plump and Juicy Hot Dogs for sale!!! Smile

Spazzfist - Dec 23, 2004 - 11:46 AM
Post subject:
Well it is all food for thought (no reference pun to the halflings intended!) Like I said this is my first tourney, and so will take in advice and comments as they come.

However, as I said in the history fluff, Q'ermitt is looking to find the mightiest team, so halflings have no right to be there in the first place!
KarlLagerbottom - Dec 23, 2004 - 12:48 PM
Post subject:
I guess that means that your Orcs will be sitting this one out too then. Smile Orc


P.S. Allow me to have a secret weapon or two and the Gobbos will show you something mighty!!!
Spazzfist - Dec 23, 2004 - 01:09 PM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
I guess that means that your Orcs will be sitting this one out too then. Smile Orc

Well I should think so, as I will be the TO for this one! Don't want to be like Cyberhare, and play in my own tourney! Wink (But then if somebody hadn't forgotten his passportm then he wouldn't have had to! Laughing Wink

Besides, I am really looking forward to using my bunny team in the tourneys for next year - I have the models, and am doing a pretty good paint job on them (IMHO). My regular Blood Bowl outlet is the Battle Bunker league and they won't allow non GW figs. Boo!

      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
P.S. Allow me to have a secret weapon or two and the Gobbos will show you something mighty!!!

Sorry man, as much as I would like to see the gobbos out, I am going to stick to the rules that I have put out already unless of course there is massive public opinion that would sway me otherwise - perhaps next year Q'ermitt will be a bit more lenient!
KarlLagerbottom - Dec 23, 2004 - 09:44 PM
Post subject:
That's I said earlier you won't be seing any stunty teams from me at your tourney. I want a better than average chance at keeping my skills...thank you very much. Smile

Nah...I'm constructing something brand new for the Challange. Smile

Spazzfist - Dec 24, 2004 - 10:58 AM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
That's I said earlier you won't be seing any stunty teams from me at your tourney. I want a better than average chance at keeping my skills...thank you very much. Smile

Nah...I'm constructing something brand new for the Challange. Smile


Well I don't imagine that there will be too many players losing their skills - at least I hope not! That is not my intention. I am looking forward to seeing how this one works out in the tourneym, and getting some feedback on it - might make some people think twice about taking an apothecary though!

As for "constructing" a team - you have me curious - is there some hidden meaning in the word "construction"? Or are there a lot of conversions involved?

KarlLagerbottom - Dec 24, 2004 - 03:27 PM
Post subject:
Smile I'll guess this might just have to wait until March. Smile

garth - Dec 25, 2004 - 12:22 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Announcement -

This tournament's venue has now been changed to the Oakville Battle Bunker. I got the green light for it, and it seems the better place to hold it.


Hey Spazz,

Is the Battle Bunker part of a GW store? If not (or even if so), are we required to use the 'official' GW minatures for this tournament? I am thinking of the Shadowforge minatures...
Spazzfist - Dec 25, 2004 - 08:33 AM
Post subject:

The bunker is indeed part of a GW store, and as such I fear that they might be enforcing the "GW models only" policy. I will talk with the manager and clarify.

But if Anybody else (i.e. Anthony TBBF) knows - could you let us know?



P.S. Merry Christmas everyone!
Spazzfist - Jan 05, 2005 - 07:04 AM
Post subject:
Special Announcement -

The Challenge of Q'ermitt will also be hosting a mini tournament on Saturday nigth for any interested. The mini-tourney will be "The Stunty Cup" a fun tournament of stunty only teams. Please refer to the "Stunty Free For All" thread for more information.

Spazzfist - Jan 09, 2005 - 08:19 PM
Post subject:
After some consideration and the votes of people in the associated poll I have decided to make the following changes to the tournament:

1) Goblins (i.e. all goblin teams - not orc teams with goblin players) will be allowed to buy their secret weapons as per the star player costs as shown in the LRB 4.0

2) Halfling Master Chefs wil be allowed to buy extra ingredients at a cost of 80K.

I hope this meets with general satisfaction and approval. If not... then tough! Wink

KarlLagerbottom - Jan 09, 2005 - 08:46 PM
Post subject: lets address the issue with Dwarfs and Tackle...any way we can get rid of that? Smile

Just kidding...Just kidding...I'm sure that falls under this... Smile

      Spazzfist wrote:

I hope this meets with general satisfaction and approval. If not... then tough! Wink


Spazzfist - Jan 11, 2005 - 04:13 PM
Post subject:
Important Announcement

The The Challenge of Q'ermitt tournament has changed it's venue (again) and will now be played at the Dueling Grounds - which is it's original Toronto location.

The dates, times are the same - just the venue has been changed.

....apparently the Battle Bunker forgot to tell me (when they okayed my time) that they were having a "Hall of Heroes" tournament there on that day....

Not that I'm bitter...... Evil or Very Mad

Actually this will probably be good for me, as the TBBf is already meeting at the Dueling Grounds - so hopefully will see more of them out for the tourney!

garth - Jan 11, 2005 - 09:37 PM
Post subject:
So, Spazz, does this mean I can use the NON-GW figs?
Spazzfist - Jan 12, 2005 - 06:32 AM
Post subject:
      garth wrote:
So, Spazz, does this mean I can use the NON-GW figs?

Thanks for asking Garth - because that is absolutely TRUE! Bring out the Bunny and Nun teams! Blow the dust off of your Phigs Miniatures! You can play with whatever figs you please - as we are no longer on their turf!

(and no people... this was not rehearsed!)

AnthonyTBBF - Jan 13, 2005 - 09:05 AM
Post subject:
Usually the bunker remembers they are running an event about 5 mins before close the night before.

Duelling Grounds is much better anyways, the location is better, the staff are great and the chicken balls across the street are cheap Wink

The bunker would have definitely enforced GW only minis BTW.
Spazzfist - Jan 13, 2005 - 01:41 PM
Post subject:

Tickets for "The Challenge of Q'ermitt" are now going on sale online.

Online payments may be made through Paypal at the cost of $30 (Can.) with a $5 discount for NAF members or members of Hammers of the North. PM me for Paypal details.

Tickets may also be purchased at Dueling Grounds (location of the tournament) for the same cost later next week.

Your ticket price will include:
Pow two days of intense Blood bowl action
Pow the opportunity to play on up to nine custom-built Blood Bowl pitches
Pow Entrance to the "Stunty Cup" mini-tournament
Pow some refreshments will be provided
Pow the opportunity to win real prizes!
Pow tournament handbook explaining all the different pitches being used in the tournament

Spaces are limited so get your tickets now!

Spazzfist - Jan 13, 2005 - 01:48 PM
Post subject:
If anybody needs accomodation for the tourney - my Dad runs a B+B just outside of Toronto and I will see about getting good rates for tourney attenders.
Colin - Jan 13, 2005 - 08:28 PM
Post subject:
I am interested, but not sure if I can get that week off, might be able to work it, but won't know until next week. BTW, when you say space is limiited, what number are you talking about here?
Spazzfist - Jan 13, 2005 - 08:40 PM
Post subject:
I have to re-evaluate the space - maybe somebody from the TBBF could give me a better sense of how many people could fit in there for Blood Bowl. I have not been to the store for a while. It'a limited, but not puny.

Hope to see you out there!

AnthonyTBBF - Jan 14, 2005 - 07:25 AM
Post subject:
Talk to Wayne but I think you could get about 30 people in there.
Spazzfist - Jan 16, 2005 - 11:09 AM
Post subject:
Any TBBF members can now see the boat pitch which will be used in the tournament at the Dueling Grounds.

I picked up the boat on Saturday from Jon (the boat's builder) and dropped it off at the store. Unfortunately, I did not have a camera with me, so the only way to see it right now is to go to Dueling Grounds.

Jon is now working on the Khemeri board complete with massive pyramid and sphinx (for decorative purposes only).

I will get pictures and post the on the Q'ermitt website in the near future.

Colin - Jan 18, 2005 - 08:48 PM
Post subject:
Ok, I will be attending this tourney, so if there's anyone I can share a room with (or even a nice Torontonian who will let me stay at his place during the weekend), let me know.
garth - Jan 18, 2005 - 09:30 PM
Post subject:
      Torg wrote:
Ok, I will be attending this tourney, so if there's anyone I can share a room with (or even a nice Torontonian who will let me stay at his place during the weekend), let me know.

Torg, where are you coming from (I noticed a .uk ending to your webpage URL)? Are you arriving at the TO airport? I am coming in from (near) Ottawa and I will be staying somewhere in town.
AnthonyTBBF - Jan 19, 2005 - 07:58 AM
Post subject:
I suggest you guys stay downtown, anwhere close to the Dundas streetcar line is ideal. The Dundas streetcar runs right by Duelling Grounds 24hrs a day. The Bloor/Danforth subway line is also very close (but doesn;t run all night), I think Dundas West station is about a 5 min walk from the store. So as long as your near the subway it'll be easy to get there. The Dundas and St. Patrick sub stations on the Yonge line also hook up with the Dundas streetcar.

If you guys have any questions about hotels let me know.
Spazzfist - Jan 19, 2005 - 12:33 PM
Post subject:

When people are purchasing their tickets for the tourney could you please also let me know whether or not you plan on coming out for the mini tournament "The Stunty Cup". There is no additional cost to attend this- you just need to bring an all stunty team (no big guys).

Just trying to plan the logistics of the mini-tourney.

garth - Jan 19, 2005 - 02:43 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:

When people are purchasing their tickets for the tourney could you please also let me know whether or not you plan on coming out for the mini tournament "The Stunty Cup". There is no additional cost to attend this- you just need to bring an all stunty team (no big guys).

Stunty: Halfling, Goblin, and Skaven? Anything else? Do we have to use the same team for BOTH tournaments?
Spazzfist - Jan 19, 2005 - 03:15 PM
Post subject:
      garth wrote:
Stunty: Halfling, Goblin, and Skaven? Anything else? Do we have to use the same team for BOTH tournaments?

Actually stunty teams would be halfling, goblin and skinks. There are not stunties on a skaven team - just the coaches! Right Clan Skaven? You stunty bastard! Laughing

As for the tourney - bring whatever team you like for Q'ermitt - and then a separate stunty team for the mini tourney. If you want to use the same team for both you can. But if you do use the same team for both then they will not be "the same team". Meaning that the models will be the same, but none of the skills from Q'ermitt will transfer over.


P.S. congratulations Garth on being the 100th reply! No prize, I'm afraid just the acknowledgement. Smile
Colin - Jan 19, 2005 - 04:59 PM
Post subject:
When is this mini tourney taking place?

And Garth, I will be flying in from Florida as I will be attending OMM's TKC2 tourney first before coming to Toronto. BTW, I am from Alberta (the uk ending in the webpage is because it was free, didn't care if it was hosted in the UK) Wink
Anyway, let me know where you're staying, maybe we could share a room. BTW, when are you coming down from Ottawa, don't suppose I'd be able to arrange a pick up at the airport (probably too much to ask)? Don't know when exactly I'll be arriving as I haven't booked any flights yet (still have to co-ordinate things for OMM's tourney as well) Wink
garth - Jan 19, 2005 - 05:41 PM
Post subject:
      Torg wrote:

And Garth, I will be flying in from Florida as I will be attending OMM's TKC2 tourney first before coming to Toronto. BTW, I am from Alberta (the uk ending in the webpage is because it was free, didn't care if it was hosted in the UK) Wink
Anyway, let me know where you're staying, maybe we could share a room. BTW, when are you coming down from Ottawa, don't suppose I'd be able to arrange a pick up at the airport (probably too much to ask)? Don't know when exactly I'll be arriving as I haven't booked any flights yet (still have to co-ordinate things for OMM's tourney as well) Wink

Alberta, eh? My parents live in Medicine Hat.

Will you be arriving at OTTAWA airport or TORONTO? If Ottawa, I may be able to get you...
Spazzfist - Jan 19, 2005 - 05:45 PM
Post subject:
If Toronto airport, try to meet up with Karl Lagerbottom and I will come and get you guys.

As for the Stunty Cup, that will be taking place on the Saturday night.

Ben - Jan 20, 2005 - 08:57 AM
Post subject:
I live fairly close to the airport so i could arrange to pick you guys up if need be. Let me know closer to the date anbd i'll give you my cell number.

I am also thinking of buying a skink reginment from warhammer to paint up for the Stunty Cup. I Better get painting.

BTW- Torg, i have not forgot about you, i will reply to your pm with regards to hosting a tourney shortly.

Spazzfist - Jan 20, 2005 - 10:58 AM
Post subject:
      Ben wrote:
I am also thinking of buying a skink reginment from warhammer to paint up for the Stunty Cup. I Better get painting.

Great! So it looks like we have a few contenders for the Stunty Cup - and as far as I know you are the first to declare a skink team.

Thanks also Ben for offering to do the airport pickup thing. However, if they are staying at my Dad's it will give me an excuse to visit, so I don't mind picking them up if that is the case.

Colin - Jan 20, 2005 - 04:34 PM
Post subject:
Thanks Ben. Wink
Spazzfist - Jan 21, 2005 - 05:51 AM
Post subject:
I am already over the halfway mark and am also anticipating more reponse from some more of the TBBF guys - so if you are planning on coming then let me know soon!

