NAF World Headquarters

North America - Chicago 2004 Games Day BB

Icecave - Sep 20, 2004 - 11:35 PM
Post subject: Chicago 2004 Games Day BB
Top of the Morning to you all:

In the club section of the recent Games Day in Chicago, I saw blood bowl being played on a variety of laminated pitches -- a snow covered pitch comes to mind. Some or all of the guys running the table were NAF members.

Regretfully, I did not make it over there to play or chat. That being the case, I am interested in obtaining copies of the pitches and any special rules used with them.

Will a member of the host club or anyone else that knows about the bloodbowl at Gamesday Chicago, please contact me?

Old_Man_Monkey - Sep 21, 2004 - 05:06 AM
Post subject:
I believe Gregg Griersch, our US National Tournament Organizer, was in charge of that effort - from all reports, Gregg and his intrepid band of volunteers did a fantastic job playing demo games with all comers and promoting NAF membership...
Shadewe - Sep 21, 2004 - 10:54 AM
Post subject:
I have created a brief outline for Ice Bowl. I have seen some related to a hocky version, but I took playing Football on Ice.
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