NAF World Headquarters

North America - Any word on DragonBowl in Atlanta?

kwailung - Sep 05, 2004 - 12:29 PM
Post subject: Any word on DragonBowl in Atlanta?
Anyone heard if it's been well attended? Any fun? Who's winning? Anything of the sort -- or is everyone so focused on the hurricane blowing one state away and trying to house Floridian evacuees that they're not able to effectively throw block dice?
Old_Man_Monkey - Sep 07, 2004 - 02:46 AM
Post subject:
Well, not quite away, but certainly distracted! Very Happy

Just had power return after 40 hours and email is again accessible... had plans at one point to return to Atlanta and play but property protection took precedence...
kwailung - Sep 07, 2004 - 02:48 AM
Post subject:
Just glad to hear you're OK, OMM.
CyberHare - Sep 07, 2004 - 03:47 AM
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Yeah I was starting to get concerned about you when I was seeing on the news what the storm was doing. Good to hear you're all right.

Lol I just read your sig. So Rod got you to play Snorta Smile
Old_Man_Monkey - Sep 07, 2004 - 04:08 AM
Post subject:
Rental properties have some cleanup.... but all else is fine.

I plead inebriation in Indy... silly damn game! Very Happy
Melifaxis - Sep 07, 2004 - 07:44 AM
Post subject:
Glad to hear it!
FSUpadre - Sep 12, 2004 - 07:09 PM
Post subject:
Glad you're okay as well, OMM! As for the DragonBowl, we wound up with 10 players total (not bad considering the airports were closed at noon and that overall attendance in the gaming room looked to be way down from previous years). Our overall winner was Ben Harben, who along with a game board (thanks OMM!) also got a paid entry to the Chaos Cup this year. With the small number of players, and the fact that one or two wouldn't be able to play the next day anyway, we decided to make the event one day and only three rounds (this worked out well, since other players asked me to run a 40K event the next day since there was nothing GW set to be run at all other than the DragonBowl). Due to the number of coaches and the change to one day, everyone got a refund (To date, I'm thinking we've only wound up charging players ONE time in the past four or so years for the tournament!). Everyone seemed to have a really good time (unless they lied to me), and we got some ideas for next year. There were a couple of nice orc teams, a beautiful Khermi team (I have to re-think them), sweet Nurgle team, two or three undead, and the now-obligatory CD steamrollers.

After talking with the coaches for feedback, we are going to go to a one day tournament on Friday for DragonBowl, and then a small 500 point 40K tournament on Saturday next year ($5 each, unless we get stupid and run it for free yet again!). This allows the players to see and do other things (and there's a LOT to see and do at Dragoncon), but still get to play in a BB tourney. The Skeleton Crew will keep the prize support as we have before, and provided the dates stay the same, next year's winner will get one of our boards, a trophy and also recieve entry to the 2005 Chaos Cup.

All in all, it was an example of adapt to the situation, but I thought it went well, and most importantly, people had a good time.
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