For anyone planning on coming - let me know if you will also be playing in "The Stunty Cup" mini tourney - and what race, that way I can start putting it all up.

I for one will also play in The Stunty Cup, resurrecting Da No Good Broozers - my first ever Blood Bowl team - all goblins!

KarlLagerbottom - Jan 21, 2005 - 07:36 AM
Post subject:
Thanks for the subtle reminder of where I am going...I was planning on contacting you regarding the details. Smile

Anyway...I have to apply for a passport soon...I'll let you know how that goes. Smile

AnthonyTBBF - Jan 21, 2005 - 09:20 AM
Post subject:
Hey Craig - if you can swing it you may want to come by a TBBF league night and drum up some interest and maybe sell some tickets. TBBFers are notoriously lazy bastards and always do everything at the last minute Wink
Clan_Skaven - Jan 21, 2005 - 11:56 AM
Post subject:
Two for sure are going to the tourney from the Falls, possibly some more.

Spazzfist - Jan 24, 2005 - 07:07 AM
Post subject:

As I have been saying all along, this tournament is going to be using a lot of different boards which represent the different geographical regions of the Blood Bowl world, as well as the races who live there.

Each custom board will be pretty much a regular game of Blood Bowl but with a slight twist. Each board will have special rules - all of which will be included in the tournament package when the tickets are bought.

It is very important that people do not wait until the last minute to buy their tickets, as you should give yourself time to read over any special rules for the boards. There will be reference cards made for each board to summarize the rules, but for sake of smooth, quick game play it would be advisable to have reviewed the rules beforehand as well.

Also there will be a poll/discussion on that page for people to give feedback as to which race's stadium they might like to see for future Q'ermitt tournaments.

One final note - I would like to put a sheet up on the main Q'ermitt webpage which will outline the players and what races are coming. So please LMK which team you plan on bringing if you are coming.


garth - Jan 24, 2005 - 02:38 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Each custom board will be pretty much a regular game of Blood Bowl but with a slight twist. Each board will have special rules - all of which will be included in the tournament package when the tickets are bought.

Uh, I don't know how to PAY you. You mentioned something about PayPal but you gave no specifics...
Spazzfist - Jan 24, 2005 - 04:47 PM
Post subject:
Anybody interested in tickets, please PM me for PayPal details.
Da_Scum - Jan 24, 2005 - 06:08 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Anybody interested in tickets, please PM me for PayPal details.

Will you take Squigs? Mr. Green
Spazzfist - Jan 24, 2005 - 09:08 PM
Post subject:
Just so that everyone is clear:

1) The Challenge of Q'ermitt is a NAF sanctioned event and therefore will be used for NAF rankings.

2) The Stunty cup is just for fun. It is not NAF sanctioned and will not be used for rankings. If this changes your mind about playing in this mini-tourney then you should never have been signing up in the first place.

3) Stunty Cup games will be played on the funky tables - as I am pretty sure that we will have 18 people or less playing in it.

4) I do not take squigs for payment. Wink

VBZ - Jan 25, 2005 - 03:40 AM
Post subject:
Ahhhh... Squuuuiiiiigs. To devil with all this secret weapons crap--- BRING BACK BLOOD BOWL SQUIGS!!!!!

... sorry...had to get that off my chest---I feel much better now Embarassed .
Ben - Jan 25, 2005 - 07:57 AM
Post subject:
      VBZ wrote:
Ahhhh... Squuuuiiiiigs. To devil with all this secret weapons crap--- BRING BACK BLOOD BOWL SQUIGS!!!!!

... sorry...had to get that off my chest---I feel much better now Embarassed .

Bill, You coming to any of the tourneys here in ontario? It would be awesome to kick your A$$ agai......i mean it would be nice to see you again.

AnthonyTBBF - Jan 25, 2005 - 08:30 AM
Post subject:
Spazz, will you be selling tickets through Dueling Grounds?
Spazzfist - Jan 25, 2005 - 08:47 AM
Post subject:
I am hoping to come down to Duelling Grounds not this Thursday but next. I will bring the tickets and booklets, and people can get them right htere and then.

I do not want to stress Wayne out unduly, he has enough on his plate as it is! But he did say that he would direct people to the website where they can get my info for purchasing.

Clan_Skaven - Jan 25, 2005 - 11:50 AM
Post subject:
Ok I have access to my computer once again (that is until my roomate F**** it up again Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Evil or Very Mad )

So I'll be able to post on here again, wow a week with no NAF or BB links, I was starting to have withdrawl.

Craig can I pick up my ticket for your tourney at the CDN. Open?

Spazzfist - Jan 25, 2005 - 12:09 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Craig can I pick up my ticket for your tourney at the CDN. Open?

Wow Rod,

You are getting really good at reminding me about these things! Yes, you can pick up tickets qat the Canadian Open - I will be bringing all of my stuff down to that and people can get them from me there if they wish. I did mean to mention that.....

P.S. Rod - Green light for you on a place to stay for any Toronto based tourneys! Bunk up at the Brady Bunch Manor! (or sooner if you want to come and be slave labour for the board building!)

Clan_Skaven - Jan 25, 2005 - 12:30 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Craig can I pick up my ticket for your tourney at the CDN. Open?

Wow Rod,

You are getting really good at reminding me about these things! Yes, you can pick up tickets qat the Canadian Open - I will be bringing all of my stuff down to that and people can get them from me there if they wish. I did mean to mention that.....

P.S. Rod - Green light for you on a place to stay for any Toronto based tourneys! Bunk up at the Brady Bunch Manor! (or sooner if you want to come and be slave labour for the board building!)


Slave labour thats cool, we Skaven know all about Slaves! Twisted Evil

I have some more added tweeks errrr.... experiments in the rough (yes very rough) draft of my idea for a Skaven pitch. I'm sure master will be pleased.....


twist - Jan 25, 2005 - 02:25 PM
Post subject:
Craig, do the stunties have to be painted as much as the regular teams?
Clan_Skaven - Jan 25, 2005 - 02:38 PM
Post subject:
      twist wrote:
Craig, do the stunties have to be painted as much as the regular teams?

Twist, don't worry you don't have to paint yourself at all!

Oh wait you meant the modles... Well errr sorry its just to me, you kinda look like a Stunty!

twist - Jan 25, 2005 - 02:45 PM
Post subject:
Watch it, i'll take out your knees... Wink
Clan_Skaven - Jan 25, 2005 - 02:51 PM
Post subject:
      twist wrote:
Watch it, i'll take out your knees... Wink

What with all the "ones" you roll?

Good Luck!


VBZ - Jan 25, 2005 - 03:31 PM
Post subject:
Hey Ben, nice to hear from you! I'd like to make to one tourney in Ontario this year. I don't think it'll be the Canadian open-- got some kinda familly thing planned -- I'd really like to make it to Q'ermit ... just gotta work on the wife. Kick my ass!? If memory serves, you where a fumbled pass and a lucky bounce away from getting stomped! Me and my f'ing luck! Nuffle sucks!
Spazzfist - Jan 25, 2005 - 06:03 PM
Post subject:

And Ben is f'ing broken! Laughing

@Twist - The Stunty Cup is just for fun - so I don't really care if the models are painted or not. Painting will defintely not be a determining factor for victory!

@Rod - let's face it man, to you everyone looks like a stunty! Very Happy

Clan_Skaven - Jan 26, 2005 - 11:34 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:

@Twist - The Stunty Cup is just for fun - so I don't really care if the models are painted or not. Painting will defintely not be a determining factor for victory!


In that case Twist I guess you can paint yourself, whatever floats yer boat buddy! Wink Go crazy man! Razz

garth - Jan 28, 2005 - 07:26 PM
Post subject:
My goal is to win the 'wooden spoon' -- I'm starting a collection beginning with the Death Bowl II!

Spazz, can the two beginning standard skills be given to the same player?
Spazzfist - Jan 28, 2005 - 09:09 PM
Post subject:
      garth wrote:
Spazz, can the two beginning standard skills be given to the same player?

Spazzfist - Jan 31, 2005 - 12:02 PM
Post subject:
Okay, the tourney booklet is now ready to be sent out with all of the pertinent information about the tournament including tourney rules, special board rules, and a lengthy list of people to whom I owe thanks! Smile

I will post the basic rules for the tourney at the beginning of this post.

As for the special boards, my mind changed several times over the course of the last several months that I have been preparing this thing, but here are what the special boards will be this year, with links to get peeks at the rules for them:

Blood Bowl boat (a la Carl and Matt Brown)
copyright prevents me from putting these up on NAF, if anyone knows of another link to these rules then please LMK

Goblin swamp-raft board

Norse ice/snow pitch

Halfling lush turf pitch

Khemri desert board

Sylvanian Graveyard Board

Chaos Dwarf crater pitch

Mordheim Pitch

Q'ermitt's temple (lizardman)

Note - the rules may have changed slightly from what is posted to what is in the rulebook, but only slightly.

Hope to see you there!

Spazzfist - Jan 31, 2005 - 12:03 PM
Post subject:
One more thing - if coaches who plan on coming could PM me with the info about their real name, the team name and the race, then I will post it on the main Q'ermitt website.


AnthonyTBBF - Feb 01, 2005 - 08:15 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
      twist wrote:
Craig, do the stunties have to be painted as much as the regular teams?

Twist, don't worry you don't have to paint yourself at all!

Oh wait you meant the modles... Well errr sorry its just to me, you kinda look like a Stunty!


LOL, you are a brave man Wink
Spazzfist - Feb 02, 2005 - 06:49 AM
Post subject:
Just a note to all the TBBF players - I will be coming down to the Duelling Grounds tomorrow night (Thursday February 3rd) to sell tickets for Q'ermitt. The price will be $25 for any NAF or Hammers of the North member, or $30 if not.


Colin - Feb 05, 2005 - 10:18 AM
Post subject:
Unfortunately, it looks like I can't make this tourney this time. I tried to work things out so that I could attend both the TKC2 and the CofQ, but in the end couldn't afford to do both. Hopefully I can get to this tourney next year.
Six_Foot_Dwarf - Feb 06, 2005 - 09:06 PM
Post subject:
Hey Craig. Sorry for the apparent lack of interest by most of us on Thurs., but I'm sure that wasn't intended. With all the cool fields and special rules it's a must-see. I'll be there for sure and I know a few of the guys will be there. How we're gonna fit 30+ people at the DG is a mystery, but....

Also, what's the max # of players? I mean, with only nine(?) custom fields, doesn't that mean it has to be limited to 18 players? Hmmm

But a bunch of Samurai rats will be there to, of course, run away with it. hehe
Clan_Skaven - Feb 07, 2005 - 04:07 AM
Post subject:
      Six_Foot_Dwarf wrote:
Hey Craig. Sorry for the apparent lack of interest by most of us on Thurs., but I'm sure that wasn't intended. With all the cool fields and special rules it's a must-see. I'll be there for sure and I know a few of the guys will be there. How we're gonna fit 30+ people at the DG is a mystery, but....

Also, what's the max # of players? I mean, with only nine(?) custom fields, doesn't that mean it has to be limited to 18 players? Hmmm

But a bunch of Samurai rats will be there to, of course, run away with it. hehe

Well my Widrats for sure will be at the Open, but I may have a surprise team at the Q'ermit.
Spazzfist - Feb 07, 2005 - 06:32 AM
Post subject:
      Six_Foot_Dwarf wrote:
Also, what's the max # of players? I mean, with only nine(?) custom fields, doesn't that mean it has to be limited to 18 players? Hmmm

Good to hear that you will be coming out!

As for the max of 30 players and only nine boards, all this will mean is that not everyone will be playing on the custom boards for every match. The goal is to add more boards each year and also have people bring in their own custom boards so that the tournament is totally a custom board tournament, but this year we'll start with nine.
Spazzfist - Feb 07, 2005 - 02:00 PM
Post subject:

That is all I could say when I saw the prize that Torpor has kindly donated for The Challenge. He had contacted me earlier, and offered something, and when I had seen his lego pitches, I expressed my love for those.

Well Torpor has made a dugout, including turn and reroll counters completely out of Lego and has donated that as a prize to the tourney. Here is a link to those pics:

If anyone has a suggestion as to what might be a fitting category to award the prize, I am up for suggesitons. This is a fantastic, one of a kind-prize, and needs a worthy category!

VBZ - Feb 07, 2005 - 02:59 PM
Post subject:
Hey there, ho there, hi there, is anybody from the Montreal area going to Q'ermitt? I'd like to buddy up for transportation and accomodations. Seeing as how I can't attend the Canadian Open this year, I really want to make it to Q'ermitt-- nothing beats smacking some Ontariario fool's a$$ around on a bloodbowl pitch. Mr. Green Hey Craig, is your dad's B&B booked up yet? Hey Six_Foot_Dwarf ! I still owe you for the way you robbed me in our BB7's match at Deathbowl! If you and I meet at Q'ermitt your a$$ is mine! Pow Pow Pow
SBG - Feb 08, 2005 - 09:05 AM
Post subject:
@VBZ: Buffalo_Chris and I might go. The only reason that I'm not sure yet is that -sigh- I must know for sure what is going on with the NHL season. If we go, I don't mind at all giving you a ride. If you need more certainty, I don't blame you for finding a lift sooner than I can confirm!

Hoshi_Komi - Feb 08, 2005 - 09:56 AM
Post subject:
NHL is dead fred ----- just give it up.

Melifaxis - Feb 08, 2005 - 12:38 PM
Post subject:
It's not dead. It's just in a coma and bleeding out.
Spazzfist - Feb 08, 2005 - 01:45 PM
Post subject:
@SBG so how does the NHL figure into this? What are you waiting to find out?

Forget the hockey, come for the Blood Bowl! Think of the road trip with Billy! That alone would make it worth coming out! Smile

Melifaxis - Feb 08, 2005 - 02:00 PM
Post subject:
Fred works for the most hated team in the world (if you're a Bruins fan - which I'm not) Wink
VBZ - Feb 08, 2005 - 02:05 PM
Post subject:
@SBG Hey Fred no pressure. I don't think that you should get your hopes up for this season... but then again. I think Bettman and Goodenow are playing a big game of Mexican standoff and, believe it or not folks, there still is a chance to save what's left of the hockey season-- or they would have called it already. What's it take to get one of these clowns fired?

Anywho, so far I'm going with garth. Maybe if you and Chris come down we can all split hotel costs to cut down on expenses. Just an idea. PM me to let me know.

@Spazz: If I'm not mistaken, Fred works for le Canadien de Montréal.
garth - Feb 08, 2005 - 02:15 PM
Post subject:
      VBZ wrote:
Anywho, so far I'm going with garth. Maybe if you and Chris come down we can all split hotel costs to cut down on expenses. Just an idea. PM me to let me know.

@Spazz: If I'm not mistaken, Fred works for le Canadien de Montréal.

I can fit 4 comfortably in my car.

Six_Foot_Dwarf - Feb 09, 2005 - 09:38 AM
Post subject:
Hey Billy! Long time no hear. Yeah, it's hard to stop Gutters with only 7 guys. If we play at Qermitt I'll show you what it looks like when they run by 11 guys! hehe
Clan_Skaven - Feb 09, 2005 - 08:51 PM
Post subject:
      Six_Foot_Dwarf wrote:
Hey Billy! Long time no hear. Yeah, it's hard to stop Gutters with only 7 guys. If we play at Qermitt I'll show you what it looks like when they run by 11 guys! hehe

I'd liked my Skaven to have had a slower opponent in 7's, but no I get Zombie's Skaven! (I play him 3 times in two tournies, & 3 losses! grrrrr)

VBZ - Feb 09, 2005 - 10:22 PM
Post subject:
Hey now! Speed wasn't the issue. We both got the ref but he had two dirty players to my none, he then got the ref again, there was a riot (2 turns)I lost possession trying to send it into OT--and the rat fink scored another TD before games end. Stinking Rats!!! They kept me out of the championship match at Deathbowl! AAAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!

Get the nasty ratses we will my prescioussssssss..... PUNISHHHHH them we will hsssssssssssss......
Clan_Skaven - Feb 09, 2005 - 10:46 PM
Post subject:
      VBZ wrote:
Hey now! Speed wasn't the issue. We both got the ref but he had two dirty players to my none, he then got the ref again, there was a riot (3 turns)I lost possession trying to send it into OT--and the rat fink scored another TD before games end. Stinking Rats!!! They kept me out of the championship match at Deathbowl! AAAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!

Get the nasty ratses we will my prescioussssssss..... PUNISHHHHH them we will hsssssssssssss......

Man you & I gotta meet in a game, oh wait we did, but the Death Bowl round doesn't count. I can here it now "bleep" Gutter Runners "bleep" "bleep" Gutter Runners are "Bleep" Broken, "Bleep""

VBZ - Feb 09, 2005 - 10:58 PM
Post subject:
Meeee??? Curse during a friendly match of Bloodbowl? How dare you sir!!?? Shocked Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
Spazzfist - Feb 14, 2005 - 04:46 PM
Post subject:
NOTE - Tickets for The Challenge of Q'ermitt will be available for sale at the Canadian Open. Some people have been asking me if they can pick them up there, and the answer is yes.

It is advisable to pick them up early so that you can get your rulebook and have a chance to review the rules before the actual tourney.


Hoshi_Komi - Feb 14, 2005 - 05:31 PM
Post subject:
I'm gonna try and make this.....but can't commit yet.
KarlLagerbottom - Feb 14, 2005 - 06:23 PM
Post subject:
Let me know if you're going to this...I have made some of the arrangements, but still haven't grabbed a place to stay.

SBG - Feb 15, 2005 - 02:25 PM
Post subject:
Hey guys!

I'm sorry: I didn't get any notice that new posts were... posted! I'll talk to one of the administrator, because I didn't click on "Stop watching this topic". Anyway.

You guys were right: I work for the Habs! And if there is hockey, which I doubt (but not my bosses, what do they know that I don't??), well, then, I'm working! Probably on the road in exotic Pittsburgh or Buffalo, or at home in Montréal, going out with the guys after the game!

So, I guess I'll know tomorrow regarding hockey. As for the tourney, I'll see if my finances allow me a trip to TO in early March. I hope so!

Spazzfist - Feb 15, 2005 - 05:41 PM
Post subject:
      SBG wrote:
So, I guess I'll know tomorrow regarding hockey. As for the tourney, I'll see if my finances allow me a trip to TO in early March. I hope so!

Here's to hoping! Very Happy
Spazzfist - Feb 17, 2005 - 09:04 PM
Post subject:
I was just thinking that if we only have four players for The Stunty Cup (not many have committed to it at this point) then maybe we can play one game of Deathbowl, winner takes all!

Can you imagine how funny it would be to see four stunty teams on one pitch at one time? Laughing

Clan_Skaven - Feb 17, 2005 - 09:43 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
I was just thinking that if we only have four players for The Stunty Cup (not many have committed to it at this point) then maybe we can play one game of Deathbowl, winner takes all!

Can you imagine how funny it would be to see four stunty teams on one pitch at one time? Laughing


Who's the 4 teams?

I got Skinks (can't prommise they will be done painted)
Spazzfist - Feb 18, 2005 - 06:26 AM
Post subject:
W'ell wait and see - I think that Rob might be bringing a team down, and Twist and Ben have talked baout joining as well.

I also have been putting together a gobbo team but like you don't know if I will have to time to get them painted.

Guess we'll have to wait and see how many actually join up on the day.
VBZ - Feb 18, 2005 - 06:49 AM
Post subject:
If I can find some figs, I'll definately be taking part in the Stunty Cup. I'll ask a buddy of mine to lend me his skinks, unless any of you good folks have some figs to spare?
Spazzfist - Feb 18, 2005 - 10:19 AM
Post subject:

I have my original (as in first ever!) goblin team that you could borrow if you like.
Spazzfist - Feb 18, 2005 - 12:26 PM
Post subject:
As per a request, the schedule for the tournament is on the first posting.
KarlLagerbottom - Feb 20, 2005 - 04:21 AM
Post subject:
Just so you know, I will not be using Gobbos in your tournament. I would keep using these teams, but I unfortunately can't change my NAF name to PunchingBag. At this moment my brain is still sizzling from yesterdays 14 TDs allowed Gobbo performance in the first three games of The Bashin' By The Bay.

(Mr. Square Peg in Round Hole Mentality)
Spazzfist - Feb 20, 2005 - 09:01 AM
Post subject:
Ouch man!

Hopefully today goes better for ya! LMK the race and team name for what you are bringing down and I will get it posted on the Q'ermitt site. (and the same goes for the rest of you lazy lot!) Wink

Clan_Skaven - Feb 20, 2005 - 10:11 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Ouch man!

Hopefully today goes better for ya! LMK the race and team name for what you are bringing down and I will get it posted on the Q'ermitt site. (and the same goes for the rest of you lazy lot!) Wink


Challenge of Q not sure yet! (something new or the old stand by Skaven)
Stunty Cup Skinks.

garth - Feb 20, 2005 - 11:24 AM
Post subject:

Should be all painted by then ...
VBZ - Feb 20, 2005 - 11:29 AM
Post subject:
I'm playing Humans. Fear me! For I am El Assowipo!! And I will brrreak you overrr my knee, like so!!!!
VBZ - Feb 20, 2005 - 11:30 AM
Post subject:
As a sidenote: lack of sleep---BAAAD.
garth - Feb 20, 2005 - 11:39 AM
Post subject:
      VBZ wrote:
As a sidenote: lack of sleep---BAAAD.

Is that supposed to be a sheep sound? Perhaps you are bringing a SCOTTISH human team...! Shocked
Clan_Skaven - Feb 20, 2005 - 07:52 PM
Post subject:
      garth wrote:
      VBZ wrote:
As a sidenote: lack of sleep---BAAAD.

Is that supposed to be a sheep sound? Perhaps you are bringing a SCOTTISH human team...! Shocked

Garth don't worry about his Humans all they are good for is throwing interceptions at critical points in the game!

VBZ - Feb 21, 2005 - 02:13 AM
Post subject:
You rat bastard!! Gollum!!! Pay he will, my precioussssssssss... yessssssss, HURT he will hssssssssssss.
KarlLagerbottom - Feb 21, 2005 - 09:12 AM
Post subject:
I have to hustle to get the team painted, but I will likely be bringing ORCSESES to pound on some 'oomie men.


P.S. if the orcs are'nt ready in time. Neutral

EDIT: I'm not too sure about the stunty team yet...but probably 'Flings. I like the DeathBowl idea, but could you lay out some idea of the rules for this side/evening tourney?
Spazzfist - Feb 21, 2005 - 10:14 AM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
I'm not too sure about the stunty team yet...but probably 'Flings. I like the DeathBowl idea, but could you lay out some idea of the rules for this side/evening tourney?


Making that one up as I go along, as it is hard to tell how many we will have (and our time for that is VERY limited!)

Deathbowl rules can be found at:

Have made up a Deathbowl board for the occasion!

Spazzfist - Feb 21, 2005 - 10:23 AM
Post subject:
Hey KL,

Is this the orc team that were thinking of fielding? Looking good! Laughing

Spazzfist - Feb 24, 2005 - 06:04 AM
Post subject:
Due to unfortunate circumstances I will not be able to attend the Canadian Open to play.

However, I will try to make it there on one of the two days in order to sell a few tickets to those who were planning on buying them there.

SBG - Mar 01, 2005 - 08:34 PM
Post subject:
Sorry guys! Won't be able to make it... I've been released by the Habs last Thursday, so no $$$ for TO tourney. I'll bounce back and kick your asses later! Wink

Have a good time everybody!

Colin - Mar 01, 2005 - 08:49 PM
Post subject:
Sorry to hear you've been sacked Fred, hope things work out for you.
SBG - Mar 01, 2005 - 09:05 PM
Post subject:
THanks Torg! Media around here keep on talking about me since Thursday (I was media relations coordinator), and it does make the phone rings!! So I guess it'll work out fine for me. It's encourageing!

VBZ - Mar 01, 2005 - 09:10 PM
Post subject:
Attaboy Fred!! Go get them ostie!!!
garth - Mar 01, 2005 - 09:56 PM
Post subject:
      SBG wrote:
Sorry guys! Won't be able to make it... I've been released by the Habs last Thursday, so no $$$ for TO tourney. I'll bounce back and kick your asses later! Wink

Sorry to hear this Fred! You could have had a ride with Billy and I!

Colin - Mar 01, 2005 - 10:31 PM
Post subject:
Hey Fred, you could always work for the Al's, they seems to be a bit more stable than the Habs at this point.
SBG - Mar 01, 2005 - 10:38 PM
Post subject:
I could... but I know the guy taking care of the Al's PR, and he's too much of a nice guy to rip his job from him !
Spazzfist - Mar 02, 2005 - 06:16 AM
Post subject:
A small oversight was brought to my attention - in the rules for the graveyard pitch, the rogue zombie's stats showing him as having an AV of "special". This was due to the fact in the early playtesting, the zombie would be removed once it was knocked down. Now as we all know Zombies are much more difficult to get rid of than that! Wink Treat the zombie as normal with AV8. This will be fixed on the reference card at thr tourney.

@SBG sorry to hear about the job. Hope things work out for you! Maybe if this tourney goes REAL well I can hire you as the media person for it! Smile

CyberHare - Mar 02, 2005 - 07:03 AM
Post subject:
SBG I was afraid you'd be out of a job. Hopefully they'll get their act together soon and people can get their lives back. I'm not talking about the spectators, but the thousands of people directly and indirectly out of work because of this.

Well I myself may be attending after all. I really hated missing the Canadian open this past weekend and after thinking about it if I don't get to Q'ermitt I don't think I'll be in Toronto at all this year. That's just not an option for me either as I just can't let you TO guy's go too long without a good butt whoopin. Wouldn't want you all to get big heads or somethin' Razz So VBZ I believe is already heading over with Garth so I'm looking at hooking up with them to cut costs to a bare minimum. Sandwiches and MC-D's it'll be all weekend but I'm hopefull now that I'll be there. I just have to get it by the boss lady before I'm sure. Gonna need a lot of sucking up on this one considering it's only a week or so away Shocked
Spazzfist - Mar 02, 2005 - 07:43 AM
Post subject:
      CyberHare wrote:
it's only a week or so away Shocked

I know! I'm getting a bad case of nerves! Shocked

But good to hear that you are trying to come out! Talk to Garth also about staying at my dad's B+B - you guys should be able to share a room, and that will make it even less expensive.

garth - Mar 02, 2005 - 07:51 AM
Post subject:
      CyberHare wrote:
VBZ I believe is already heading over with Garth so I'm looking at hooking up with them to cut costs to a bare minimum.

Done and done! PM me and/or VBZ to work out the details.

BTW, we don't have a place to stay yet.

All we need now is a 4th for the car...
garth - Mar 02, 2005 - 08:06 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Talk to Garth also about staying at my dad's B+B

Oops! I forgot about this! I will look into it today!
Da_Scum - Mar 06, 2005 - 12:55 PM
Post subject:
Woo-hoo! Looks like I might get that weekend free after all! Cool

Now only less then two weeks until the match, unless the schedule posted on the site here is off! Tme for me to do some field tinkering....

Question for da Commish dere...for secret weapons are we using the more recent addition as released on the board or going straight with the the LRB version? (i.e. New pricing, stats, and the one drive or the previous penelty rolls and stats? At least we aren't using the vault ones...ick.) Or we using in addition the pricing in the book for both tournies? (i.e. Double price, or that just for the stunty wars...)

Now I need to buy some brains for the Trolls and I might even be able to engineer a play! Rolling Eyes
VBZ - Mar 06, 2005 - 01:04 PM
Post subject:
Brains for trolls? Wouldn't that be even more of a liability? Very Happy
Da_Scum - Mar 06, 2005 - 02:29 PM
Post subject:
      VBZ wrote:
Brains for trolls? Wouldn't that be even more of a liability? Very Happy

Well it's either that or I feed them even MORE of my players. Having them just live off of Guinness and cigarettes....thought a noble occupation! Laughing ...seems to be backfiring of late. Then again I did think those "herbal" cigarettes they've been puffing lately had an "odd" Molson brewery smell to them. Rolling Eyes
Spazzfist - Mar 06, 2005 - 05:01 PM
Post subject:
      Da_Scum wrote:
Question for da Commish dere...for secret weapons are we using the more recent addition as released on the board or going straight with the the LRB version? (i.e. New pricing, stats, and the one drive or the previous penelty rolls and stats? At least we aren't using the vault ones...ick.) Or we using in addition the pricing in the book for both tournies? (i.e. Double price, or that just for the stunty wars...)

The weapons' prices are listed in the tourney rulebook. They will be LRB otherwise - with penalty rolls, etc.
Spazzfist - Mar 07, 2005 - 01:21 PM
Post subject:
Well I have received word that Jon (one of the board builders) has finished his desert board and will deliver to Dueling Grounds shortly.

Mike also informed me that the Q'ermitt board is almost done and should be done by Friday.

As for me - I am working like mad on my board that I am doing - but all will be ready on time! Fingers crossed!

Pics coming soon, I promise!

VBZ - Mar 07, 2005 - 01:32 PM
Post subject:
Wahooo!! Only 12 days left!!
Spazzfist - Mar 07, 2005 - 01:42 PM
Post subject:
      VBZ wrote:
Wahooo!! Only 12 days left!!

Oh jeez, don't remind me! I am getting a serious case of nerves! At least I have the week off before the tourney to get all the last minute things taken care of.
Da_Scum - Mar 07, 2005 - 02:53 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      VBZ wrote:
Wahooo!! Only 12 days left!!

Oh jeez, don't remind me! I am getting a serious case of nerves! At least I have the week off before the tourney to get all the last minute things taken care of.

Drink Guinness! Laughing It sure will either calm the nerves, or put you in that wonderful state of mind of not caring if anything goes a little KaKa. Lesson I learned several times is never play the goblins unless you've consulted with the Dark Stout to come up with plays...some of them even work after a fashion! Rolling Eyes

Just let me know where and how much the unmarked bribes need to be and I'm sure things will go fine commish! Twisted Evil
KarlLagerbottom - Mar 07, 2005 - 03:08 PM
Post subject:
Hmmm...Dark Stout before Gobbo Games...Now you tell me!!!! Smile

Not too sure in my case though...I'm fairly certain that my gobs would ended up in the trash bin if I was less inhibited Confused . Smile


P.S. This is a rules query for the esteemed Mr. Spazzfist...Spazz...this is less of a rules question, but more of an interpretation...last night I played a game against a team that had access to bombers. Given that they work using the passing rules I assumed that meant that only one throw per turn. Well they had four and was able to throw them all each turn. What is your ruling on that?

Melifaxis - Mar 08, 2005 - 03:12 AM
Post subject:

Spazzfist - Mar 08, 2005 - 05:59 AM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
This is a rules query for the esteemed Mr. Spazzfist...Spazz...this is less of a rules question, but more of an interpretation...last night I played a game against a team that had access to bombers. Given that they work using the passing rules I assumed that meant that only one throw per turn. Well they had four and was able to throw them all each turn. What is your ruling on that?

Why are you thinking of bringing a team of all bombers? Wink

I would put the question up to the members in the Rules Question forum and get more opinions and thoughts on it.

If you have not done so by the time I make it there, then I will do that.

KarlLagerbottom - Mar 08, 2005 - 07:45 AM
Post subject:
      Melifaxis wrote:


CyberHare - Mar 08, 2005 - 04:13 PM
Post subject:
      Melifaxis wrote:

Laughing Yer never gonna live that one down. I think we should officially change your username to passport Very Happy Very Happy
twist - Mar 10, 2005 - 12:30 AM
Post subject:
You better be coming, Cyberhare... Now that I am a regular at the bottom of the standings, we may actually have a chance to play each other! Razz
CyberHare - Mar 10, 2005 - 03:42 AM
Post subject:
Yeah Yeah I'll wave down to you from the middle ranks Razz

I'll be there.
Spazzfist - Mar 10, 2005 - 06:10 AM
Post subject:
      CyberHare wrote:
I'll be there.

Excellent! You might want to talk to Billy to get a sneak peek at the rules for the tourney - he has the package.

VBZ - Mar 10, 2005 - 06:18 AM
Post subject:
To Q'ermitt we will go,
To Q'ermitt we will go,
Only nine more days to go!
To Q'ermitt we will go!
Spazzfist - Mar 10, 2005 - 06:53 AM
Post subject:
      VBZ wrote:
To Q'ermitt we will go,
To Q'ermitt we will go,
Only nine more days to go!
To Q'ermitt we will go!

So how are you coming down? With Garth? He was talking about driving Zombie down, but I told him not to do me any favours! Wink

Da_Scum - Mar 10, 2005 - 08:00 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
So how are you coming down? With Garth? He was talking about driving Zombie down, but I told him not to do me any favours! Wink

Does this mean I have to open the bar and billards table again? Sheesh! Laughing

Hi ho, hi ho, it's to Q'ermitt we all go!
With chain-saw blades, pogo staves and lots 'n' lots of hand grenades!
Hi ho! Hi ho, hi ho hi ho!

Rolling Eyes
VBZ - Mar 10, 2005 - 08:53 AM
Post subject:
So far it's still undecided. I know cyberhare is coming down so we have a few options:
1) Drive to Garth's, either pick him up or be picked up by him.
2)Me and Cyberhare drive down and meet Garth in T.O.

And we still haven't fidured out where we're staying yet. Zombie has confirmed that he will not be attending.

Oh and
To Q'ermitt we all go,
To spank stinky gobbos,
We'll nick their pints, kick their hurty bitz,
And feed them to the Minos!
garth - Mar 10, 2005 - 09:02 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      VBZ wrote:
To Q'ermitt we will go,
To Q'ermitt we will go,
Only nine more days to go!
To Q'ermitt we will go!

So how are you coming down? With Garth? He was talking about driving Zombie down, but I told him not to do me any favours! Wink


Yeah, he is coming with me. CyberHare too. I don't think Zombie is coming, so I have another spot in my car for another Montrealer...

I am still looking for a place for us to stay...
garth - Mar 10, 2005 - 09:05 AM
Post subject:
      VBZ wrote:
So far it's still undecided. I know cyberhare is coming down so we have a few options:
1) Drive to Garth's, either pick him up or be picked up by him.
2)Me and Cyberhare drive down and meet Garth in T.O.

NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Too much driving! VBZ, PM me to work out the final details. We really shouldn't be overlaping driving... And besides, isn't you car going to fall apart or something?... Very Happy
garth - Mar 10, 2005 - 09:09 AM
Post subject:
      Da_Scum wrote:

Does this mean I have to open the bar and billards table again? Sheesh!

HEY, HEY, HEY!! If I recall correctly, I BROUGHT the bar! Wink

Besides, I still have to play against YOU in pool. I mopped the floor with everyone else there...! Shocked Very Happy
Da_Scum - Mar 10, 2005 - 09:40 AM
Post subject:
      garth wrote:
      Da_Scum wrote:

Does this mean I have to open the bar and billards table again? Sheesh!

HEY, HEY, HEY!! If I recall correctly, I BROUGHT the bar! Wink

Besides, I still have to play against YOU in pool. I mopped the floor with everyone else there...! Shocked Very Happy

Let me inquire and see if I've once more got the space to spare and don't have to be anywhere. Laughing At least I know you're housebroken, so that's a good sign. Send me more details in a request and I'll start seeing if I need to stockpile some guinness in addition. Very Happy
garth - Mar 10, 2005 - 11:17 AM
Post subject:
      Da_Scum wrote:
Send me more details in a request and I'll start seeing if I need to stockpile some guinness in addition. Very Happy

Very Happy
Spazzfist - Mar 12, 2005 - 05:02 PM
Post subject:
In case anyone is interested.... I spoke with my father today and he told me that he still does have rooms available.
Grell - Mar 14, 2005 - 01:52 AM
Post subject:
sorry I know this is a late post but I plan to be in the stunty as well.

Spazzfist - Mar 14, 2005 - 09:44 AM
Post subject:
Not a problem - that one will be run as it comes - please do not expect to take anything too seriously on thes Stunty Cup, I know I'm not! It is just a quick and dirty fun tournament - I will know who is a part of that when we actually start to play.

VBZ - Mar 14, 2005 - 02:51 PM
Post subject:
Uhhh... what's this "quick and dirty fun" business? I know you boys from TO like to get freaky-- but damn!! Shocked Laughing
garth - Mar 14, 2005 - 03:37 PM
Post subject:
Don't try to understand them, Billy, they just aren't like us normal Eastern Ontario - Western Quebec folks...

Spazzfist - Mar 14, 2005 - 05:07 PM
Post subject:
Well Saturday night will be my anniversary, and I will be getting home late (Stunty Cup was a bad move)! So anything I get will be guaranteed to be quick (and it is always dirty)! Laughing
VBZ - Mar 14, 2005 - 10:23 PM
Post subject:

Well Saturday night will be my anniversary, and I will be getting home late (Stunty Cup was a bad move)! So anything I get will be guaranteed to be quick (and it is always dirty)!

You poor ignorant fool!! Laughing You honestly think that after having chosen to spend the greater part of your anniversary with a bunch of geeks instead of your with your better half that she will,in spite if this, in turn, out of the kindness of her heart, grace you with her tender charms!!?? Shocked Craig, if you can pull that off there is a 20$ in it for you... TO TELL ME YOUR SECRET OH GREAT MASTER OF SLICKNESS!!! Worship
Spazzfist - Mar 15, 2005 - 04:30 PM
Post subject:
Important News:

The Challenge of Q'ermitt has been advertising nine custom made boards for as long as I have had the idea for the tourney, and there are rules for nine custom boards in the tourney rulebook. This may now not be the case.

Mike Cheney, one of my board builders and close personal friend, has been having an extremely rough year with family illnesses. Those who had the opportunity to meet him at the Spike! know may have found out that his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. That did eventually go into remission, but then it was Mike's turn and he had a stroke. He is okay and has not had any major effects resulting from the stroke (barring fatigue), and plodded on working on the boards. He even said that it was his form of "therapy". even in these troubling times, Mike is always smiling and positive. A real inspiration.

Mike promised me that the boards he was working on (Q'ermitt's Temple and the Mordheim Board) would be finished in time. However, family health has taken another turn for the worse and he is again been put off schedule.

My understanding is such that I believe the Q'ermitt temple will be done in time but there is a strong possibility that the Mordheim board may not be. I ask for everyone's patience and understanding in this matter. I think the fact that Mike is even willing and able to finsih off the one board is a testament to his commitment under the circumstances.

If anyone is not willing to come to a tournament where there is only eight custom made boards, then I will gladly refund your money.

Thank you.
VBZ - Mar 16, 2005 - 02:35 AM
Post subject:
Nine boards , eight boards, who cares? I wanna play some Bloodbowl! I sincerely hope Mike make gets better soon and makes a full recovery. The very fact that he's still willing to finish a board after suffering a stroke (Jesus!) makes one thing very clear to me: my wife was right -we're all f***king nuts!!

Mike I've never met you, but get well soon buddy.
Spazzfist - Mar 16, 2005 - 09:41 PM
Post subject:
      VBZ wrote:
Nine boards , eight boards, who cares? I wanna play some Bloodbowl! I sincerely hope Mike make gets better soon and makes a full recovery. The very fact that he's still willing to finish a board after suffering a stroke (Jesus!) makes one thing very clear to me: my wife was right -we're all f***king nuts!!

Well Mike and I agree that the opposite is true - it is the hobby that keeps us from going nuts! Mike has said how grateful he has been to have this to keep his mind occupied and off of all the problems at home.

But on a lighter note, I oversaw delivery of the Khemri Desert board to the Dueling Grounds today and took down the halfling and Norse boards. (Ben, if you read this you will appreciate the halfling board! Wink) Any TBBF'ers will get a chance to ooh and aah over them on Thursday night.

The other boards are about 99% done on my end, and they are looking friggin' cool! I am going to have a great time playing one-off games on these babies after the tourney!

Also, the Stunty Cup has a new surprise! Check out the "Stunty Free for All" link in this forum for more details.

Paul - Mar 16, 2005 - 10:02 PM
Post subject:
I'm looking forward to getting a sneak peak at the boards tomorrow night then.

I built my own stadium for my old Skaven team back home, and I can say that it is an impressive feat to make all these boards for the tournament. I can't wait for the weakend so we can break them in.
Clan_Skaven - Mar 17, 2005 - 12:19 AM
Post subject:
      Paul wrote:
I'm looking forward to getting a sneak peak at the boards tomorrow night then.

I built my own stadium for my old Skaven team back home, and I can say that it is an impressive feat to make all these boards for the tournament. I can't wait for the weakend so we can break them in.

Paul my friend you did good at the Canadian Open nobody can dispute that, 2nd. place is impressive, but you never played me! You better hope I don't meet you this weekend, cause you will not overcome my rampage!

Grell - Mar 17, 2005 - 05:52 AM
Post subject:
Rampage of what falling over your own 2 feet. I think you better worry more about getting through the toruny before you can think about beating anyone, and with your track record lately I'd be praying to nuffle the next 2 days, Mr. I'm all that clan-skaven.

It's fun to back

Grell out
Spazzfist - Mar 17, 2005 - 08:28 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Paul my friend you did good at the Canadian Open nobody can dispute that, 2nd. place is impressive, but you never played me! You better hope I don't meet you this weekend, cause you will not overcome my rampage!


Good to have you coming out Rod, a tourney wouldn't be a tourney without your trash talkin'!

Da_Scum - Mar 17, 2005 - 08:38 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Paul my friend you did good at the Canadian Open nobody can dispute that, 2nd. place is impressive, but you never played me! You better hope I don't meet you this weekend, cause you will not overcome my rampage!


Good to have you coming out Rod, a tourney wouldn't be a tourney without your trash talkin'!


Too true as he's yet to even beat once a bunch of goblins for crying out loud! Laughing I say we match him qgainst VBZ and let the trash talking commence between both of them, we're likely to hear expleatives we haven't heard expleated before! Rolling Eyes
KarlLagerbottom - Mar 17, 2005 - 09:01 AM
Post subject:

Too true as he's yet to even beat once a bunch of goblins for crying out loud! Laughing I say we match him qgainst VBZ and let the trash talking commence between both of them, we're likely to hear expleatives we haven't heard expleated before! Rolling Eyes

And speaking of rare occurances...this would mean that one of them would actually win a game! (Then again I guess it could be a draw. Neutral )

-Rob Smile

DISCLAIMER: I have never won anything, and I do not even know VBZ so you have to question the credibility of my comments. I really just wanted to get into the trash talking. Smile
Spazzfist - Mar 17, 2005 - 09:02 AM
Post subject:
Da Scum to da Rescue!

As I announced that my tournament of nine custom made boards might be down to eight, Da Scum has heard my pathetic cry for help and shown compassion unheard of for a gobbo.

He told me that he will be bringing the Ivor Biggin Stadium to the Q'ermitt so that there will indeed be nine custom made pitches at the tourney! He told me thought that the rules for the stadium are "Old School Fans" which means that the old kick off table rules will be used, as oppose to the newer, softer ones.

Thanks Scum!

And who knows, Mike may surprise us all yet and have both of his boards completed!

Regardless, as I look at all these custom made boards and think of the games to be played, I know this is going to be a tourney to remember! (Now if I could just get my stupid digital camera to work!) Sad

Paul - Mar 17, 2005 - 03:06 PM
Post subject:
Paul my friend you did good at the Canadian Open nobody can dispute that, 2nd. place is impressive, but you never played me! You better hope I don't meet you this weekend, cause you will not overcome my rampage!


Bring it on Rod, I can't wait for my dwarfs to get their hands on your furry behind. Smile

Can't wait to see you and your crew there. Remember thoguh, Dueling Grounds is my new home turf, so you're coming into my house to play Barretts Privateers.
garth - Mar 17, 2005 - 04:34 PM
Post subject:
      Paul wrote:
Bring it on ROD, I can't wait for my DWARFS (?!?) to get their hands on your FURRY BEHIND. Smile

OKAAAAAAAAAAAAAY.... Back to my previous comment: "Don't try to understand them, Billy, they just aren't like us normal Eastern Ontario - Western Quebec folks..." Not that there is anything WRONG with that guys, but....

      Paul wrote:
Can't wait to see you and your crew there. Remember thoguh, Dueling Grounds is my new home turf, so you're coming into my house to play Barretts Privateers.

Isn't that song about a bunch of lazy beer-swilling maritimers who lost (the battle)? Shocked Wink
I prefer "Farwell to Nova Scotia" anyway. Very Happy
Paul - Mar 18, 2005 - 12:33 AM
Post subject:
Isn't that song about a bunch of lazy beer-swilling maritimers who lost (the battle)? I prefer "Farwell to Nova Scotia" anyway.

lazy, no, they were sailors, you can't be a lazy sailer. Beer Swiling, well, they probably drank rum, but yeagh, I'll let that slide. But lost the battle, well, they only lost if you consider having the captain killed and your legs blown off, then, well, yea, they probably lost the battle.
Clan_Skaven - Mar 18, 2005 - 12:43 AM
Post subject:
      Grell wrote:
Rampage of what falling over your own 2 feet. I think you better worry more about getting through the toruny before you can think about beating anyone, and with your track record lately I'd be praying to nuffle the next 2 days, Mr. I'm all that clan-skaven.

It's fun to back

Grell out

Pray to Nuffle??? I'll never! Don't get me started on that useless turd!

My track record lately? in my past 3 tourneys I have had 7W 3T 8L

Not the greatest record but then again not the worst, speaking of the worst didn't you come in dead last at the SPIKE! Grell? Ya thought so! When you can figure on how not to be a bottom feeder then maybe respond! Razz

Don't start a hack war you can't win!

Da_Scum - Mar 18, 2005 - 01:19 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Pray to Nuffle??? I'll never! Don't get me started on that useless turd!

My track record lately? in my past 3 tourneys I have had 7W 3T 8L

Not the greatest record but then again not the worst, speaking of the worst didn't you come in dead last at the SPIKE! Grell? Ya thought so! When you can figure on how not to be a bottom feeder then maybe respond! Razz

Don't start a hack war you can't win!


And how exactly are you planning on winning it when you yourself are so woefully unarmed? Rolling Eyes I swear how many times we have to tell you when throwing beer cans to throw EMPTY ones?!?! Otherwise it's a perfectly good waste of that magically brewed elixer of Cuffle that makes any plan on the field look brilliant...or at least make you beyond caring if it's brilliant or not...

...this explains many of my "brilliant" goblin plays of course... Laughing
Clan_Skaven - Mar 18, 2005 - 01:31 AM
Post subject:
      Da_Scum wrote:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Pray to Nuffle??? I'll never! Don't get me started on that useless turd!

My track record lately? in my past 3 tourneys I have had 7W 3T 8L

Not the greatest record but then again not the worst, speaking of the worst didn't you come in dead last at the SPIKE! Grell? Ya thought so! When you can figure on how not to be a bottom feeder then maybe respond! Razz

Don't start a hack war you can't win!


And how exactly are you planning on winning it when you yourself are so woefully unarmed? Rolling Eyes I swear how many times we have to tell you when throwing beer cans to throw EMPTY ones?!?! Otherwise it's a perfectly good waste of that magically brewed elixer of Cuffle that makes any plan on the field look brilliant...or at least make you beyond caring if it's brilliant or not...

...this explains many of my "brilliant" goblin plays of course... Laughing


I need more Beer!

Paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, ahh Hell maybe I should just use my Skaven....... or should I keep trying to finnish my secret new race?
Da_Scum - Mar 18, 2005 - 01:37 AM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:

I need more Beer!

Paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, ahh Hell maybe I should just use my Skaven....... or should I keep trying to finnish my secret new race?

...yeah, rats in're not fooling anyone your know! Rolling Eyes
VBZ - Mar 18, 2005 - 02:52 AM
Post subject:
Alright ladies and gents, put the kiddies to bed and some body warn our more sensitive members to plug their ears for just one second...

... Ready?...

I just had the worst f***king week!!! I had to deal with a bunch of arrogant ,ingnorant, drunken, foul mouthed, know-it-all, slurred speach having, whaddaya-mean-I-can't-drink-at-the-table-what-kinda-fuckin-casino-is-this, American kids on spring break for a whole f***king week and, by God, I'm going to take out every ounce of my frustrations out on you m%^$@#^&%kers!!!! WAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay.. I'm done now. See you all in two days
Toodles Orc
Clan_Skaven - Mar 18, 2005 - 03:29 AM
Post subject:
      VBZ wrote:
Alright ladies and gents, put the kiddies to bed and some body warn our more sensitive members to plug their ears for just one second...

... Ready?...

I just had the worst f***king week!!! I had to deal with a bunch of arrogant ,ingnorant, drunken, foul mouthed, know-it-all, slurred speach having, whaddaya-mean-I-can't-drink-at-the-table-what-kinda-fuckin-casino-is-this, American kids on spring break for a whole f***king week and, by God, I'm going to take out every ounce of my frustrations out on you m%^$@#^&%kers!!!! WAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay.. I'm done now. See you all in two days
Toodles Orc

If you put half as much energy in your BB as you do your never ending Bitching, you might actually win some games!

Spazzfist - Mar 18, 2005 - 07:13 AM
Post subject:
One more sleep boyz!
Torpor - Mar 18, 2005 - 07:26 AM
Post subject:
Good Luck to you all! Please let me know who gets the dugout Very Happy
Spazzfist - Mar 18, 2005 - 09:31 AM
Post subject:
Will do Torpor, thanks again for it!

I was giving some serious consideration for awarding it for Best Tournament Organizer...... Wink

Clan_Skaven - Mar 18, 2005 - 09:36 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Will do Torpor, thanks again for it!

I was giving some serious consideration for awarding it for Best Tournament Organizer...... Wink


Will OMM or Cyberhair be thier to win that prize? Razz

CyberHare - Mar 18, 2005 - 09:57 AM
Post subject:
Rod... It's CyberHare... as in rabbit... not as in long and curly. Laughing
Da_Scum - Mar 18, 2005 - 10:26 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
One more sleep boyz!

Sleep? What's this sleep stuff you talk of? Is that when you pass out on the coach after watching another late night showing of The Longest Yard?
garth - Mar 18, 2005 - 11:02 AM
Post subject:
      Paul wrote:
lazy, no, they were sailors, you can't be a lazy sailer. Beer Swiling, well, they probably drank rum, but yeagh, I'll let that slide.

Touche. I guess I was thinking about MY time in Nova Scotia! Wink

      Paul wrote:
But lost the battle, well, they only lost if you consider having the captain killed and your legs blown off...

By the 'main truck'? Very Happy

Is that a premonition about the upcoming tournament? Shocked
Paul - Mar 18, 2005 - 03:17 PM
Post subject:
yep, it was the 'main truck'. I thought about that before the Canadian Open, and well, I came in second, so I'm going to keep the name for a while.

Besides, it gives me an excuse to yell "God Damn Them All" when things don't go my way. Smile
garth - Mar 18, 2005 - 03:23 PM
Post subject:
Hello all,

VBZ, Cyberhare, Zombie, and myself are driving from Chesterville to Toronto on SATURDAY MORNING so be kind to us! Confused

Spazz, we are shooting for 9:00am but I cannot predict the traffic. Is there anywhere I can call you Sat. morning if our trip seems delayed?

Spazzfist - Mar 18, 2005 - 09:02 PM
Post subject:

Call the Duelling Grounds @ 416-534-DUEL. I will also PM you with my cell #.

But I have to say that I think you guys are nuts! Smile

But at least we know that Billy is a civil, polite human being, even under such pressing circumstances! (and by that I mean the long drive with Zombie) Very Happy

Spazzfist - Mar 19, 2005 - 04:51 AM
Post subject:
It's the big day!

(Is it normal for the TO to get so little sleep?)
Da_Scum - Mar 19, 2005 - 05:28 AM
Post subject:
      Paul wrote:
Besides, it gives me an excuse to yell "God Damn Them All" when things don't go my way. Smile

Ha! I find it's the principle of the matter to swear at the incompetence my team shows on a regular basis! Laughing Mind you any time I get a "coach ejected" result my lads suddenly play as Gods, this worries me... Rolling Eyes Laughing
Hoshi_Komi - Mar 20, 2005 - 02:55 PM
Post subject:
any update guys? how's rob representing the states?
KarlLagerbottom - Mar 20, 2005 - 06:38 PM
Post subject:
      gken1 wrote:
any update guys? how's rob representing the states?

Two Words for you my friend...Wooden Spoon. Sad

Funny part is, there was only 4 points seperating me from the second from the bottom. How is that possible you ask? Sportsmanship points lost is my answer. Mad (Even though I got a vote for "Best Sportsman" from one of my opponents.)

"...ok...this is a pass action. My AG4 thrower moves...1,2,3,4,5,6..:go for it: 7, :go for it: 8...
Long Pass to my AG4 Catcher in a Tackle Zone. ::dice roll:: 6. GREAT! It's accurate.
Catch on a 3+. ::dice roll:: 5 GREAT! It's caught.
Dodge to an empty tackle zone to score a TD. ::dice roll:: 1
Dodge Re-Roll ::dice roll:: 1.
DAMN!!! he goes down right there check his armour. ::dice roll:: 10 That bad is it?
::Dice roll:: 8 KO. BRUTAL!!!"

I'll stop the transcript there as it gets a little less PC from there. Sad

Oh Well...I'm setting my sights on the Death Cup...look out DC the Wooden Spoon Tour continues at a Blood Bowl Tourney near you!
Neutral was still a great time, and all of the custom pitches gave this tourney a differnt flavor. (Even if my results were strikingly similar! Smile )
Great Tourney SpazzFist..Well Done!!

A special thanks goes out to not for sweeping every major tourney award, but for making my visit to Toronto a great one. Thanks dude!!!
Da_Scum - Mar 20, 2005 - 07:20 PM
Post subject:
Well the Goblins were once more well represented finding new ways to warp probability one way or the other! We had everything happen to us, From Game One miracle comeback against a Skaven team in the 2nd half despite being in the Wrong Half of my own Stadium! (And boy were my fans confused, even getting the ref for him instead of me! Rolling Eyes ) To the DOUBLE Skull Skull Skull in the 2nd game which led to a sudden collapse against Orcs...who by the way had Blacks Orcs pulling off miracle dodges, pick-ups and GFI's to score with no rerolls to win! Orc Then having the disaster of having only one kind of luck...all bad...against a bunch of Wood Elves leading to a VERY one sided blow-out. Sad

Day two things went even more bizarre, however now Da Maggot Scum had figured out a way to win...bugger the play book and just scramble. End result; a Wild one with our heroes hanging on for dear life to beat a surging Human team. (With the same TWO players washed overboard THREE times in one half! Sheesh, that's more baths by those two than my entire team has had in its lifetime! Laughing ) Followed by another wild one against yet another bunch of Humans under the Scorching Sun where the two AG4 Goblins led the charge, or rather paniced scramble, to victory. Last battle was a fight in the snow with those rats in Lizardman suits, where an Ice Blizzard all game meant the fans never got to see the brilliant and dashing play as Da Maggot Scum got their one blowout victory of the tournament....though I'm sure I saw Skaven tails poking out of those lizard-suits... Very Happy

So 4 Wins and 2 Losses by the Goblins...we're back on track lads! Cool
Old_Man_Monkey - Mar 20, 2005 - 07:25 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
It's the big day!

(Is it normal for the TO to get so little sleep?)

Yep, Craig, par for the course - just look forward to the post tournament recovery period... congrats on running what appears to be a great tournament!

Paul - Mar 20, 2005 - 08:49 PM
Post subject:
Way to go Spazz, it was a great tourney and the custom boards looked great. I can't wait for next year.

Congradulations to everyone, especilaly Ben who shook off an earlier beating I gave him to win the finals. All I know is I hope I never have to play 3 games against dwarfs in one day again.

Thanks for everyone making it such a blast.
Ben - Mar 20, 2005 - 10:26 PM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
      gken1 wrote:
any update guys? how's rob representing the states?

Two Words for you my friend...Wooden Spoon. Sad

Oh Well...I'm setting my sights on the Death Cup...look out DC the Wooden Spoon Tour continues at a Blood Bowl Tourney near you!

Oh man, this made me laugh. Laughing

Craig - Great Tourney!!

Mr.Octavionno - No prob, you we're great company to have! Any time my friend.

My oppenets - You all we're great sports! Sorry you guys had to witness the wrath my my umbelievable dice rolls especially to Brian and Bud who i managed to clear the pitch with.

I had a great Time!!

garth - Mar 20, 2005 - 10:54 PM
Post subject:
Just got in from the loooong drive home (!) to Chesterville. The Montreal boys have another 2 hours (or so) to go.

We all had a good weekend. Thanks to all who made it fun and memorable!
Melifaxis - Mar 21, 2005 - 09:24 AM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:

Two Words for you my friend...Wooden Spoon. Sad

Doh! Skull Skull Skull
Clan_Skaven - Mar 21, 2005 - 10:43 AM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
      gken1 wrote:
any update guys? how's rob representing the states?

Two Words for you my friend...Wooden Spoon. Sad

Funny part is, there was only 4 points seperating me from the second from the bottom. How is that possible you ask? Sportsmanship points lost is my answer. Mad (Even though I got a vote for "Best Sportsman" from one of my opponents.)

"...ok...this is a pass action. My AG4 thrower moves...1,2,3,4,5,6..:go for it: 7, :go for it: 8...
Long Pass to my AG4 Catcher in a Tackle Zone. ::dice roll:: 6. GREAT! It's accurate.
Catch on a 3+. ::dice roll:: 5 GREAT! It's caught.
Dodge to an empty tackle zone to score a TD. ::dice roll:: 1
Dodge Re-Roll ::dice roll:: 1.
DAMN!!! he goes down right there check his armour. ::dice roll:: 10 That bad is it?
::Dice roll:: 8 KO. BRUTAL!!!"

I'll stop the transcript there as it gets a little less PC from there. Sad

Oh Well...I'm setting my sights on the Death Cup...look out DC the Wooden Spoon Tour continues at a Blood Bowl Tourney near you!
Neutral was still a great time, and all of the custom pitches gave this tourney a differnt flavor. (Even if my results were strikingly similar! Smile )
Great Tourney SpazzFist..Well Done!!

A special thanks goes out to not for sweeping every major tourney award, but for making my visit to Toronto a great one. Thanks dude!!!

Hey what are you upset about, you still beat me! You want to talk about useless rolls ask Lagerbottom or Scum! AG 4 Skinks are useless when all they can do is roll ones!

CyberHare - Mar 21, 2005 - 10:43 AM
Post subject:
      Ben wrote:
My oppenets - You all we're great sports! Sorry you guys had to witness the wrath my my umbelievable dice rolls especially to Brian and Bud who i managed to clear the pitch with.

That pretty much sums up my luck for the weekend Very Happy I was challenging Rob for the wooden spoon in the last round Razz All well You can't win them all. A good weekend and fun was had by all.

I've got my pictures posted up here. Make sure you're logged in or you won't see anything.

It think it was pretty well shown though that loosing a gained skill if a player dies is brutal to those unlucky enough to loose them.
Clan_Skaven - Mar 21, 2005 - 10:46 AM
Post subject:
      CyberHare wrote:
      Ben wrote:
My oppenets - You all we're great sports! Sorry you guys had to witness the wrath my my umbelievable dice rolls especially to Brian and Bud who i managed to clear the pitch with.

That pretty much sums up my luck for the weekend Very Happy I was challenging Rob for the wooden spoon in the last round Razz All well You can't win them all. A good weekend and fun was had by all.

I've got my pictures posted up here. Make sure you're logged in or you won't see anything.

It think it was pretty well shown though that loosing a gained skill if a player dies is brutal to those unlucky enough to loose them.

Where?, The link brings me to your site but no pics.
CyberHare - Mar 21, 2005 - 10:48 AM
Post subject:
      CyberHare wrote:
Make sure you're logged in or you won't see anything.

Log in.
Spazzfist - Mar 21, 2005 - 10:55 AM
Post subject:

I know you were upset about losing those skills in the tourney, but do you have to lock me out of the album with the pics?

I logged in, clicked your link above and got this message:

You do not have access to this function

From there I checked my account, and I am indeed logged in. Maybe Clan-Skaven isn't so dumb after all!


Results up soon! Promise!
CyberHare - Mar 21, 2005 - 11:00 AM
Post subject:
Doh My bad. I didn't make the album public. Clan-Skaven isn't dumb, he's just drunk half the time Razz Laughing

It should work now. But you still have to login Wink
Clan_Skaven - Mar 21, 2005 - 11:00 AM
Post subject:
Thanks to SPAZZ you did a great job, it was very enjoyable. I do have some suggestions though that might help it run alittle smoother for you next year.(I'll PM or phone you later)

Again thanks to you & Monica for the weekend, not just the tourney but also for accomidating us.

Ben you are replacing Bud as BB God, but just like Bud, you too will fall! Congrats Ben.(Did you cheat this tourney Ben?)

Paul, 2nd place in your first 2 consecutive tourneys, all I can say is great effort. You are at least consistant. (You however still need to play me.... Twisted Evil )

To all my opponents thanks for the fun games, despite losing 3 of the 6 & only winning one, it still was fun. (Except for those 2 useless AG 4 Skinks)

For sure I'll be at the GenCon, but possibly other tourneys before that....

Once again Craig Gret job, you deserve a pat on the back for a great weekend. If I forgot to thank anyone, sorry.

Spazzfist - Mar 21, 2005 - 11:04 AM
Post subject:
Great pics CH!

Can I post them on the Hammers of the Northg and Q'ermitt sites?

CyberHare - Mar 21, 2005 - 11:07 AM
Post subject:
Sure go ahead.
Spazzfist - Mar 21, 2005 - 12:11 PM
Post subject:
Whew! It's over! Razz

The weekend turned out to work out perfectly in that we had 18 players for the 9 custom boards, so everyone was able to play on a custom made pitch every game! (Special thanks again to Da Scum for bringing the Ivor Biggin Stadium)!

Another special thanks goes out to Bikerbob's wife Dawn, who helped me out immensely by taking on the computer duties and entering in all of the info. What a relief that was! Worship

If anyone has any photos that they took of the tourney I would be very grateful if I could get my grubby hands on some copies of those!

Now the moment you've been waiting for..... here are the results of the tourney by points:

Ben Tusim 358
Paul Connor 333
Dennis Clapham 328
Cam Weaver 313
Steve Lalancette 296
David Sutton 291
James Schofield 267
Neil Uppal 265
Rob Wilson 263
Rob Pharand 248
Robert Rivers 245
Joseph Michaud 237
Rod Davidson 228
Brian St. James 216
Garth Elliot 213
Billy Zavos 207
Robert Ottaviano 202

Contact me if you feel these are not correct, but I did take these straight from the Excel sheet that was used at the tourney.

Overal Winner, Best Painted and Most Casualties went to Ben Tusim.

Most Touchdowns was won by Dennis Clapham

Best Sport was Garth Elliot.

Thanks one and all for a great time! Look forward to doing it again next year!

Thanks one and all for coming out,

garth - Mar 21, 2005 - 12:43 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:

Hey what are you upset about, you still beat me! You want to talk about useless rolls ask Lagerbottom or Scum! AG 4 Skinks are useless when all they can do is roll ones!

Hey, they were useless against me too -- but you still won!
garth - Mar 21, 2005 - 12:57 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:

Now the moment you've been waiting for..... here are the results of the tourney by points:

Brian St. James 216
Garth Elliot 213
Billy Zavos 207
Robert Ottaviano 202

I thought I was in second last place. I BEAT BILLY!!! Hmmm, maybe I should have given Cyberhare a 0 for sportsmanship instead of 3... oops! does this mean I have to return the Best Sportsman award?... Wink
Spazzfist - Mar 21, 2005 - 01:03 PM
Post subject:
      garth wrote:
I thought I was in second last place. I BEAT BILLY!!! Hmmm, maybe I should have given Cyberhare a 0 for sportsmanship instead of 3... oops! does this mean I have to return the Best Sportsman award?... Wink

Yeah, sorry about that Garth! The points did not have the bonus sportsmanship scores added to it last night - this score represents those points added on (each vote for best sport was an additional 5 pts).

As for the questionable sportsmanship - no problem - Cyberhare deserves a '0' for sportsmanship in any game he plays! Wink

Clan_Skaven - Mar 21, 2005 - 02:53 PM
Post subject:
I'm sure my totals are wrong, I had a record of 1W, 2T, 3L

Game 1=30pts
Game 2=20pts
Game 3=30pts
Game 4=70pts
Game 5=30pts
Game 6=10pts
Total = 190pts

You have me at 278, where did I get 88 points?

CyberHare - Mar 21, 2005 - 03:10 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
As for the questionable sportsmanship - no problem - Cyberhare deserves a '0' for sportsmanship in any game he plays! Wink

Hey now, I seem to remember a certain TO grabbing the "Nuffle Sucks!" hat from me and wearing it with pride during part of the last round of the tourney. Very Happy I'm a perfect sport Mr. Green
VBZ - Mar 21, 2005 - 03:31 PM
Post subject:

I thought I was in second last place. I BEAT BILLY!!!

Yeayyyyyyyyyyyyy!! I can now add that to the list of things That I'll never live down Very Happy . I don't know what Ben's secret is but I couldn't buy a dice roll to save my life, and I recently jumped over to TBB to see some pics of TKCII that Torg had posted up... they included a pic of Ben's girlfriend... all I have to say is : BEN IF F'ING BROKEN!!!LOL!
Spazzfist - Mar 21, 2005 - 04:28 PM
Post subject:
      VBZ wrote:
they included a pic of Ben's girlfriend...

Dude, you have to see my wife! Very Happy


I will look at the results again tomorrow - left the disk at work. But how badly do you want to shave your head?? Question

But a few of the points were:
10pts for painting
28 pts for sportsmanship (you got 2 nods for best overall sport which was worth +10 - already included)

The other 50 I will have to look into.

Hoshi_Komi - Mar 21, 2005 - 05:23 PM
Post subject:
what were the races played?
Paul - Mar 21, 2005 - 05:57 PM
Post subject:
Paul Connor 333

I don't know what it is with Tournament Orginizers, but they seem to miss that there is an 's' at the end of my name. Its Connors. Still, great work Craig and to the help.

Paul, 2nd place in your first 2 consecutive tourneys, all I can say is great effort. You are at least consistant. (You however still need to play me.... Twisted Evil )

Thanks Rod,hopefully we'll get to face off one of these times. I guess we just end up going in opposite directions from the first round and never meet up Smile

what were the races played?

Not sure who played what, but there were:
3 Dwarf
2 Skaven
1 Amazon
4 Human
1 Norse
2 Orc
1 Goblin
2 Lizardmen
1 Chaos Dwarf
1 Wood Elf

give or take a team here and there.
Colin - Mar 21, 2005 - 06:02 PM
Post subject:
CyberHare was wearing a Nuffle Sucks! hat??? Really?? Is there something you want to tell me Bunnyman?!!
twist - Mar 21, 2005 - 06:02 PM
Post subject:
Thanks for a great tourney, Spazz! Thoroughly enjoyed myself. It was a nice change to do some headstomping for a change! Just had to keep my skinks outta the fray... I even outcasualtied Chaos Dwarfs! They ain't so tough afterall... You'll be seeing more of my Lizards in the future... Wink

The pitches were a nice change! They added an unknown element to each game, but not too much. Perfect!
CyberHare - Mar 21, 2005 - 06:13 PM
Post subject:
      Torg wrote:
CyberHare was wearing a Nuffle Sucks! hat??? Really?? Is there something you want to tell me Bunnyman?!!

I got used and abused by the dice all weekend. Game 1 I got cleared from the field by Ben and his dwarves. I still kept the game to 1 point though so I'm pretty proud of that. Game 3 was ok the first half when I didn't let my opponents dwarves see my side of the field. The second half though it was a festival of double ones and skulls. Day 2 wasn't much better. VBZ had a Nuffle Sucks hat and I stold it from him for the last round. It seemed to help as that game went quite well. I even made a play where I got the ball from three squares away from my endzone to score a TD in one turn to win the game 3 - 2. Go figure Rolling Eyes . At any rate nuffle was firmly cursed by many the unlucky coach this weekend in Toronto.
garth - Mar 21, 2005 - 07:30 PM
Post subject:
      CyberHare wrote:
VBZ had a Nuffle Sucks hat and I stold it from him for the last round. It seemed to help as that game went quite well. I even made a play where I got the ball from three squares away from my endzone to score a TD in one turn to win the game 3 - 2.

Yeah -- against me! And it was not *A* play, but it was THE play of the game -- the LAST play of the game to be exact. That damn hat stole the fourth-last place position from me!
Spazzfist - Mar 21, 2005 - 07:42 PM
Post subject:
      Paul wrote:
Paul Connor 333

I don't know what it is with Tournament Orginizers, but they seem to miss that there is an 's' at the end of my name. Its Connors. Still, great work Craig and to the help.

Sorry about that Mr. Connors!

Truth be known Ian Dundas had supplied me with an excel sheet with the Canadian Open results and sheets, and it was the only program that I could get working on my computer. So when I saw that many of the Canadian Open coaches were at the Q'ermitt, I kept them in the system as they were!

Pushback/Pow Pushback/Pow Pushback/Pow (but I got dodge!) Cool

Spazzfist - Mar 21, 2005 - 08:08 PM
Post subject:
Just so everyone is aware The Challenge of Q'ermitt 2006, will NOT be held at the same time as this year.

I am looking more toward the summer, does anyone have any suggestions?

KarlLagerbottom - Mar 22, 2005 - 02:03 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:

But a few of the points were:
10pts for painting
28 pts for sportsmanship (you got 2 nods for best overall sport which was worth +10 - already included)

The other 50 I will have to look into.


Spazz- Please let me know if I should return the Wooden's definately a distinction that I could do without.

One Wooden Spoon would be ok, but now Melifaxis is referring to it as a collection. Sad
Sad part is...its unofficially my third in less than 6 months. ::OUCH::
Grell - Mar 22, 2005 - 04:19 AM
Post subject:
Hey guys, great weekend! had a great time looking forward to next year.
Spazz pLease look at those scores because right now I am the one getting my head shaved if they are accurate, also I believe you forgot to mention my win in the stunty cup(which was also a blast):) where Talons was more worried about surviving then stopping me in the deathbowl game( man I hate type on this thing ).
Clan_Skaven - Mar 22, 2005 - 04:23 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      VBZ wrote:
they included a pic of Ben's girlfriend...

Dude, you have to see my wife! Very Happy


I will look at the results again tomorrow - left the disk at work. But how badly do you want to shave your head?? Question

But a few of the points were:
10pts for painting
28 pts for sportsmanship (you got 2 nods for best overall sport which was worth +10 - already included)

The other 50 I will have to look into.


I got 2 votes for best overall sport? Really? How many votes was the highest?

Spazzfist - Mar 22, 2005 - 07:02 AM
Post subject:
Okay, it is fixed!

Rod and David Sutton traded places - the scores for the final round between these two was misentered(Rod was awarded 60 pts, and David 10- now David got 70 and Rod 10). This changes things a bit! I have fixed it on the previous message.

@Grell - sorry - should ave mentioned it here too, but mention was made in the "Stunty Free For All" thread

@Karl - If you want to tell me your scores and I will double check the roster, that would be fine. 5 points away from Billy is worth double checking!

@ CS - each Sportsmanship nod was worth 5 points, Garth got three.

Grell - Mar 22, 2005 - 09:06 AM
Post subject:
Spazz no biggy I missed the other thread my fualt and I was just bragging about thestunty cup, I wasen.t trying to offend you or anything.
garth - Mar 22, 2005 - 09:13 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:

@ CS - each Sportsmanship nod was worth 5 points, Garth got three.

I still can't believe this! Of course, it's not hard to be a good sport when you have such fun and sporting opponents! You guys are the best! (all warm and fuzzy feeling... trying to justify my Sportsmanship award... )

Spazzfist - Mar 22, 2005 - 09:47 AM
Post subject:
      Grell wrote:
Spazz no biggy I missed the other thread my fualt and I was just bragging about thestunty cup, I wasen.t trying to offend you or anything.

Oh yeah...... Grrrr! Mad I am soooo offended! Laughing

No bigee Grell, you are the first Goblin team probably in BB history to win a tourney! You have the right to brag!

Ben - Mar 22, 2005 - 11:02 AM
Post subject:
Look at that, all TBBF'ers at the top 4. Damn we are good. Worship
Da_Scum - Mar 22, 2005 - 11:09 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
[No bigee Grell, you are the first Goblin team probably in BB history to win a tourney! You have the right to brag!


Foul! Penelty! Foul! Skinks THREW the game to him! Coniving bugger! Laughing Next time I'll throw in a FULL can of Guinness with the bag of rats!

Oh I see, originally ROB the Goblins of their ONE blow out win and give it to Clan-Skaven? What part of he's playing me therefore he CAN'T have possibly won doesn't register? Laughing (Hmm...this explains my LACK of sportsman points... Rolling Eyes )

Glad to see the "Old School" stadium lived up to it's reputation well. Pitch clearings, foul wars, and of course it got revenge on "CyberHarlet" for dissing it way back a Canadian Open ago. Must have forgiven him as he had his miracle win later...either that or he's promised it a photo exclusive. Idea I swear it's more easily bribed then I am! Wink

Now how soon do our new NAF ratings do the hooky-pooky?
Clan_Skaven - Mar 22, 2005 - 01:07 PM
Post subject:
Anyone else have picyures of the tourney? Sorry I missed the group shot.
Paul - Mar 22, 2005 - 03:21 PM
Post subject:
Sorry about that Mr. Connors !

Truth be known Ian Dundas had supplied me with an excel sheet with the Canadian Open results and sheets, and it was the only program that I could get working on my computer. So when I saw that many of the Canadian Open coaches were at the Q'ermitt, I kept them in the system as they were!

No worries. I'll just make sure the same sheet isn't being used at the next tourney. Smile

Thanks for all the fun Spazz.
Clan_Skaven - Mar 22, 2005 - 03:26 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Just so everyone is aware The Challenge of Q'ermitt 2006, will NOT be held at the same time as this year.

I am looking more toward the summer, does anyone have any suggestions?


A move would be good, cause _I really want to check out TKC next year.

& I'd hate to have to chose between TKC III & CoQ II

Move the date & I can do both.

Talons - Mar 22, 2005 - 07:32 PM
Post subject:
Well, where do I begin???? First and foremost....Thanks to Spazz and Monica on opening your home to all of us. Your hospitality was great. Craig you have a keeper!!!!

Secondly, I had a blast at the tourney.....Craig excellent job. The tourney was everything I expected and more. The custom pitches were great and my opponents were a blast. Ben I still owe you a beaten, but in the meantime congrats.

Next I would like to talk about this stunty cup crap. Craig you little must of taken lessons from your pal Ben. You start the stunty cup with a Skink team and then in the finals you turn your back on Skink Inc. and change to Gobbos. I smell a conspiracy.......Craig you stabbed me in the back. There will be payback for this. I admit that I made a mistake in not taking the knockdown result but I must point out that Craig also had the oppurtunity to knock Grell down and failed. Oh well, all in fun......Had a blast. Can't wait until next year.

P.S Clan-Skaven.........When you shaven your head you big loser!!!!
Old_Man_Monkey - Mar 22, 2005 - 10:18 PM
Post subject:
      Da_Scum wrote:
Now how soon do our new NAF ratings do the hooky-pooky?

For you, Dave, never... the NAF refuses to do the hooky-pooky with any of Da Scum's gobbos... Wink Very Happy
Grell - Mar 22, 2005 - 10:36 PM
Post subject:
Oh don't worry i have a whole year to brag and brag I will!

ALso Forgive me if my post suck in the english language,writing things out don't always come out the way I expect them to(no wonder I always failing english:)), but hey I am after all aOrc player.

Skink INc. is Liquidated by little green gobbos!
Spazzfist - Mar 23, 2005 - 08:28 AM
Post subject:
I would like to get the tournament results into Ben, so if anyone feels that their results are suspect - please let me know ASAP.


Da_Scum - Mar 23, 2005 - 09:59 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
I would like to get the tournament results into Ben, so if anyone feels that their results are suspect - please let me know ASAP.



I always think my results are suspect on principle, as how are Goblins WINNING games?!?! Laughing

Oh wait it's because Longshot ISN'T their coach, otherwise they'd lose far more often.... Twisted Evil
Paul - Mar 23, 2005 - 12:42 PM
Post subject:
I would like to get the tournament results into Ben, so if anyone feels that their results are suspect - please let me know ASAP.

Yea, I'd like Bens Dwarfs tested for illegal performance enhancing drugs. Game 1 against him saw his guys get 0 Casualties, then we get to the finals and he gets 7. Smile
twist - Mar 23, 2005 - 01:24 PM
Post subject:
      Paul wrote:
Yea, I'd like Bens Dwarfs tested for illegal performance enhancing drugs.

Ahem! And a certain Privateers team needs to be tested as well! They out-dodged my skinks! Shocked
Spazzfist - Mar 23, 2005 - 02:05 PM
Post subject:
      Paul wrote:
I would like to get the tournament results into Ben, so if anyone feels that their results are suspect - please let me know ASAP.

Yea, I'd like Bens Dwarfs tested for illegal performance enhancing drugs. Game 1 against him saw his guys get 0 Casualties, then we get to the finals and he gets 7. Smile

But we all aready know that Ben is broken. Razz
CyberHare - Mar 23, 2005 - 02:09 PM
Post subject:
Ben is the Jedi Coach. He has mind powers over the dice I swear.
Clan_Skaven - Mar 23, 2005 - 02:18 PM
Post subject:
      CyberHare wrote:
Ben is the Jedi Coach. He has mind powers over the dice I swear.

Well can Ben use those Jedi powers to put in the Canadian Open results before we see the next movie containing 'jedi powers' up on the big screen? Wink
Clan_Skaven - Mar 23, 2005 - 02:19 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      Paul wrote:
I would like to get the tournament results into Ben, so if anyone feels that their results are suspect - please let me know ASAP.

Yea, I'd like Bens Dwarfs tested for illegal performance enhancing drugs. Game 1 against him saw his guys get 0 Casualties, then we get to the finals and he gets 7. Smile

But we all aready know that Ben is broken. Razz

Ben isn't broken, he just cheats! Laughing

You know exactly what I'm talking about Ben.....

"I got my eye on you Mr.!"

KarlLagerbottom - Mar 23, 2005 - 02:21 PM
Post subject:
      CyberHare wrote:
Ben is the Jedi Coach. He has mind powers over the dice I swear.

Pow Pow Pow
Mr. Green BEN: That's not the roll you were looking should use a re-roll.
Shocked OTHER GUY: That's not the roll I was looking for...I'm gonna re-roll that...
Skull Skull Skull
Ben - Mar 23, 2005 - 02:21 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
      CyberHare wrote:
Ben is the Jedi Coach. He has mind powers over the dice I swear.

Well can Ben use those Jedi powers to put in the Canadian Open results before we see 'jedi powers' up on the big screen? Wink

Yes Yes i'm just waiting for Ian to confirm some of the results as i don't have the original sheets, i only have the spreadsheet and there was some minor mistakes.

Anyways i will have them entered in this week along with the Qermitt results. I swear Wink

Clan_Skaven - Mar 23, 2005 - 02:24 PM
Post subject:
      Ben wrote:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
      CyberHare wrote:
Ben is the Jedi Coach. He has mind powers over the dice I swear.

Well can Ben use those Jedi powers to put in the Canadian Open results before we see 'jedi powers' up on the big screen? Wink

Yes Yes i'm just waiting for Ian to confirm some of the results as i don't have the original sheets, i only have the spreadsheet and there was some minor mistakes.

Anyways i will have them entered in this week along with the Qermitt results. I swear Wink


Allssssss Good, buddy. I just love picking on ya. (but you still cheat.)
Clan_Skaven - Mar 23, 2005 - 02:26 PM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
      CyberHare wrote:
Ben is the Jedi Coach. He has mind powers over the dice I swear.

Pow Pow Pow
Mr. Green BEN: That's not the roll you were looking should use a re-roll.
Shocked OTHER GUY: That's not the roll I was looking for...I'm gonna re-roll that...
Skull Skull Skull

That is brilliant Rob.

Ben, you should use that as your sig.

Spazzfist - Mar 23, 2005 - 05:07 PM
Post subject:
Yeah, you only have to check out the album at to see Jedi Master Tusim at the Deathbowl II in his full regalia!

Paul - Mar 23, 2005 - 05:54 PM
Post subject:
      twist wrote:
      Paul wrote:
Yea, I'd like Bens Dwarfs tested for illegal performance enhancing drugs.

Ahem! And a certain Privateers team needs to be tested as well! They out-dodged my skinks! Shocked

Look, Agility of a skink = 3, agility of a Dwarf Runner = 3. Its not that hard to make the dodge when there are no tackle zones hes going into.

You should really be complaining about picking up the ball in the tackle zone of your skink before I made the dodge roll. Twisted Evil
Spazzfist - Mar 23, 2005 - 07:55 PM
Post subject:
Okay, so aside from Clan-Skaven there are no complaints about the scores (leave it to Rod to be the only one to bitch!) Laughing

So as soon as I get a place to send it to, the tourney file will got to Ben to be entered and immortalized.

twist - Mar 29, 2005 - 10:50 PM
Post subject:
Is Rob from Niagara Falls not a NAF member? My win over him for the last game is mysteriously missing... Neutral
Clan_Skaven - Mar 30, 2005 - 01:13 AM
Post subject:
      twist wrote:
Is Rob from Niagara Falls not a NAF member? My win over him for the last game is mysteriously missing... Neutral

Rob from Niagara Falls is a NAF member

From Niagara Falls there was 3 representatives, all 3 being NAF

In order of final CoQ rank (best to worst)

10th place Robert Pharand (Chaos Dwarf)NAF name: Talons
12th place Joseph Michaud (Orc)NAF name: Grell
13th place Rod Davidson "me" (Lizardmen)NAF name:Clan-Skaven

P.S. I'm still waiting for Talons to shave my head!

Clan_Skaven - Mar 30, 2005 - 02:12 AM
Post subject:
      twist wrote:
Is Rob from Niagara Falls not a NAF member? My win over him for the last game is mysteriously missing... Neutral

Cam I see where your final game vs. Rob (Talons) went. If you look at the final round of the C o Q you will see a game that did not take place. They have Talons defeating BikerBob 2-1 (I saw you ((Twist)) defeat him in a close fought battle on the Khemri Pitch). I'm not sure who BikerBob played in the final round but it was not Talons that much I do know.

Also I (Clan-Skaven) have a better record with my Lizardmen than I deserve.

You have me at W2 T2 L1
I should be W1 T2 L2

The error also is in the final round, here is how it reads...

Clan-Skaven defeating Da Scum 1-0

I did play Da Scum (& as far as I'd love to brag about beating the number 1 Goblin Coach in the World, I have to admit, no I lost.)

The real result should read....

Da Scum defeating Clan-Skaven 3-1

Hope this helps to clear things up.

twist - Mar 30, 2005 - 03:06 AM
Post subject:
Perhaps BikerBob (James) played Zombie. *shrugs* I remember for sure I played Rob Pharand. I think I accidently stole his D8 (its a speckled brown colour)

I'm holding it ransom til the next tourney! SPIKE maybe? Laughing

I knew I had 5 NAF ranked games out of 6, as I played *cough* Zombie for a tie as well. Overall I was 3 wins, 2 ties, and a loss.
Clan_Skaven - Mar 30, 2005 - 04:48 AM
Post subject:
      twist wrote:
Perhaps BikerBob (James) played Zombie. *shrugs* I remember for sure I played Rob Pharand. I think I accidently stole his D8 (its a speckled brown colour)

I'm holding it ransom til the next tourney! SPIKE maybe? Laughing

I knew I had 5 NAF ranked games out of 6, as I played *cough* Zombie for a tie as well. Overall I was 3 wins, 2 ties, and a loss.

Ya that greyish/brownish D8 is his probably, I know he had one that colour. I'll ask him if its missing.

Rod. (I to had a game not count for NAF ranking a game I lost to *cough* Zombie as well)

I know Rob Pharand played BikerBob earlier in the tourney I'm sure Rob (Talons lost). But as I stated I remember your last game on the Khemri pitch vs. Talons, everyone seemed to be watching it. (not because it was interesting, but more so cause you two were soo slow that the rest of us had nothing better to do. Wink )

Da_Scum - Mar 31, 2005 - 01:12 PM
Post subject:
I see the results for the last round STILL seen to be plagued by gremlins...

So no matter how much Clan-Skaven bribed you to change the result Laughing it STILL turns into the Goblins beating his Rats in Lizard suits 3-1...heck his was the only game I even won on casualties! Rolling Eyes It helps that his Saurus crew have this deathwish in self-mutilating themselves... Twisted Evil
Ben - Mar 31, 2005 - 01:29 PM
Post subject:
I will look into getting these results changed.

Sorry, but it's Craig's fault, not mine. Wink

twist - Mar 31, 2005 - 04:41 PM
Post subject:
Thanks Ben! IIRC, it was a 3-2 win for me with Lizardmen over Rob's (Talons) Chaos Dwarfs. I'll email Bikerbob and verify who he played in his last game.
Deathwing - Mar 31, 2005 - 05:46 PM
Post subject:
When you get a full list of corrections sorted, mail them to Sputnik. Helps if you can be specific with the wrong game numbers and what they should be.
Bikerbob - Apr 01, 2005 - 06:55 AM
Post subject:
My last game was against Steve (Zombie) undead. I lost that game... hmmm 2-0?? I think.

So there ya go twist... Smile

Bikerbob - Apr 01, 2005 - 06:57 AM
Post subject:
If anyone ended up with an extra scatter template and or thowin template.. I did not get mine back from the tournament.


Bikerbob - Apr 01, 2005 - 07:25 AM
Post subject:
Oh yeah, and for those that are interested we did have a baby the following weekend!!!

YEs a lot of you said my wife Dawn looked like she was ready...

A boy Liam Patrick, 7lb 6oz

Clan_Skaven - Apr 01, 2005 - 08:57 AM
Post subject:
      Bikerbob wrote:
Oh yeah, and for those that are interested we did have a baby the following weekend!!!

YEs a lot of you said my wife Dawn looked like she was ready...

A boy Liam Patrick, 7lb 6oz


Congrats! Laughing
Da_Scum - Apr 01, 2005 - 09:51 AM
Post subject:
      Bikerbob wrote:
Oh yeah, and for those that are interested we did have a baby the following weekend!!!

YEs a lot of you said my wife Dawn looked like she was ready...

A boy Liam Patrick, 7lb 6oz


And how soon will we see the little snotling fielding his first team? Laughing Or is he the right scale already to be on his own team?
Da_Scum - Apr 01, 2005 - 09:54 AM
Post subject:
      Deathwing wrote:
When you get a full list of corrections sorted, mail them to Sputnik. Helps if you can be specific with the wrong game numbers and what they should be.

Only error I found was the last games against Clan-Skaven, instead of the 1-0 Loss it was reported as for some reason it was in fact a 3-1 WIN for Da Maggot Scum against those heratic Rats in Lizard suits that Clan-Skaven decided to field.

Clan-Skaven wants his win against the Goblins he's got to earn it the older fashioned way, as I sure didn't get my cut of the bribe! Laughing
Clan_Skaven - Apr 01, 2005 - 02:48 PM
Post subject:
      Da_Scum wrote:
      Deathwing wrote:
When you get a full list of corrections sorted, mail them to Sputnik. Helps if you can be specific with the wrong game numbers and what they should be.

Only error I found was the last games against Clan-Skaven, instead of the 1-0 Loss it was reported as for some reason it was in fact a 3-1 WIN for Da Maggot Scum against those heratic Rats in Lizard suits that Clan-Skaven decided to field.

Clan-Skaven wants his win against the Goblins he's got to earn it the older fashioned way, as I sure didn't get my cut of the bribe! Laughing

Hey somebuddy must like me, but come on if your gonna give me a false win, make it like 6-0! Laughing
Da_Scum - Apr 01, 2005 - 03:04 PM
Post subject:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Hey somebuddy must like me, but come on if your gonna give me a false win, make it like 6-0! Laughing

Yeah and we've got the photos to prove it! Though how on earth you got the sheep to stand still long enough to put the suspenders and knickers on I have no idea... Laughing
Clan_Skaven - Apr 01, 2005 - 03:11 PM
Post subject:
      Da_Scum wrote:
      Clan-Skaven wrote:
Hey somebuddy must like me, but come on if your gonna give me a false win, make it like 6-0! Laughing

Yeah and we've got the photos to prove it! Though how on earth you got the sheep to stand still long enough to put the suspenders and knickers on I have no idea... Laughing

Speaking of pictures, does anyone else have C o Q pics?

Bikerbob - Apr 03, 2005 - 12:58 AM
Post subject:
Yes we will have some Rod, but we are film, so I will have to get them developed and then I can put them up!

Clan_Skaven - Apr 03, 2005 - 03:47 AM
Post subject:
      Bikerbob wrote:
Yes we will have some Rod, but we are film, so I will have to get them developed and then I can put them up!


Cool, buddy! Great, I look forward to seeing them.

Spazzfist - Apr 04, 2005 - 11:48 AM
Post subject:

I have uploaded some pics onto the Q'ermitt website - check the album under the folder "Qermitt '05"

Paul - Apr 06, 2005 - 10:56 AM
Post subject:
Here are some pics that one of the TBBF members took. (He didn't play, just showed up for a few minutes and got some pics.)
Da_Scum - Apr 06, 2005 - 11:36 AM
Post subject:
      Ben wrote:
I will look into getting these results changed.

Sorry, but it's Craig's fault, not mine. Wink


tick tick tick tick.... Laughing
KarlLagerbottom - Apr 06, 2005 - 11:38 AM
Post subject:
Dude...that is some camera...those shots are very clear.

Clan_Skaven - Apr 06, 2005 - 11:02 PM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
Dude...that is some camera...those shots are very clear.


Ya Paul great shots! Clearly I'm an important Cog in the BB Tourney Scene, since I'm in so many of the pics! Wink

Spazzfist - Apr 07, 2005 - 07:14 AM
Post subject:
No, you're not that important - you're just too friggin huge! Laughing
Paul - Apr 07, 2005 - 10:27 AM
Post subject:
Ya Paul great shots! Clearly I'm an important Cog in the BB Tourney Scene, since I'm in so many of the pics! icon_wink.gif

I wish I could take credit for them, but they were taken by Steve from the TBBF. I just posted them on a website for everyone to see.

I guess when you have an oversized rat player in a small area, you managed to get in most of the pics by default.
Clan_Skaven - Apr 07, 2005 - 12:36 PM
Post subject:
      Paul wrote:
Ya Paul great shots! Clearly I'm an important Cog in the BB Tourney Scene, since I'm in so many of the pics! icon_wink.gif

I wish I could take credit for them, but they were taken by Steve from the TBBF. I just posted them on a website for everyone to see.

I guess when you have an oversized rat player in a small area, you managed to get in most of the pics by default
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
twist - Apr 08, 2005 - 03:33 AM
Post subject:
Thanks for the suggestion, DW! Thank you Sputnik for fixing things! Woot!

And all is right in the world... i hope. Wink
Da_Scum - Apr 08, 2005 - 09:40 AM
Post subject:
      twist wrote:
Thanks for the suggestion, DW! Thank you Sputnik for fixing things! Woot!

And all is right in the world... i hope. Wink

>Doing the goblin happy dance< Very Happy
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